
Guido Gronthoud

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14EEJens Anders, Shaji Krishnan, Guido Gronthoud: Re-configuration of sub-blocks for effective application of time domain tests. DATE 2007: 707-712
13EEBram Kruseman, Ananta K. Majhi, Guido Gronthoud: On Performance Testing with Path Delay Patterns. VTS 2007: 29-34
12EEAnanta K. Majhi, Mohamed Azimane, Guido Gronthoud, Maurice Lousberg, Stefan Eichenberger, Fred Bowen: Memory Testing Under Different Stress Conditions: An Industrial Evaluation CoRR abs/0710.4693: (2007)
11EEJing Wang, Duncan M. Hank Walker, Xiang Lu, Ananta K. Majhi, Bram Kruseman, Guido Gronthoud, Luis Elvira Villagra, Paul J. A. M. van de Wiel, Stefan Eichenberger: Modeling Power Supply Noise in Delay Testing. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 24(3): 226-234 (2007)
10EEXinyue Fan, Will Moore, Camelia Hora, Mario H. Konijnenburg, Guido Gronthoud: A Gate-Level Method for Transistor-Level Bridging Fault Diagnosis. VTS 2006: 266-271
9EEAmir Zjajo, José Pineda de Gyvez, Guido Gronthoud: Structural Fault Modeling and Fault Detection Through Neyman-Pearson Decision Criteria for Analog Integrated Circuits. J. Electronic Testing 22(4-6): 399-409 (2006)
8EEAnanta K. Majhi, Mohamed Azimane, Guido Gronthoud, Maurice Lousberg, Stefan Eichenberger, Fred Bowen: Memory Testing Under Different Stress Conditions: An Industrial Evaluation. DATE 2005: 438-443
7EEMohamed Azimane, Ananta K. Majhi, Guido Gronthoud, Maurice Lousberg: A New Algorithm for Dynamic Faults Detection in RAMs. VTS 2005: 177-182
6EEJosé Pineda de Gyvez, Guido Gronthoud, Rashid Amine: Multi-VDD Testing for Analog Circuits. J. Electronic Testing 21(3): 311-322 (2005)
5EEBram Kruseman, Ananta K. Majhi, Guido Gronthoud, Stefan Eichenberger: On Hazard-free Patterns for Fine-delay Fault Testing. ITC 2004: 213-222
4EEJosé Pineda de Gyvez, Guido Gronthoud, Cristiano Cenci, Martin Posch, Thomas Burger, Manfred Koller: Power Supply Ramping for Quasi-static Testing of PLLs. ITC 2004: 980-987
3EEJosé Pineda de Gyvez, Guido Gronthoud, Rashid Amine: VDD Ramp Testing for RF Circuits. ITC 2003: 651-658
2EEAnanta K. Majhi, Guido Gronthoud, Camelia Hora, Maurice Lousberg, Pop Valer, Stefan Eichenberger: Improving Diagnostic Resolution of Delay Faults using Path Delay Fault Model. VTS 2003: 345-350
1 Will Moore, Guido Gronthoud, Keith Baker, Maurice Lousberg: Delay-fault testing and defects in deep sub-micron ICs-does critical resistance really mean anything? ITC 2000: 95-104

Coauthor Index

1Rashid Amine [3] [6]
2Jens Anders [14]
3Mohamed Azimane [7] [8] [12]
4Keith Baker [1]
5Fred Bowen [8] [12]
6Thomas Burger [4]
7Cristiano Cenci [4]
8Stefan Eichenberger [2] [5] [8] [11] [12]
9Xinyue Fan [10]
10José Pineda de Gyvez [3] [4] [6] [9]
11Camelia Hora [2] [10]
12Manfred Koller [4]
13Mario H. Konijnenburg (M. H. Konijnenburg) [10]
14Shaji Krishnan [14]
15Bram Kruseman [5] [11] [13]
16Maurice Lousberg [1] [2] [7] [8] [12]
17Xiang Lu [11]
18Ananta K. Majhi [2] [5] [7] [8] [11] [12] [13]
19Will Moore [1] [10]
20Martin Posch [4]
21Pop Valer [2]
22Luis Elvira Villagra [11]
23D. M. H. Walker (Duncan M. Hank Walker) [11]
24Jing Wang [11]
25Paul J. A. M. van de Wiel [11]
26Amir Zjajo [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)