
Joseph Bergin

Joe Bergin

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35EEJoseph Bergin, Rick Mercer, David West, Robert C. Duvall, Eugene Wallingford, Pamela M. Rostal, Richard P. Gabriel: A snapshot of studio based learning: code reviews as a means of community building. OOPSLA Companion 2008: 887-888
34EEJoe Hummel, Carl Alphonce, Joe Bergin, Michael E. Caspersen, Stuart Hansen, James E. Heliotis, Michael Kölling: Nifty objects for CS0 and CS1. SIGCSE 2008: 437-438
33EEJoe Bergin, Michael J. Clancy, Don Slater, Michael Goldweber, David B. Levine: Day one of the objects-first first course: what to do. SIGCSE 2007: 264-265
32EEJoseph Bergin, Fred Grossman: Extreme Construction: Making Agile Accessible. AGILE 2006: 384-389
31EEFred Grossman, Joe Bergin, Rinaldo Digiorgio: Teaching Agile - Agile Teaching: Creating a Holistic Learning Environment. AGILE 2006: 421-422
30EEJoe Bergin, Raymond Lister, Barbara Boucher Owens, Myles F. McNally: The first programming course: ideas to end the enrollment decline. ITiCSE 2006: 301-302
29EEJoe Bergin: Karel universe drag & drop editor. ITiCSE 2006: 307
28EERaymond Lister, Anders Berglund, Tony Clear, Joe Bergin, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Brian Hanks, Lewis E. Hitchner, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Kate Sanders, Carsten Schulte, Jacqueline L. Whalley: Research perspectives on the objects-early debate. SIGCSE Bulletin 38(4): 146-165 (2006)
27EEMatt Ganis, David Leip, Fred Grossman, Joe Bergin: Introducing Agile Development (XP) into a Corporate Webmaster Environment - An Experience Report. AGILE 2005: 145-152
26EEJoseph Bergin, Eugene Wallingford, Michael E. Caspersen, Michael Goldweber, Michael Kölling: Teaching polymorphism early. ITiCSE 2005: 342-343
25EEJoseph Bergin: Academic jeopardy. ITiCSE 2005: 389
24EEJoseph Bergin, Eugene Wallingford: Test-first pair-programming tutorial. ITiCSE 2005: 416
23EEJoseph Bergin, Clifton Kussmaul, Thomas Reichlmayr, James Caristi, Gary Pollice: Agile development in computer science education: practices and prognosis. SIGCSE 2005: 130-131
22EEJoe Bergin, Kim B. Bruce, Michael Kölling: Objects-early tools: a demonstration. SIGCSE 2005: 390-391
21EEFred Grossman, Joe Bergin, David Leip, Susan M. Merritt, Olly Gotel: One XP experience: introducing agile (XP) software development into a culture that is willing but not ready. CASCON 2004: 242-254
20EEJoe Bergin, James Caristi, Yael Dubinsky, Orit Hazzan, Laurie A. Williams: Teaching software development methods: the case of extreme programming. SIGCSE 2004: 448-449
19EEErzsébet Angster, Joseph Bergin, Marianna Sipos: Patterns in Teaching Software Development. ECOOP Workshops 2003: 130-142
18EEJoseph Bergin: Teaching polymorphism with elementary design patterns. OOPSLA Companion 2003: 167-169
17EEJames Huggins, Joseph Bergin, James Caristi, Ellen Walker: Survivor: getting through that class the first time. SIGCSE 2003: 234-235
16EEJoseph Bergin: Teaching on the wiki web. ITiCSE 2002: 195
15EEJoseph Bergin, Richard Kick, Judith Hromcik, Kathleen Larson: The object is objects. SIGCSE 2002: 251
14EEJoseph Bergin, Russel L. Winder: Understanding object-oriented programming. SIGPLAN Notices 37(6): 18-25 (2002)
13EEJoseph Bergin: A pattern language for initial course design. SIGCSE 2001: 282-286
