
Barbara Boucher Owens

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9EEBarbara Boucher Owens, Vicki L. Almstrum, Lecia Jane Barker: The computing educators oral history project: planning for the future. ITiCSE 2007: 328
8EEPaula Gabbert, Barbara Boucher Owens, Bettina Bair, Chris Stephenson, Joanne McGrath Cohoon, Gloria Childress Townsend: ACM-W's new programs for recruiting and retaining women in computing. SIGCSE 2007: 247-248
7EEJoe Bergin, Raymond Lister, Barbara Boucher Owens, Myles F. McNally: The first programming course: ideas to end the enrollment decline. ITiCSE 2006: 301-302
6EEVicki L. Almstrum, Lecia Jane Barker, Barbara Boucher Owens, Elizabeth Adams, William Aspray, Nell B. Dale, Wanda Dann, Andrea Lawrence, Leslie Schwartzman: Building a sense of history: narratives and pathways of women computing educators. SIGCSE Bulletin 37(4): 173-189 (2005)
5EEBarbara Boucher Owens, Richard E. Pattis, Chris Stephenson, Jack Rehder, Dean Sanders: JAVA IDEs: why and how we use what we do. SIGCSE 2002: 213-214
4EEBarbara Boucher Owens, Fran Hunt, Stuart Reges, Cary Laxer: The university perspective: awarding credit for advanced placement (AP) in computer science. SIGCSE 2001: 396-397
3EEBarbara Boucher Owens, Gene Bailey, Shelly Heller, Ted Mims, Laurie White: The non-traditional student in computing: characteristics, needs and experiences (abstract). SIGCSE 1995: 372-373
2EEDonald J. Bagert, Barbara Boucher Owens: Organizing a team for the ACM programming contest (abstract). SIGCSE 1995: 402
1EEBarbara Boucher Owens, Robert D. Cupper, Stuart Hirshfield, Walter Potter, Richard M. Salter: New models for the CS1 course: what are they and are they leading to the same place? SIGCSE 1994: 364-365

Coauthor Index

1Elizabeth Adams [6]
2Vicki L. Almstrum [6] [9]
3William Aspray [6]
4Donald J. Bagert [2]
5Gene Bailey [3]
6Bettina Bair [8]
7Lecia Jane Barker [6] [9]
8Joseph Bergin (Joe Bergin) [7]
9Joanne McGrath Cohoon [8]
10Robert D. Cupper [1]
11Nell B. Dale [6]
12Wanda Dann [6]
13Paula Gabbert [8]
14Shelly Heller [3]
15Stuart Hirshfield [1]
16Fran Hunt [4]
17Andrea Lawrence [6]
18Cary Laxer [4]
19Raymond Lister [7]
20Myles F. McNally [7]
21Ted Mims [3]
22Richard E. Pattis [5]
23Walter Potter [1]
24Stuart Reges [4]
25Jack Rehder [5]
26Richard M. Salter [1]
27Dean Sanders [5]
28Leslie Schwartzman [6]
29Chris Stephenson [5] [8]
30Gloria Childress Townsend [8]
31Laurie White [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)