
Brian Hanks

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15EEBrian Hanks, Laurie Murphy, Beth Simon, Renée McCauley, Carol Zander: CS1 students speak: advice for students by students. SIGCSE 2009: 19-23
14EEBrian Hanks, Matt Brandt: Successful and unsuccessful problem solving approaches of novice programmers. SIGCSE 2009: 24-28
13EEBrian Hanks, Carol Wellington, Thomas Reichlmayr, Cyril M. Coupal: Integrating agility in the cs curriculum: practices through values. SIGCSE 2008: 19-20
12EEBeth Simon, Brian Hanks: First-year students' impressions of pair programming in CS1. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 7(4): (2008)
11EEBrian Hanks: Problems encountered by novice pair programmers. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 7(4): (2008)
10EEBrian Hanks: Empirical evaluation of distributed pair programming. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(7): 530-544 (2008)
9EEBrian Hanks: Becoming Agile using Service Learning in the Software Engineering Course. AGILE 2007: 121-127
8EEBeth Simon, Sue Fitzgerald, Renée McCauley, Susan M. Haller, John Hamer, Brian Hanks, Michael T. Helmick, Jan Erik Moström, Judy Sheard, Lynda Thomas: Debugging assistance for novices: a video repository. SIGCSE Bulletin 39(4): 137-151 (2007)
7EEBrian Hanks: Student attitudes toward pair programming. ITiCSE 2006: 113-117
6EERaymond Lister, Anders Berglund, Tony Clear, Joe Bergin, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Brian Hanks, Lewis E. Hitchner, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Kate Sanders, Carsten Schulte, Jacqueline L. Whalley: Research perspectives on the objects-early debate. SIGCSE Bulletin 38(4): 146-165 (2006)
5EEBrian Hanks: Student performance in CS1 with distributed pair programming. ITiCSE 2005: 316-320
4EEBrian Hanks, Charlie McDowell, David Draper, Milovan Krnjajic: Program quality with pair programming in CS1. ITiCSE 2004: 176-180
3EELinda L. Werner, Brian Hanks, Charlie McDowell: Pair-programming helps female computer science students. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 4(1): (2004)
2EEDelbert Bailey, Tracey Conn, Brian Hanks, Linda L. Werner: Can We Influence Students? Attitudes About Inspections? Can We Measure a Change in Attitude? CSEE&T 2003: 260-267
1EECharlie McDowell, Brian Hanks, Linda L. Werner: Experimenting with pair programming in the classroom. ITiCSE 2003: 60-64

Coauthor Index

1Delbert Bailey [2]
2Joseph Bergin (Joe Bergin) [6]
3Anders Berglund [6]
4Matt Brandt [14]
5Tony Clear [6]
6Tracey Conn [2]
7Cyril M. Coupal [13]
8David Draper [4]
9Sue Fitzgerald [8]
10Kathy Garvin-Doxas [6]
11Susan M. Haller [8]
12John Hamer [8]
13Michael T. Helmick [8]
14Lewis E. Hitchner [6]
15Milovan Krnjajic [4]
16Raymond Lister [6]
17Andrew Luxton-Reilly [6]
18Renée McCauley [8] [15]
19Charles E. McDowell (Charlie McDowell) [1] [3] [4]
20Jan Erik Moström [8]
21Laurie Murphy [15]
22Thomas Reichlmayr [13]
23Kate Sanders [6]
24Carsten Schulte [6]
25Judy Sheard [8]
26Beth Simon [8] [12] [15]
27Lynda Thomas [8]
28Carol Wellington [13]
29Linda L. Werner [1] [2] [3]
30Jacqueline L. Whalley [6]
31Carol Zander [15]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)