12EEByron Weber Becker, Richard Rasala, Joseph Bergin, Christine Shannon, Eugene Wallingford: Polymorphic panelists. SIGCSE 2001: 410-411
11EEDavid Ginat, Daniel D. Garcia, Owen L. Astrachan, Joseph Bergin: Colorful illustrations of algorithmic design techniques and problem solving. SIGCSE 2001: 425-426
10EEJoseph Bergin, Charles Kelemen, Myles F. McNally, Thomas L. Naps, Michael Goldweber, Chris Power, Stephen J. Hartley: Non-programming resources for an introduction to CS: a collection of resources for the first courses in computer science. SIGCSE Bulletin 33(2): 89-100 (2001)
9 Joseph Bergin: The Undergraduate Language Course: What To Do? SIGPLAN Notices 36(6): 20-22 (2001)
8EEErzsébet Angster, Joseph Bergin, László Böszörményi: Introduction OO Design and Programming with Special Emphasis on Concrete Examples. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 338-361
7 Joseph Bergin: Introduction of OO with Java, Objects First. ECOOP Workshops 1999: 343-348
6 Joseph Bergin: Java as a Better C++. SIGPLAN Notices 31(11): 21-27 (1996)
5EEJoseph Bergin: Run-Time Design for Object-Oriented Extensions to Pascal. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1995: 97-103
4 Joseph Bergin: A Report on Object-Oriented Extensions to Pascal. SIGPLAN Notices 29(12): 18-24 (1994)
3 Joseph Bergin: The object-oriented data structures course. OOPS Messenger 4(2): 277-284 (1993)
2EEJoseph Bergin: Entity relationship modeling in object-oriented software development. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1988: 708-709
1EEJoseph Bergin, Stuart Greenfield: What does Modular-2 need to fully support object oriented programming? SIGPLAN Notices 23(3): 73-82 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1Carl Alphonce [34]
2Erzsébet Angster [8] [19]
3Owen L. Astrachan [11]
4Byron Weber Becker [12]
5Anders Berglund [28]
6László Böszörményi [8]
7Kim B. Bruce [22]
8James Caristi [17] [20] [23]
9Michael E. Caspersen [26] [34]
10Michael J. Clancy [33]
11Tony Clear [28]
12Rinaldo Digiorgio [31]
13Yael Dubinsky [20]
14Robert C. Duvall [35]
15Richard P. Gabriel [35]
16Matt Ganis [27]
17Daniel D. Garcia [11]
18Kathy Garvin-Doxas [28]
19David Ginat [11]
20Michael Goldweber [10] [26] [33]
21Olly Gotel (Orlena Gotel, O. C. Z. Gotel) [21]
22Stuart Greenfield [1]
23Fred Grossman [21] [27] [31] [32]
24Brian Hanks [28]
25Stuart Hansen [34]
26Stephen J. Hartley [10]
27Orit Hazzan [20]
28James E. Heliotis [34]
29Lewis E. Hitchner [28]
30Judith Hromcik [15]
31James Huggins [17]
32Joe Hummel [34]
33Charles Kelemen [10]
34Richard Kick [15]
35Michael Kölling [22] [26] [34]
36Clifton Kussmaul [23]
37Kathleen Larson [15]
38David Leip [21] [27]
39David B. Levine [33]
40Raymond Lister [28] [30]
41Andrew Luxton-Reilly [28]
42Myles F. McNally [10] [30]
43Rick Mercer [35]
44Susan M. Merritt [21]
45Thomas L. Naps [10]
46Barbara Boucher Owens [30]
47Gary Pollice [23]
48Chris Power [10]
49Richard Rasala [12]
50Thomas Reichlmayr [23]
51Pamela M. Rostal [35]
52Kate Sanders [28]
53Carsten Schulte [28]
54Christine Shannon [12]
55Marianna Sipos [19]
56Don Slater [33]
57Ellen Lowenfeld Walker (Ellen Walker) [17]
58Eugene Wallingford [12] [24] [26] [35]
59David West [35]
60Jacqueline L. Whalley [28]
61Laurie A. Williams (Laurie Williams) [20]
62Russel L. Winder [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)