
Laurie A. Williams

Laurie Williams

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100EELaurie Williams, Michael Gegick, Andrew Meneely: Protection Poker: Structuring Software Security Risk Assessment and Knowledge Transfer. ESSoS 2009: 122-134
99EEMichael Gegick, Pete Rotella, Laurie Williams: Toward Non-security Failures as a Predictor of Security Faults and Failures. ESSoS 2009: 135-149
98EEAndrew Meneely, Laurie Williams: On preparing students for distributed software development with a synchronous, collaborative development platform. SIGCSE 2009: 529-533
97 Hossein Saiedian, Laurie A. Williams: Proceedings 21st Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training, CSEET 2008, 14-17 April 2008, Charleston, South Carolina, USA IEEE Computer Society 2008
96EELaurie A. Williams, D. Scott McCrickard, Lucas Layman, Khaled Hussein: Eleven Guidelines for Implementing Pair Programming in the Classroom. AGILE 2008: 445-452
95EELucas Layman, Laurie A. Williams, Robert St. Amant: MimEc: intelligent user notification of faults in the eclipse IDE. CHASE 2008: 73-76
94EEYonghee Shin, Laurie Williams: An empirical model to predict security vulnerabilities using code complexity metrics. ESEM 2008: 315-317
93EESarah Smith Heckman, Laurie Williams: On establishing a benchmark for evaluating static analysis alert prioritization and classification techniques. ESEM 2008: 41-50
92EEMark Sherriff, Laurie Williams: Empirical Software Change Impact Analysis using Singular Value Decomposition. ICST 2008: 268-277
91EEMichael Gegick, Laurie Williams: Ranking Attack-Prone Components with a Predictive Model. ISSRE 2008: 315-316
90EEAndrew Meneely, Laurie Williams, Edward F. Gehringer: ROSE: a repository of education-friendly open-source projects. ITiCSE 2008: 7-11
89EESteven Fraser, Djenana Campara, Robert Gleichauf, Harriet Pearson, Peter Swire, Laurie Williams: Privacy and security: what are you doing to keep the community safe? OOPSLA Companion 2008: 801-804
88EEMichael Gegick, Laurie Williams, Jason Osborne, Mladen A. Vouk: Prioritizing software security fortification throughcode-level metrics. QoP 2008: 31-38
87EEYonghee Shin, Laurie Williams: Is complexity really the enemy of software security? QoP 2008: 47-50
86EEChih-Wei Ho, Laurie Williams, Brian Robinson: Examining the Relationships between Performance Requirements and "Not a Problem" Defect Reports. RE 2008: 135-144
85EEBen Smith, Yonghee Shin, Laurie Williams: Proposing SQL statement coverage metrics. SESS 2008: 49-56
84EEAndrew Meneely, Laurie Williams, Will Snipes, Jason Osborne: Predicting failures with developer networks and social network analysis. SIGSOFT FSE 2008: 13-23
83EELaurie A. Williams, Mladen A. Vouk: Agile Software Development. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
82EENachiappan Nagappan, E. Michael Maximilien, Thirumalesh Bhat, Laurie Williams: Realizing quality improvement through test driven development: results and experiences of four industrial teams. Empirical Software Engineering 13(3): 289-302 (2008)
81EEJulio Cesar Sanchez, Laurie A. Williams, E. Michael Maximilien: On the Sustained Use of a Test-Driven Development Practice at IBM. AGILE 2007: 5-14
80EEJiang Zheng, Laurie Williams, Brian Robinson: Pallino: automation to support regression test selection for cots-based applications. ASE 2007: 224-233
79EEMark Sherriff, Sarah Smith Heckman, Mike Lake, Laurie A. Williams: Identifying fault-prone files using static analysis alerts through singular value decomposition. CASCON 2007: 276-279
78EELaurie Williams, Lucas Layman: Lab Partners: If They're Good Enough for the Natural Sciences, Why Aren't They Good Enough for Us? CSEE&T 2007: 72-82
77EEMark Sherriff, Sarah Smith Heckman, J. Michael Lake, Laurie A. Williams: Using groupings of static analysis alerts to identify files likely to contain field failures. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE 2007: 565-568
