
Peter Brusilovsky

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99 Peter Brusilovsky, Hugh C. Davis: HYPERTEXT 2008, Proceedings of the 19th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, June 19-21, 2008 ACM 2008
98EESergey A. Sosnovsky, Peter Brusilovsky, Danielle H. Lee, Vladimir Zadorozhny, Xin Zhou: Re-assessing the Value of Adaptive Navigation Support in E-Learning Context. AH 2008: 193-203
97EEMichael Yudelson, Peter Brusilovsky: Adaptive Link Annotation in Distributed Hypermedia Systems: The Evaluation of a Service-Based Approach. AH 2008: 245-254
96EEPeter Brusilovsky: Adaptive Navigation Support for Open Corpus Hypermedia Systems. AH 2008: 6-8
95EEMaurice Coyle, Jill Freyne, Peter Brusilovsky, Barry Smyth: Social Information Access for the Rest of Us: An Exploration of Social YouTube. AH 2008: 93-102
94EEJae-Kyung Kim, Rosta Farzan, Peter Brusilovsky: Social navigation and annotation for electronic books. BooksOnline 2008: 25-28
93EETomasz D. Loboda, Peter Brusilovsky: Adaptation in the Context of Explanatory Visualization. EC-TEL 2008: 250-261
92EERosta Farzan, Peter Brusilovsky: Where did the researchers go?: supporting social navigation at a large academic. Hypertext 2008: 203-212
91EEJae-Kyung Kim, Rosta Farzan, Peter Brusilovsky: Spatial annotation and social navigation support for electronic books. Hypertext 2008: 233-234
90EEPeter Brusilovsky, Sergey A. Sosnovsky, Danielle H. Lee, Michael Yudelson, Vladimir Zadorozhny, Xin Zhou: An open integrated exploratorium for database courses. ITiCSE 2008: 22-26
89EEPeter Brusilovsky, I-Han Hsiao, Michael Yudelson: Annotated program examples as first class objects in an educational digital library. JCDL 2008: 337-340
88EEPeter Brusilovsky: Social Information Access: The Other Side of the Social Web. SOFSEM 2008: 5-22
87EEJae-wook Ahn, Peter Brusilovsky, Daqing He, Jonathan Grady, Qi Li: Personalized web exploration with task models. WWW 2008: 1-10
86EEDaqing He, Peter Brusilovsky, Jae-wook Ahn, Jonathan Grady, Rosta Farzan, Yefei Peng, Yiming Yang, Monica Rogati: An evaluation of adaptive filtering in the context of realistic task-based information exploration. Inf. Process. Manage. 44(2): 511-533 (2008)
85EEWolfgang Nejdl, Peter Brusilovsky: Introduction to the IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies. TLT 1(1): 3-4 (2008)
84EEWolfgang Nejdl, Peter Brusilovsky: EIC Editorial. TLT 1(2): 103-104 (2008)
83EEWolfgang Nejdl, Peter Brusilovsky: EIC Editorial. TLT 1(3): 144 (2008)
82 Peter Brusilovsky, Alfred Kobsa, Wolfgang Nejdl: The Adaptive Web, Methods and Strategies of Web Personalization Springer 2007
81 Sergey A. Sosnovsky, Peter Dolog, Nicola Henze, Peter Brusilovsky, Wolfgang Nejdl: Translation of Overlay Models of Student Knowledge for Relative Domains Based on Domain Ontology Mapping. AIED 2007: 289-296
80EERosta Farzan, Maurice Coyle, Jill Freyne, Peter Brusilovsky, Barry Smyth: ASSIST: adaptive social support for information space traversal. Hypertext 2007: 199-208
79EEJill Freyne, Rosta Farzan, Peter Brusilovsky, Barry Smyth, Maurice Coyle: Collecting community wisdom: integrating social search & social navigation. IUI 2007: 52-61
78EEPeter Brusilovsky: Adaptive Navigation Support. The Adaptive Web 2007: 263-290
77EEPeter Brusilovsky, Eva Millán: User Models for Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Educational Systems. The Adaptive Web 2007: 3-53
76EEPeter Brusilovsky, Nicola Henze: Open Corpus Adaptive Educational Hypermedia. The Adaptive Web 2007: 671-696
75EEMichael Yudelson, Peter Brusilovsky, Vladimir Zadorozhny: A User Modeling Server for Contemporary Adaptive Hypermedia: An Evaluation of the Push Approach to Evidence Propagation. User Modeling 2007: 27-36
74EEJae-wook Ahn, Peter Brusilovsky, Jonathan Grady, Daqing He, Sue Yeon Syn: Open user profiles for adaptive news systems: help or harm? WWW 2007: 11-20
73EEJae-wook Ahn, Peter Brusilovsky: From User Query to User Model and Back: Adaptive Relevance-Based Visualization for Information Foraging. Web Intelligence 2007: 706-712
72EETomasz D. Loboda, Atanas Frengov, Amruth N. Kumar, Peter Brusilovsky: Distributed Framework for Adaptive Explanatory Visualization. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 178: 145-152 (2007)
