
Bernard Lefebvre

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11EEFatiha Latfi, Bernard Lefebvre, Celine Descheneaux: Ontology-Based Management of the Telehealth Smart Home, Dedicated to Elderly in Loss of Cognitive Autonomy. OWLED 2007
10EEAbderrahim Danine, Bernard Lefebvre, André Mayers: TIDES - Using Bayesian Networks for Student Modeling. ICALT 2006: 1002-1007
9EEYassine Gargouri, Bernard Lefebvre, Jean Guy Meunier: Domain and Competences Ontologies and Their Maintenance for an Intelligent Dissemination of Documents. MICAI 2005: 90-97
8EEBernard Lefebvre, Gilles Gauthier, Serge Tadié Guepfu, Tran Huu Duc, Hicham Achaba: Competence Ontology for Domain Knowledge Dissemination and Retrieval. Applied Artificial Intelligence 19(9-10): 845-859 (2005)
7EEMiguel Ângelo M. Madureira, Paulo M. P. Monteiro, Rui L. Aguiar, Manuel Violas, M. Gloanec, E. Leclerc, Bernard Lefebvre: Broad-band transimpedance amplifier for multigigabit-per-second (40 Gbps) optical communication systems in 0.135µm PHEMT technology. ISCAS (1) 2003: 409-412
6EEMiguel Ângelo M. Madureira, Paulo M. P. Monteiro, Rui L. Aguiar, Manuel Violas, M. Gloanec, E. Leclerc, Bernard Lefebvre: High gain GaAs 10Gbps transimpedance amplifier with integrated bondwire effects. ISCAS (2) 2003: 173-176
5EESerge Tadié Guepfu, Jean-Yves Rossignol, Claude Frasson, Bernard Lefebvre: An Interactive Graphical Tool for Efficient Cooperative Task Acquisition Based on Monaco-T Model. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 206-215
4 Serge Tadié Guepfu, Claude Frasson, Bernard Lefebvre: Teaching Cooperative Task Using the Web. WebNet 1997
3 André Mayers, Bernard Lefebvre: La Modélisation fine du processus résolution de problème dans Miace. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1996: 148-157
2 Serge Tadié Guepfu, Bernard Lefebvre, Claude Frasson: MONACO_T: Un MOdèle à NAture COpérative pour la représentation de Tâches coopérative dans un STI. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1996: 215-224
1 André Mayers, Bernard Lefebvre: Une modélisation de l'architecture cognitive d'un étudiant pour un système tutoriel intelligent. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1992: 277-285

Coauthor Index

1Hicham Achaba [8]
2Rui L. Aguiar [6] [7]
3Abderrahim Danine [10]
4Celine Descheneaux [11]
5Tran Huu Duc [8]
6Claude Frasson [2] [4] [5]
7Yassine Gargouri [9]
8Gilles Gauthier [8]
9M. Gloanec [6] [7]
10Serge Tadié Guepfu [2] [4] [5] [8]
11Fatiha Latfi [11]
12E. Leclerc [6] [7]
13Miguel Ângelo M. Madureira [6] [7]
14André Mayers [1] [3] [10]
15Jean Guy Meunier [9]
16Paulo M. P. Monteiro [6] [7]
17Jean-Yves Rossignol [5]
18Manuel Violas [6] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)