76EEMark Sherriff, Sarah Smith Heckman, J. Michael Lake, Laurie A. Williams: Using groupings of static analysis alerts to identify files likely to contain field failures. ESEC/SIGSOFT FSE (Companion) 2007: 565-568
75EELucas Layman, Laurie Williams, Robert St. Amant: Toward Reducing Fault Fix Time: Understanding Developer Behavior for the Design of Automated Fault Detection Tools. ESEM 2007: 176-185
74EELaurie Williams, Lucas Layman, Kelli M. Slaten, Sarah B. Berenson, Carolyn B. Seaman: On the Impact of a Collaborative Pedagogy on African American Millennial Students in Software Engineering. ICSE 2007: 677-687
73EEChih-Wei Ho, Laurie Williams, Annie I. Antón: Improving Performance Requirements Specifications from Field Failure Reports. RE 2007: 79-88
72EELucas Layman, Laurie A. Williams, Kelli M. Slaten: Note to self: make assignments meaningful. SIGCSE 2007: 459-463
71EEChih-Wei Ho, Laurie Williams: Developing software performance with the performance refinement and evolution model. WOSP 2007: 133-136
70EEMichael J. Johnson, Chih-Wei Ho, E. Michael Maximilien, Laurie Williams: Incorporating Performance Testing in Test-Driven Development. IEEE Software 24(3): 67-73 (2007)
69EEMichael Gegick, Laurie Williams: On the design of more secure software-intensive systems by use of attack patterns. Information & Software Technology 49(4): 381-397 (2007)
68EELaurie Williams: Lessons learned from seven years of pair programming at North Carolina State University. SIGCSE Bulletin 39(4): 79-83 (2007)
67EELaurie Williams, Lucas Layman, Jason Osborne, Neha Katira: Examining the Compatibility of Student Pair Programmers. AGILE 2006: 411-420
66EEChih-Wei Ho, Michael J. Johnson, Laurie Williams, E. Michael Maximilien: On Agile Performance Requirements Specification and Testing. AGILE 2006: 47-52
65EELaurie Williams: Structuring Families of Industrial Case Studies. Empirical Software Engineering Issues 2006: 134
64EELutz Prechelt, Laurie Williams: Industry-Research Collaboration Working Group Results . Empirical Software Engineering Issues 2006: 153-157
63EELaurie Williams, Hakan Erdogmus, Richard W. Selby: Roadmapping Working Group 4 Results. Empirical Software Engineering Issues 2006: 181-183
62EEJiang Zheng, Brian Robinson, Laurie Williams, Karen Smiley: A Lightweight Process for Change Identification and Regression Test Selection in Using COTS Components. ICCBSS 2006: 137-143
61EEJiang Zheng, Brian Robinson, Laurie Williams, Karen Smiley: Applying regression test selection for COTS-based applications. ICSE 2006: 512-522
60EEMark Sherriff, Laurie Williams: DevCOP: A Software Certificate Management System for Eclipse. ISSRE 2006: 375-384
59EELucas Layman, Travis Cornwell, Laurie A. Williams: Personality types, learning styles, and an agile approach to software engineering education. SIGCSE 2006: 428-432
58EEMario Garzia, John P. Hudepohl, Will Snipes, Michael Lyu, John D. Musa, Carol Smidts, Laurie Williams: How should software reliability engineering (SRE) be taught? ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 31(4): 1-5 (2006)
57EELaurie Williams: Debunking the Nerd Stereotype with Pair Programming. IEEE Computer 39(5): 83-85 (2006)
56EEJiang Zheng, Laurie A. Williams, Nachiappan Nagappan, Will Snipes, John P. Hudepohl, Mladen A. Vouk: On the Value of Static Analysis for Fault Detection in Software. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 32(4): 240-253 (2006)
55EELucas Layman, Laurie Williams, Daniela Damian, Hynek Bures: Essential communication practices for Extreme Programming in a global software development team. Information & Software Technology 48(9): 781-794 (2006)
54EELucas Layman, Laurie Williams, Lynn Cunningham: Motivations and measurements in an agile case study. Journal of Systems Architecture 52(11): 654-667 (2006)
53EEMark Sherriff, Nachiappan Nagappan, Laurie A. Williams, Mladen A. Vouk: Early estimation of defect density using an in-process Haskell metrics model. A-MOST 2005
