
Stephen J. Hartley

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14 Joel M. Crichlow, Stephen J. Hartley, Michael Hosein, Claudine Innis: The copar service: Combining optimism and pessimism in accessing replicas. Communications, Internet, and Information Technology 2004: 558-563
13EEStephen J. Hartley: "Alfonse, give me a call!". SIGCSE 2001: 229-232
12EEJoseph Bergin, Charles Kelemen, Myles F. McNally, Thomas L. Naps, Michael Goldweber, Chris Power, Stephen J. Hartley: Non-programming resources for an introduction to CS: a collection of resources for the first courses in computer science. SIGCSE Bulletin 33(2): 89-100 (2001)
11EEStephen J. Hartley: "Alfonse, you have a message!". SIGCSE 2000: 60-64
10EEMichael Goldweber, John Barr, Tracy Camp, John Grahm, Stephen J. Hartley: A comparison of operating systems courseware. SIGCSE 1999: 348-349
9EEStephen J. Hartley: "Alfonse, wait here for my signal!". SIGCSE 1999: 58-62
8EEStephen J. Hartley: "Alfonse, your Java is ready!". SIGCSE 1998: 247-251
7EEStephen J. Hartley: Steiner systems and the Boolean satisfiability problem. SAC 1996: 277-281
6EEStephen J. Hartley: Animating operating systems algorithms with XTANGO. SIGCSE 1994: 344-348
5EEStephen J. Hartley, Aaron H. Konstam: Using Genetic Algorithms to Generate Steiner Triple Systems. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1993: 366-371
4EEAaron H. Konstam, Stephen J. Hartley, William L. Carr: Optimization in a Distributed Processing Environment Using Genetic Algorithms with Multivariate Crossover. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1992: 109-116
3EEStephen J. Hartley: Experience with the language SR in an undergraduate operating systems course. SIGCSE 1992: 176-180
2EEStephen J. Hartley: Compile-Time Program Restructuring in Multiprogrammed Virtual Memory Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(11): 1640-1644 (1988)
1EEStephen J. Hartley: An Analysis of Some Problems in Managing Virtual Memory Systems with Fast Secondary Storage Devices. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 14(8): 1176-1187 (1988)

Coauthor Index

1John Barr [10]
2Joseph Bergin (Joe Bergin) [12]
3Tracy Camp [10]
4William L. Carr [4]
5Joel M. Crichlow [14]
6Michael Goldweber [10] [12]
7John Grahm [10]
8Michael Hosein [14]
9Claudine Innis [14]
10Charles Kelemen [12]
11Aaron H. Konstam [4] [5]
12Myles F. McNally [12]
13Thomas L. Naps [12]
14Chris Power [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)