
Susan M. Merritt

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11EEFred Grossman, Joe Bergin, David Leip, Susan M. Merritt, Olly Gotel: One XP experience: introducing agile (XP) software development into a culture that is willing but not ready. CASCON 2004: 242-254
10 Susan M. Merritt, Allen Stix, Judith E. Sullivan: Security Informatics: A Paradigm Shift in Information Technology Education. ISI 2004: 516-517
9EESusan M. Merritt, Allen Stix, Judith E. Sullivan, Fred Grossman, Charles C. Tappert, David A. Sachs: Developing a professional doctorate in computing: a fifth-year assessment. SIGCSE Bulletin 36(4): 42-46 (2004)
8EESusan M. Merritt: Plan for the Development and Implementation of the ACM Computer Science Curriculum for High Schools. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1995: 277
7EESusan M. Merritt: Computer Science in the High School: What Computer Professionals Need to Know and Do (Abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1994: 427
6EESusan M. Merritt, Charles J. Bruen, J. Philip East, Darlene Grantham, Charles Rice, Viera K. Proulx, Gerry Segal, Carol E. Wolf: ACM model high school computer science curriculum (abstract). SIGCSE 1993: 309
5 Susan M. Merritt, Charles J. Bruen, J. Philip East, Darlene Grantham, Charles Rice, Viera K. Proulx, Gerry Segal, Carol E. Wolf: ACM Model High School Computer Science Curriculum. Commun. ACM 36(5): 87-90 (1993)
4EESusan M. Merritt, Cecilia Y. Nauck: Inventing a new sorting algorithm: a case study. SIGCSE 1990: 181-185
3EESusan M. Merritt: A Top Down Unification of Minimum Cost Spanning Tree Algorithms. SIGCOMM 1989: 116-127
2 Susan M. Merritt: An Inverted Taxonomy of Sorting Algorithms. Commun. ACM 28(1): 96-99 (1985)
1 Robert B. K. Dewar, Susan M. Merritt, Micha Sharir: Some Modified Algorithms for Dijkstra's Longest Upsequence Problem. Acta Inf. 18: 1-15 (1982)

Coauthor Index

1Joseph Bergin (Joe Bergin) [11]
2Charles J. Bruen [5] [6]
3Robert B. K. Dewar [1]
4J. Philip East [5] [6]
5Olly Gotel (Orlena Gotel, O. C. Z. Gotel) [11]
6Darlene Grantham [5] [6]
7Fred Grossman [9] [11]
8David Leip [11]
9Cecilia Y. Nauck [4]
10Viera K. Proulx [5] [6]
11Charles Rice [5] [6]
12David A. Sachs [9]
13Gerry Segal [5] [6]
14Micha Sharir [1]
15Allen Stix [9] [10]
16Judith E. Sullivan [9] [10]
17Charles C. Tappert [9]
18Carol E. Wolf [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)