52EEKelli M. Slaten, Sarah B. Berenson, Laurie Williams, Lucas Layman, Maria A. Droujkova: Undergraduate Student Perceptions of Pair Programming and Agile Software Methodologies: Verifying a Model of Social Interaction. AGILE 2005: 323-330
51EENeha Katira, Laurie A. Williams, Jason Osborne: Towards increasing the compatibility of student pair programmers. ICSE 2005: 625-626
50EEHema Srikanth, Laurie Williams, Jason Osborne: System test case prioritization of new and regression test cases. ISESE 2005: 64-73
49EEJiang Zheng, Brian Robinson, Laurie A. Williams, Karen Smiley: An Initial Study of a Lightweight Process for Change Identification and Regression Test Selection When Source Code Is Not Available. ISSRE 2005: 225-234
48EEJohn D. Musa, Laurie A. Williams: How Should Software Reliability Engineering Be Taught? ISSRE 2005: 3
47EELaurie A. Williams: Teaching an Active-Participation University Course in Software Reliability and Testing. ISSRE 2005: 5
46EENachiappan Nagappan, Laurie A. Williams, Jason Osborne, Mladen A. Vouk, Pekka Abrahamsson: Providing Test Quality Feedback Using Static Source Code and Automatic Test Suite Metrics. ISSRE 2005: 85-94
45EEHema Srikanth, Laurie Williams: On the economics of requirements-based test case prioritization. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-3 (2005)
44EEJiang Zheng, Brian Robinson, Laurie Williams, Karen Smiley: A process for identifying changes when source code is not available. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-4 (2005)
43EELaurie Williams, Lucas Layman, Pekka Abrahamsson: On establishing the essential components of a technology-dependent framework: a strawman framework for industrial case study-based research. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005)
42EEMark Sherriff, Nachiappan Nagappan, Laurie Williams, Mladen A. Vouk: Early estimation of defect density using an in-process Haskell metrics model. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-6 (2005)
41EENachiappan Nagappan, Laurie Williams, Mladen A. Vouk, Jason Osborne: Early estimation of software quality using in-process testing metrics: a controlled case study. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-7 (2005)
40EEMichael Gegick, Laurie Williams: Matching attack patterns to security vulnerabilities in software-intensive system designs. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-7 (2005)
39EELaurie A. Williams, Anuja Shukla, Annie I. Antón: An Initial Exploration of the Relationship Between Pair Programming and Brooks' Law. Agile Development Conference 2004: 11-20
38EELucas Layman, Laurie A. Williams, Lynn Cunningham: Exploring Extreme Programming in Context: An Industrial Case Study. Agile Development Conference 2004: 32-41
37EEHema Srikanth, Laurie A. Williams, Eric Wiebe, Carol Miller, Suzanne Balik: On Pair Rotation in the Computer Science Course. CSEE&T 2004: 144-149
36EEChih-Wei Ho, Somik Raha, Edward F. Gehringer, Laurie Williams: Sangam: a distributed pair programming plug-in for Eclipse. ETX 2004: 73-77
35 Aldo Dagnino, Karen Smiley, Hema Srikanth, Annie I. Antón, Laurie A. Williams: Experiences in applying agile software development practices in new product development. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications 2004: 501-506
34EEMartin Davidsson, Jiang Zheng, Nachiappan Nagappan, Laurie A. Williams, Mladen A. Vouk: GERT: An Empirical Reliability Estimation and Testing Feedback Tool. ISSRE 2004: 269-280
33EENachiappan Nagappan, Laurie A. Williams, John P. Hudepohl, Will Snipes, Mladen A. Vouk: Preliminary Results On Using Static Analysis Tools For Software Inspection. ISSRE 2004: 429-439
32EEJoe Bergin, James Caristi, Yael Dubinsky, Orit Hazzan, Laurie A. Williams: Teaching software development methods: the case of extreme programming. SIGCSE 2004: 448-449
31EENeha Katira, Laurie A. Williams, Eric Wiebe, Carol Miller, Suzanne Balik, Edward F. Gehringer: On understanding compatibility of student pair programmers. SIGCSE 2004: 7-11
