2009 |
60 | EE | Klaus Schöffmann,
Mathias Lux,
László Böszörményi:
A Novel Approach for Fast and Accurate Commercial Detection in H.264/AVC Bit Streams Based on Logo Identification.
MMM 2009: 119-127 |
2008 |
59 | EE | Klaus Schöffmann,
László Böszörményi:
Fast Segmentation of H.264/AVC Bitstreams for On-Demand Video Summarization.
MMM 2008: 265-276 |
58 | EE | Christian Spielvogel,
László Böszörményi,
Peter Kropf:
A demo for affinity based content delivery architectures.
NOSSDAV 2008: 107-108 |
57 | EE | Klaus Schöffmann,
László Böszörményi:
Fast and flexible video content browsing based on H.264/AVC features.
NOSSDAV 2008: 115-116 |
56 | EE | László Böszörményi:
Public Adoption of Digital Multimedia - Why Is It Lagging behind Expectations? (Extended Abstract).
UNISCON 2008: 52-58 |
55 | EE | László Böszörményi:
Guest Editor's Introduction: History of Informatics.
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing 30(3): 4-7 (2008) |
2007 |
54 | EE | Klaus Schöffmann,
Markus Fauster,
Oliver Lampl,
László Böszörményi:
An Evaluation of Parallelization Concepts for Baseline-Profile Compliant H.264/AVC Decoders.
Euro-Par 2007: 782-791 |
53 | EE | Claudiu Cobârzan,
László Böszörményi:
Further Developments of a Dynamic Distributed Video Proxy-Cache System.
PDP 2007: 349-357 |
52 | EE | M. Jakab,
Michael Kropfberger,
M. Ofner,
Roland Tusch,
Hermann Hellwagner,
László Böszörményi:
Metadata Integration and Media Transcoding in Universal-Plug-and-Play (UPnP) Enabled Networks.
PDP 2007: 363-372 |
51 | | Christian Spielvogel,
László Böszörményi:
Active and passive replication of multimedia content in a proxy-to-proxy network (X2X).
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2007: 283-288 |
50 | EE | László Böszörményi,
Hermann Hellwagner,
Peter Schojer:
Metadata-driven optimal transcoding in a multimedia proxy.
Multimedia Syst. 13(1): 51-68 (2007) |
2006 |
49 | EE | Oliver Lampl,
Elmar Stellnberger,
László Böszörményi:
Programming Language Concepts for Multimedia Application Development.
JMLC 2006: 23-36 |
2005 |
48 | EE | László Böszörményi,
Max Mühlhäuser,
Geoff Coulson,
Nuno Correia:
Topic 11 Distributed and High-Performance Multimedia.
Euro-Par 2005: 877 |
47 | | Christian Spielvogel,
László Böszörményi:
Measurement and Prediction of Network Characteristics for Adaptive Video Servers.
EuroIMSA 2005: 227-233 |
46 | | Péter Kárpáti,
András Kocsor,
László Böszörményi:
Client Behaviour Prediction in a Proactive Video Server.
EuroIMSA 2005: 492-497 |
45 | EE | László Böszörményi:
Teaching: People to People - About People A Plea for the Historic and Human View.
ISSEP 2005: 93-103 |
44 | EE | Harald Kosch,
László Böszörményi,
Mario Döller,
Mulugeta Libsie,
Peter Schojer,
Andrea Kofler:
The Life Cycle of Multimedia Metadata.
IEEE MultiMedia 12(1): 80-86 (2005) |
2004 |
43 | | Tibor Szkaliczki,
László Böszörményi:
Incremental Placement of Nodes in a Large-Scale Adaptive Distributed Multimedia Server.
DAPSYS 2004: 165-172 |
42 | EE | Balázs Goldschmidt,
Tibor Szkaliczki,
László Böszörményi:
Placement of Nodes in an Adaptive Distributed Multimedia Server.
Euro-Par 2004: 776-783 |
41 | EE | Roland Tusch,
László Böszörményi,
Balázs Goldschmidt,
Hermann Hellwagner,
Peter Schojer:
Ofensive and Defensive adaptation in Distrubuted Multimedia Systems.
Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst. 1(1): (2004) |
40 | EE | Harald Kosch,
Ahmed Mostefaoui,
László Böszörményi,
Lionel Brunie:
Heuristics for Optimizing Multi-Clip Queries in Video Databases.
Multimedia Tools Appl. 22(3): 235-262 (2004) |
2003 |
39 | | László Böszörményi,
Peter Schojer:
Modular Programming Languages, Joint Modular Languages Conference, JMLC 2003, Klagenfurt, Austria, August 25-27, 2003, Proceedings
Springer 2003 |
38 | | Harald Kosch,
László Böszörményi,
Hermann Hellwagner:
Euro-Par 2003. Parallel Processing, 9th International Euro-Par Conference, Klagenfurt, Austria, August 26-29, 2003. Proceedings
Springer 2003 |
37 | EE | Fernando Pereira,
Abdulmotaleb El-Saddik,
Roy Friedman,
László Böszörményi:
Topic Introduction.
Euro-Par 2003: 1159 |
36 | EE | Peter Schojer,
László Böszörményi,
Hermann Hellwagner,
Bernhard Penz,
Stefan Podlipnig:
Architecture of a quality based intelligent proxy (QBIX) for MPEG-4 videos.
WWW 2003: 394-402 |
35 | EE | Stefan Podlipnig,
László Böszörményi:
A survey of Web cache replacement strategies.
ACM Comput. Surv. 35(4): 374-398 (2003) |
2002 |
34 | EE | László Böszörményi,
Mario Döller,
Hermann Hellwagner,
Harald Kosch,
Mulugeta Libsie,
Peter Schojer:
Comprehensive treatment of adaptation in distributed multimedia systems in the ADMITS project.
ACM Multimedia 2002: 429-430 |
2001 |
33 | | Harald Kosch,
László Böszörményi,
Hermann Hellwagner:
Modeling and Querying Content Description and Quality Adaptation Capabilities of Audio-Visual Data.
DEXA Workshop 2001: 141-145 |
32 | EE | László Böszörményi,
Christian Stary,
Harald Kosch,
Christian Becker:
Quality of Service in Distributed Object Systems and Distributed Multimedia Object/Component Systems.
ECOOP Workshops 2001: 7-29 |
31 | EE | Harald Kosch,
Mario Döller,
László Böszörményi:
Content-Based Indexing and Retrieval Supported by Mobile Agent Technology.
MDIC 2001: 152-166 |
30 | EE | Harald Kosch,
László Böszörményi,
Alexander Bachlechner,
Christian Hanin,
Christian Hofbauer,
Margit Lang,
Carmen Riedler,
Roland Tusch:
SMOOTH - A Distributed Multimedia Database System.
VLDB 2001: 713-714 |
29 | | László Böszörményi:
JAVA für Anfänger? - Warum JAVA nicht meine Lieblingssprache für einen Anfängerkurs ist.
LOG IN 21(1): (2001) |
2000 |
28 | | László Böszörményi,
Jürg Gutknecht,
Gustav Pomberger:
The School of Niklaus Wirth, "The Art of Simplicity"
dpunkt.verlag/Copublication with Morgan-Kaufmann 2000 |
27 | EE | Roland Tusch,
Harald Kosch,
László Böszörményi:
VIDEX: an integrated generic video indexing approach.
ACM Multimedia 2000: 448-451 |
26 | EE | Alexander Bachlechner,
László Böszörményi,
Bernhard Dörflinger,
Christian Hofbauer,
Harald Kosch,
Carmen Riedler,
Roland Tusch:
The SMOOTH video DB - demonstration of an integrated generic indexing approach.
ACM Multimedia 2000: 495-496 |
25 | EE | Klaus Breidler,
Harald Kosch,
László Böszörményi:
A Comparative Study of Selected Parallel Video Servers.
DEXA Workshop 2000: 669-673 |
24 | EE | Harald Kosch,
Renata Slota,
László Böszörményi,
Jacek Kitowski,
Janusz Otfinowski,
Przemyslaw Wójcik:
A Distributed Medical Information System for Multimedia Data - The First Year's Experience of the Parmed Project.