71EEPeter Brusilovsky, Sergey A. Sosnovsky, Michael Yudelson: Addictive Links: The Motivational Value of Adaptive Link Annotation in Educational Hypermedia. AH 2006: 51-60
70EERosta Farzan, Peter Brusilovsky: Social Navigation Support in a Course Recommendation System. AH 2006: 91-100
69EERobert Mertens, Rosta Farzan, Peter Brusilovsky: Social navigation in web lectures. Hypertext 2006: 41-44
68EEPeter Brusilovsky, Tomasz D. Loboda: WADEIn II: a case for adaptive explanatory visualization. ITiCSE 2006: 48-52
67EEPeter Brusilovsky, Jae-wook Ahn, Tibor Dumitriu, Michael Yudelson: Adaptive Knowledge-Based Visualization for Accessing Educational Examples. IV 2006: 142-150
66EETomasz D. Loboda, Peter Brusilovsky: WADEIn II: adaptive explanatory visualization for expressions evaluation. SOFTVIS 2006: 197-198
65EEPeter Brusilovsky, Judith Knapp, Johann Gamper: Supporting teachers as content authors in intelligent educational systems. Int. J. Knowledge Learning 2(3/4): 191-215 (2006)
64EEPeter Brusilovsky, Jonathan Grady, Michael Spring, Chul-Hwan Lee: What should be visualized?: faculty perception of priority topics for program visualization. SIGCSE Bulletin 38(2): 44-48 (2006)
63 Michael Yudelson, Peter Brusilovsky: NavEx: Providing Navigation Support for Adaptive Browsing of Annotated Code Examples. AIED 2005: 710-717
62 Peter Brusilovsky, Sergey A. Sosnovsky, Michael Yudelson, Girish Chavan: Interactive Authoring Support for Adaptive Educational Systems. AIED 2005: 96-103
61 Peter Brusilovsky, Ricardo Conejo, Eva Millán: Adaptive Systems for Web-Based Education: Tools and reusability. AIED 2005: 999
60EEEwald Ramp, Paul De Bra, Peter Brusilovsky: High-level translation of adaptive hypermedia applications. Hypertext 2005: 126-128
59EEPeter Brusilovsky, Sergey A. Sosnovsky: Engaging students to work with self-assessment questions: a study of two approaches. ITiCSE 2005: 251-255
58EEPeter Brusilovsky, Rosta Farzan, Jae-wook Ahn: Comprehensive personalized information access in an educational digital library. JCDL 2005: 9-18
57EEPeter Brusilovsky, Sergey A. Sosnovsky, Olena Shcherbinina: User Modeling in a Distributed E-Learning Architecture. User Modeling 2005: 387-391
56EEMichael Yudelson, Tatiana Gavrilova, Peter Brusilovsky: Towards User Modeling Meta-ontology. User Modeling 2005: 448-452
55EERosta Farzan, Peter Brusilovsky: Social Navigation Support Through Annotation-Based Group Modeling. User Modeling 2005: 463-472
54EEPeter Brusilovsky, Sergey A. Sosnovsky: Individualized exercises for self-assessment of programming knowledge: An evaluation of QuizPACK. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 5(3): (2005)
53EEPeter Brusilovsky, Colin Higgins: Preface to the special issue on automated assessment of programming assignments. ACM Journal of Educational Resources in Computing 5(3): (2005)
52EEThomas L. Naps, Guido Rößling, Peter Brusilovsky, John English, Duane J. Jarc, Ville Karavirta, Charles Leska, Myles F. McNally, Andrés Moreno, Rockford J. Ross, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes: Development of XML-based tools to support user interaction with algorithm visualization. SIGCSE Bulletin 37(4): 123-138 (2005)
51EEPeter Brusilovsky, Girish Chavan, Rosta Farzan: Social Adaptive Navigation Support for Open Corpus Electronic Textbooks. AH 2004: 24-33
50 Michael Yudelson, Peter Brusilovsky, Sergey A. Sosnovsky: Accessing Interactive Examples with Adaptive Navigation Support. ICALT 2004
49 Judith Knapp, Johann Gamper, Peter Brusilovsky: Multiple Use of Content in a Web-Based Language Learning System. ICALT 2004
48EELora Aroyo, Darina Dicheva, Peter Brusilovsky, Paloma Díaz, Vania Dimitrova, Erik Duval, Jim E. Greer, Tsukasa Hirashima, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Geert-Jan Houben, Mitsuru Ikeda, Judy Kay, Kinshuk, Erica Melis, Tanja Mitrovic, Ambjörn Naeve, Ossi Nykänen, Gilbert Paquette, Simos Retalis, Demetrios G. Sampson, Katherine M. Sinitsa, Amy Soller, Steffen Staab, Julita Vassileva, Felisa Verdejo, Gerd Wagner: Workshop on Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for E-learning p. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2004: 912
47EEPeter Brusilovsky: KnowledgeTree: a distributed architecture for adaptive e-learning. WWW (Alternate Track Papers & Posters) 2004: 104-113