30EESarah B. Berenson, Kelli M. Slaten, Laurie Williams, Chih-Wei Ho: Voices of women in a software engineering course: reflections on collaboration. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 4(1): (2004)
29EELaurie Williams: On the need for a process for making reliable quality comparisons with industrial data. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 29(5): 1-4 (2004)
28EEBoby George, Laurie A. Williams: A structured experiment of test-driven development. Information & Software Technology 46(5): 337-342 (2004)
27EEE. Michael Maximilien, Laurie A. Williams: Assessing Test-Driven Development at IBM. ICSE 2003: 564-569
26EELaurie A. Williams, Charlie McDowell, Nachiappan Nagappan, Julian Fernald, Linda L. Werner: Building Pair Programming Knowledge through a Family of Experiments. ISESE 2003: 143-153
25EELaurie A. Williams, E. Michael Maximilien, Mladen A. Vouk: Test-Driven Development as a Defect-Reduction Practice. ISSRE 2003: 34-48
24EENachiappan Nagappan, Laurie A. Williams, Mladen A. Vouk: "Good enough" software reliability estimation plug-in for Eclipse. OOPSLA Workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange 2003: 30-34
23 Boby George, Laurie A. Williams: An Initial Investigation of Test Driven Development in Industry. SAC 2003: 1135-1139
22 Prashant Baheti, Laurie A. Williams, Aldo Dagnino, Andrew Cordes: On Identifying Deficiencies in a Knowledge Management System. SEKE 2003: 385-392
21EENachiappan Nagappan, Laurie A. Williams, Miriam Ferzli, Eric Wiebe, Kai Yang, Carol Miller, Suzanne Balik: Improving the CS1 experience with pair programming. SIGCSE 2003: 359-362
20EEP. David Stotts, Laurie A. Williams, Nachiappan Nagappan, Prashant Baheti, Dennis Jen, Anne Jackson: Virtual Teaming: Experiments and Experiences with Distributed Pair Programming. XP/Agile Universe 2003: 129-141
19EENachiappan Nagappan, Laurie A. Williams, Eric Wiebe, Carol Miller, Suzanne Balik, Miriam Ferzli, Julie Petlick: Pair Learning: With an Eye Toward Future Success. XP/Agile Universe 2003: 185-198
18EEGrigori Melnik, Laurie A. Williams, Adam Geras: International Workshop on Empirical Evaluation of Agile Methods ("The Data Workshop"). XP/Agile Universe 2003: 211
17EELaurie A. Williams, Alistair Cockburn: Guest Editors' Introduction: Agile Software Development: It's about Feedback and Change. IEEE Computer 36(6): 39-43 (2003)
16EELaurie A. Williams: Guest Editor's Introduction: The XP Programmer--The Few-Minutes Programmer. IEEE Software 20(3): 16-20 (2003)
15 Don Wells, Laurie A. Williams: Extreme Programming and Agile Methods - XP/Agile Universe 2002, Second XP Universe and First Agile Universe Conference Chicago, IL, USA, August 4-7, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002
14EEAnuja Shukla, Laurie A. Williams: Adapting Extreme Programming for a Core Software Engineering Course. CSEE&T 2002: 184-191
13EELaurie A. Williams, Michael J. Lutz, Gregory W. Hislop, Michael McCracken, Nancy R. Mead, J. Fernando Naveda: Workshop 3: Integrating Agile Practices into Software Engineering Courses. CSEE&T 2002: 263-264
12EEMikael Lindvall, Victor R. Basili, Barry W. Boehm, Patricia Costa, Kathleen Dangle, Forrest Shull, Roseanne Tesoriero Tvedt, Laurie A. Williams, Marvin V. Zelkowitz: Empirical Findings in Agile Methods. XP/Agile Universe 2002: 197-207
11EELaurie A. Williams, Robert R. Kessler: Pair Programming: Experience the Difference. XP/Agile Universe 2002: 271-272
10EEP. David Stotts, Laurie A. Williams: Distributed Pair Programming. XP/Agile Universe 2002: 283
9EEGrigori Melnik, Laurie A. Williams, Adam Geras: Empirical Evaluation of Agile Processes. XP/Agile Universe 2002: 286
8EEJürgen Börstler, David A. Carrington, Gregory W. Hislop, Susan K. Lisack, Keith Olson, Laurie A. Williams: Teaching the PSP: Challenges and Lessons Learned. IEEE Software 19(5): 42-48 (2002)
7EELaurie A. Williams: Integrating Pair Programming into a Software Development Process. CSEE&T 2001: 27-
6EERyan A. Carter, Annie I. Antón, Laurie A. Williams, Aldo Dagnino: Evolving Beyond Requirements Creep: A Risk-Based Evolutionary Prototyping Model. RE 2001: 94-101