HPCN Europe 2000: 543-546 |
23 | | Ahmed Mostefaoui,
Lionel Brunie,
Harald Kosch,
László Böszörményi:
Multi-clip Query Optimization in Video Databases.
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (I) 2000: 363-366 |
22 | EE | Harald Kosch,
Renata Slota,
László Böszörményi,
Jacek Kitowski,
Janusz Otfinowski:
An Information System for Long-Distance Cooperation in Medicine.
PARA 2000: 233-241 |
21 | | László Böszörményi:
The School of Niklaus Wirth 2000: 1-4 |
20 | EE | Günther Hölzl,
László Böszörményi:
Distributed federative QoS resource management.
Future Generation Comp. Syst. 16(6): 717-725 (2000) |
1999 |
19 | EE | László Böszörményi,
Günther Hölzl,
Emanuel Pirker:
Parallel Cluster Computing with IEEE1394-1995.
ACPC 1999: 522-532 |
18 | EE | László Böszörményi,
Robert Eisner,
Herbert Groiss:
Adding Distribution to a Workflow Management System.
DEXA Workshop 1999: 17-21 |
17 | | Wolfram Amme,
Markus Schordan,
László Böszörményi,
Wilhelm Rossak:
PAOLA - Program Analysis of Object-Oriented Languages.
ECOOP Workshops 1999: 143-146 |
16 | EE | Erzsébet Angster,
Joseph Bergin,
László Böszörményi:
Introduction OO Design and Programming with Special Emphasis on Concrete Examples.
ECOOP Workshops 1999: 338-361 |
15 | | László Böszörményi:
Introduction of OO with Bottom-Up Approach, Structured First.
ECOOP Workshops 1999: 340-343 |
14 | EE | László Böszörményi,
Andreas Wickner,
Harald Wolf:
Performance Evaluation of Object Oriented Middleware.
Euro-Par 1999: 258-261 |
13 | EE | László Böszörményi,
Andreas Stopper:
Semi-automatic parallelization of object-oriented simulations.
Simul. Pr. Theory 7(4): 295-307 (1999) |
1998 |
12 | | László Böszörményi,
Carsten Weich:
Simple and Efficient Transactions for a Distributed Object Store.
DEXA Workshop 1998: 693-698 |
11 | | Harald Kosch,
László Böszörményi:
High Performance Sets.
HPCN Europe 1998: 972-974 |
10 | EE | László Böszörményi:
Why Java is not my favorite first-course language.
Software - Concepts and Tools 19(3): 141-145 (1998) |
1997 |
9 | | Roland Mittermeir,
László Böszörményi:
Choosing Modula-3 as "Mother-Tongue".
JMLC 1997: 336-350 |
8 | | László Böszörményi,
Karl-Heinz Eder:
M3Set - A Language for Handling of Distributed and Persistent Sets of Objects.
Parallel Computing 22(13): 1913-1925 (1997) |
7 | EE | László Böszörményi,
Karl-Heinz Eder,
Carsten Weich:
A very fast parallel object store for very fast applications.
Simul. Pr. Theory 5(7-8): 605-622 (1997) |
1996 |
6 | | László Böszörményi:
Parallel Computation, Third International ACPC Conference with Special Emphasis on Parallel Databases and Parallel I/O, Klagenfurt, Austria, September 23-25, 1996, Proceedings
Springer 1996 |
5 | | Karl-Heinz Eder,
László Böszörményi:
Optimised Parallel Sets for Data Intensive Applications.
DEXA Workshop 1996: 185-192 |
1995 |
4 | | László Böszörményi,
Andreas Stopper:
A Distributed, Object-Oriented Simulation System Based on Hints.
EUROSIM 1995: 297-302 |
1994 |
3 | | László Böszörményi,
Johann Eder,
Carsten Weich:
PPOST: A Parallel Database in Main Memory.
DEXA 1994: 754-758 |
2 | | László Böszörményi,
Karl-Heinz Eder,
Carsten Weich:
PPOST - Persistent Parallel Object STore.
EUROSIM 1994: 163-170 |
1993 |
1 | | László Böszörményi:
A Comparison of Modula-3 and Oberon-2.
Structured Programming 14(1): 15-22 (1993) |