23. OOPSLA 2008:
USA - Companion
Gail E. Harris (Ed.):
Companion to the 23rd Annual ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications, OOPSLA 2008, October 19-13, 2007, Nashville, TN, USA.
ACM 2008, ISBN 978-1-60558-220-7 BibTeX
Practitioner reports:
refactoring and method agility
Practitioner reports:
state of the art architectures for transportation and astronomy
Practitioner reports:
overcoming non-functional challenges in development and integration
- Mirco Bianco, Alberto Sillitti, Giancarlo Succi:
SyQL: an object oriented, fuzzy, temporal query language for repositories of software artifacts.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Martin Lippert:
Aspect weaving for OSGi.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Kristoffer Dyrkorn, Frank Wathne:
Automated testing of non-functional requirements.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Anya Helene Bagge, Valentin David, Magne Haveraaen:
Axiom-based testing for C++.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Matthew M. Papi, Mahmood Ali, Michael D. Ernst:
Compile-time type-checking for custom type qualifiers in Java.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Mahmood Ali, Yoav Zibin, Matthew M. Papi, Michael D. Ernst:
Enforcing reference and object immutability in Java.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Michael Klenk, Reto Kleeb, Martin Kempf, Peter Sommerlad:
Refactoring support for the groovy-eclipse plug-in.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Elizabeth L. Murnane, Vineet Sinha:
Interactive exploration of compacted visualizations for understanding behavior in complex software.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Magne Haveraaen, Karl Trygve Kalleberg:
JAxT and JDI: the simplicity of junit applied to axioms and data invariants.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Emanuele Danovaro, Tadas Remencius, Alberto Sillitti, Giancarlo Succi:
PEM: experience management tool for software companies.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Adityanand Pasumarthi:
Quota queue: a new queue data structure that provides prioritized, predictable, guaranteed and fair dequeue mechanism.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Sérgio Soares, Fernando Calheiros, Vilmar Nepomuceno, Andrea Menezes, Paulo Borba, Vander Alves:
Supporting software product lines development: FLiP - product line derivation tool.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Bernd Mathiske:
The maxine virtual machine and inspector.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich:
Tool support for statically checking the structural conformance of an object-oriented system to its runtime architecture.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Marwan Abi-Antoun, Jonathan Aldrich:
Tool support for the static extraction of sound hierarchical representations of runtime object graphs.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Vineet Sinha, Elizabeth L. Murnane, Scott W. Kurth, Edy S. Liongosari, Rob Miller, David R. Karger:
Understanding code architectures via interactive exploration and layout of layered diagrams.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Misko Hevery:
Testability explorer: using byte-code analysis to engineer lasting social changes in an organization's software development process.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Andrejs Jermakovics, Raimund Moser, Alberto Sillitti, Giancarlo Succi:
Visualizing software evolution with lagrein.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Uri Dekel:
eMoose: a memory aid for software developers.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Duraisamy S. Pradeep Kumar:
Alias count facilitate ownership transfer.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- S. Hossein Sadat-Mohtasham:
Arbitrary non-contiguous pieces of computation: a new join point model for aspect-oriented programming.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Matthew M. Papi, Mahmood Ali, Michael D. Ernst:
Compile-time type-checking for custom type qualifiers in java.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- David Lo, Shahar Maoz:
Hierarchical inter-object traces for specification mining.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Elizabeth L. Murnane, Vineet Sinha:
Interactive exploration of compacted visualizations for understanding behavior in complex software.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Andrew J. Aken:
Mining for computing skills.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Clifton Kussmaul:
Novel language syntax to enhance readability: white space, parameter sets, & control structures.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Valentin David:
Preparing for C++0x.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Emerson R. Murphy-Hill:
Scalable, expressive, and context-sensitive code smell display.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Anya Helene Bagge, Valentin David, Magne Haveraaen:
Testing with concepts and axioms in C++.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Vineet Sinha, Elizabeth L. Murnane, Scott W. Kurth, Edy S. Liongosari, Rob Miller, David R. Karger:
Understanding code architectures via interactive exploration and layout of layered diagrams.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Craig Anslow, James Noble, Stuart Marshall, Ewan D. Tempero:
Visualizing the word structure of Java class names.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Danny M. Groenewegen, Zef Hemel, Lennart C. L. Kats, Eelco Visser:
WebDSL: a domain-specific language for dynamic web applications.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Michael E. Caspersen, Jürgen Börstler, Adrienne Decker, Carl Alphonce:
Worked examples for sound OO pedagogy: the seventh "killer examples" workshop.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Uri Dekel:
eMoose: a memory aid for software developers.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Steven Fraser, Ethan Hadar, Dennis Mancl, Bill Opdyke, David A. Owens, Dirk Riehle, Linda Rising:
Escaped from the lab: innovation practices in large organizations.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Jeff Gray, Kathleen Fisher, Charles Consel, Gabor Karsai, Marjan Mernik, Juha-Pekka Tolvanen:
DSLs: the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Aki Namioka, Julie A. Adams, JuanitaJ. Ewing, Nadyne Mielke, J. Eliot B. Moss, Lucy A. Suchman:
From sorceress to scientist: women in computing.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Steven Fraser, Ricardo Lopez, Pradeep Kathail, Douglas C. Schmidt, Mary Shaw, Kevin Sullivan, Dave A. Thomas:
Collaboration and communication: growing and sustaining ultra large scale (ULS) systems.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Steven Fraser, Djenana Campara, Robert Gleichauf, Harriet Pearson, Peter Swire, Laurie Williams:
Privacy and security: what are you doing to keep the community safe?
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
Onward! films
Onward! short papers
- Tudor Dumitras, Danny Dig, Iulian Neamtiu:
1st ACM workshop on hot topics in software upgrades (HotSWUp 2008).
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Phil Greenwood, Alessandro Garcia, Elisa L. A. Baniassad, Kevin Sullivan, Yuanfang Cai, Alan MacCormack:
2nd workshop on assessment of contemporary modularization techniques (ACoM 2008).
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Jörg Pechau, Petra Becker-Pechau:
Challenges: agile values meet different value systems.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Dennis Mancl, Steven Fraser, William F. Opdyke:
Escaped from the lab: crossing the gap from invention to practice.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Richard P. Gabriel, Kevin J. Sullivan:
Extravagaria IV: photographing conferences.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Pascal Costanza, Richard P. Gabriel, Robert Hirschfeld, Guy L. Steele Jr.:
Lisp50: The 50th birthday of lisp at OOPSLA 2008.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Stephen Nelson, Stephanie Balzer, Gavin M. Bierman, Erik Meijer, James Noble, David J. Pearce, Jiri Soukup, Frank Tip:
Relationships and associations in object-oriented languages.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Anders Aas Bjerkestrand, Lars Arne Skår, Ruth G. Lennon, Amir Zeid:
Sixth international workshop on SOA & web services: best practices.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Danny Dig, Robert M. Fuhrer, Ralph Johnson:
The 2nd workshop on refactoring tools (WRT'08).
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Juha-Pekka Tolvanen, Jeff Gray, Matti Rossi, Jonathan Sprinkle:
The 8th OOPSLA workshop on domain-specific modeling.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Hridesh Rajan, Michael Haupt, Christoph Bockisch, Robert Dyer:
Virtual machines and intermediate languages for emerging modularization mechanisms.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
- Michael E. Caspersen, Jürgen Börstler, Adrienne Decker, Carl Alphonce:
Worked examples for sound object-oriented pedagogy: a "killer" workshop.
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
Educators' symposium
Doctoral symposium
Student research competition
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:32:02 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)