5EELaurie A. Williams, Richard L. Upchurch: In support of student pair-programming. SIGCSE 2001: 327-331
4EECarolee Stewart-Gardiner, David G. Kay, Joyce Currie Little, Joseph D. Chase, John Fendrich, Laurie A. Williams, Ursula Wolz: Collaboration vs plagiarism in computer science programming courses. SIGCSE 2001: 406-407
3EELaurie A. Williams, Robert R. Kessler: The Effects of "Pair-Pressure" and "Pair-Learning" on Software Engineering Education. CSEE&T 2000: 59-65
2EELaurie A. Williams, Robert R. Kessler: All I Really Need to Know About Pair Programming I Learned in Kindergarten. Commun. ACM 43(5): 108-114 (2000)
1EELaurie A. Williams, Robert R. Kessler, Ward Cunningham, Ron Jeffries: Strengthening the Case for Pair Programming. IEEE Software 17(4): (2000)

Coauthor Index

1Pekka Abrahamsson [43] [46]
2Robert St. Amant [75] [95]
3Annie I. Antón [6] [35] [39] [73]
4Prashant Baheti [20] [22]
5Suzanne Balik [19] [21] [31] [37]
6Victor R. Basili [12]
7Sarah B. Berenson [30] [52] [74]
8Joseph Bergin (Joe Bergin) [32]
9Thirumalesh Bhat [82]
10Barry W. Boehm [12]
11Jürgen Börstler [8]
12Hynek Bures [55]
13Djenana Campara [89]
14James Caristi [32]
15David A. Carrington [8]
16Ryan A. Carter [6]
17Joseph D. Chase [4]
18Alistair Cockburn [17]
19Andrew Cordes [22]
20Travis Cornwell [59]
21Patricia Costa [12]
22Lynn Cunningham [38] [54]
23Ward Cunningham [1]
24Aldo Dagnino [6] [22] [35]
25Daniela E. Damian (Daniela E. Herlea, Daniela Damian) [55]
26Kathleen Dangle [12]
27Martin Davidsson [34]
28Maria A. Droujkova [52]
29Yael Dubinsky [32]
30Hakan Erdogmus (M. Hakan Erdogmus) [63]
31John Fendrich [4]
32Julian Fernald [26]
33Miriam Ferzli [19] [21]
34Steven Fraser [89]
35Mario Garzia [58]
36Michael Gegick [40] [69] [88] [91] [99] [100]
37Edward F. Gehringer [31] [36] [90]
38Boby George [23] [28]
39Adam Geras [9] [18]
40Robert Gleichauf [89]
41Orit Hazzan [32]
42Sarah Smith Heckman [76] [77] [79] [93]
43Gregory W. Hislop [8] [13]
44Chih-Wei Ho [30] [36] [66] [70] [71] [73] [86]
45John P. Hudepohl [33] [56] [58]
46Khaled Hussein [96]
47Anne Jackson [20]
48Ron Jeffries [1]
49Dennis Jen [20]
50Michael J. Johnson [66] [70]
51Neha Katira [31] [51] [67]
52David G. Kay [4]
53Robert R. Kessler [1] [2] [3] [11]
54J. Michael Lake [76] [77]
55Mike Lake [79]
56Lucas Layman [38] [43] [52] [54] [55] [59] [67] [72] [74] [75] [78] [95] [96]
57Mikael Lindvall [12]
58Susan K. Lisack [8]
59Joyce Currie Little [4]
60Michael J. Lutz [13]
61Michael Lyu [58]
62E. Michael Maximilien [25] [27] [66] [70] [81] [82]
63Michael McCracken [13]
64D. Scott McCrickard [96]
65Charles E. McDowell (Charlie McDowell) [26]
66Nancy R. Mead [13]
67Grigori Melnik [9] [18]
68Andrew Meneely [84] [90] [98] [100]
69Carol Miller [19] [21] [31] [37]
70John D. Musa [48] [58]
71Nachiappan Nagappan [19] [20] [21] [24] [26] [33] [34] [41] [42] [46] [53] [56] [82]
72J. Fernando Naveda [13]
73Keith Olson [8]
74Jason Osborne [41] [46] [50] [51] [67] [84] [88]
75Harriet Pearson [89]
76Julie Petlick [19]
77Lutz Prechelt [64]
78Somik Raha [36]
79Brian Robinson [44] [49] [61] [62] [80] [86]
80Pete Rotella [99]
81Hossein Saiedian [97]
82Julio Cesar Sanchez [81]
83Carolyn B. Seaman [74]
84Richard W. Selby [63]
85Mark Sherriff [42] [53] [60] [76] [77] [79] [92]
86Yonghee Shin [85] [87] [94]
87Anuja Shukla [14] [39]
88Forrest Shull [12]
89Kelli M. Slaten [30] [52] [72] [74]
90Carol Smidts [58]
91Karen Smiley [35] [44] [49] [61] [62]
92Ben Smith [85]
93Will Snipes [33] [56] [58] [84]
94Hema Srikanth [35] [37] [45] [50]
95Carolee Stewart-Gardiner [4]
96P. David Stotts [10] [20]
97Peter Swire [89]
98Roseanne Tesoriero Tvedt (Roseanne Tesoriero) [12]
99Richard L. Upchurch [5]
100Mladen A. Vouk [24] [25] [33] [34] [41] [42] [46] [53] [56] [83] [88]
101Don Wells [15]
102Linda L. Werner [26]
103Eric Wiebe [19] [21] [31] [37]
104Ursula Wolz [4]
105Kai Yang [21]
106Marvin V. Zelkowitz [12]
107Jiang Zheng [34] [44] [49] [56] [61] [62] [80]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)