46EEPeter Brusilovsky: Adaptive Navigation Support: From Adaptive Hypermedia to the Adaptive Web and Beyond. PsychNology Journal 2(1): 7-23 (2004)
45EEPeter Brusilovsky, Carlo Tasso: Preface to Special Issue on User Modeling for Web Information Retrieval. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 14(2-3): 147-157 (2004)
44 Peter Brusilovsky, Albert T. Corbett, Fiorella de Rosis: User Modeling 2003, 9th International Conference, UM 2003, Johnstown, PA, USA, June 22-26, 2003, Proceedings Springer 2003
43EEPeter Brusilovsky: From Adaptive Hypermedia to the Adaptive Web. Mensch & Computer 2003
42EEPeter Brusilovsky, Riccardo Rizzo: Accessing Web Educational Resources from Mobile Wireless Devices: The Knowledge Sea Approach. Mobile HCI Workshop on Mobile and Ubiquitous Information Access 2003: 54-66
41 Paul De Bra, Peter Brusilovsky, Ricardo Conejo: Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, Second International Conference, AH 2002, Malaga, Spain, May 29-31, 2002, Proceedings Springer 2002
40EEPeter Brusilovsky, Riccardo Rizzo: Map-based horizontal navigation in educational Hypertext. Hypertext 2002: 1-10
39EEPeter Brusilovsky, David W. Cooper: Domain, task, and user models for an adaptive hypermedia performance support system. IUI 2002: 23-30
38EEPeter Brusilovsky, Hoah-Der Su: Adaptive Visualization Component of a Distributed Web-Based Adaptive Educational System. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2002: 229-238
37EEPeter Brusilovsky, Riccardo Rizzo: Map-Based Access to Multiple Educational On-Line Resources from Mobile Wireless Devices. Mobile HCI 2002: 404-408
36EEPeter Brusilovsky, Mark T. Maybury: From adaptive hypermedia to the adaptive web. Commun. ACM 45(5): 30-33 (2002)
35EEPeter Brusilovsky, Riccardo Rizzo: Map-Based Horizontal Navigation in Educational Hypertext. J. Digit. Inf. 3(1): (2002)
34 Peter Brusilovsky, Riccardo Rizzo: Using Maps and landmarks for navigation between closed and open corpus hyperspace in Web-based education. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 8: (2002)
33 Peter Brusilovsky: Maximizing educational opportunity for every type of learner: adaptive hypermedia for web-based education. HCI 2001: 68-72
32 Peter Brusilovsky: WebEx: Learning from Examples in a Programming Course. WebNet 2001: 124-129
31 Paul De Bra, Peter Brusilovsky, Tom Murray, Marcus Specht: Adaptive Web-based Textbooks. WebNet 2001: 269-271
30EEPeter Brusilovsky: Adaptive Hypermedia. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 11(1-2): 87-110 (2001)
29 Peter Brusilovsky, Oliviero Stock, Carlo Strapparava: Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems, International Conference, AH 2000, Trento, Italy, August 28-30, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
28EEPeter Brusilovsky: Adaptive Hypermedia: From Intelligent Tutoring Systems to Web-Based Education. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 1-7
27EEPeter Brusilovsky: Course Sequencing for Static Courses? Applying ITS Techniques in Large-Scale Web-Based Education. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2000: 625-634
26 Peter Brusilovsky: Concept-Based Courseware Engineering for Large Scale Web-based Education. WebNet 2000: 69-74
25EEPaul De Bra, Peter Brusilovsky, John Eklund, Wendy Hall, Alfred Kobsa: Adaptive Hypermedia: Purpose, Methods, and Techniques (Panel). Hypertext 1999: 199-200
24 Peter Brusilovsky, Philip L. Miller: Web-based Testing for Distance Education. WebNet 1999: 149-155
23EEPaul De Bra, Peter Brusilovsky, Geert-Jan Houben: Adaptive hypermedia: from systems to framework. ACM Comput. Surv. 31(4es): 12 (1999)
22 Peter Brusilovsky: Adaptive and Intelligent Technologies for Web-based Eduction. KI 13(4): 19-25 (1999)
21EESteven Ritter, Peter Brusilovsky, Olga Medvedeva: Creating More Versatile Intelligent Learning Environments with a Component-Based Architecture. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1998: 554-563
20 Peter Brusilovsky, John Anderson: ACT-R Electronic Bookshelf: An Adaptive System to Support LearningACT-R on the Web. WebNet 1998
19 Paul De Bra, Peter Brusilovsky: Using adaptive hypermedia for Web-based education. WebNet 1998
18EEPeter Brusilovsky, John Eklund, Elmar W. Schwarz: Web-Based Education for All: A Tool for Development Adaptive Courseware. Computer Networks 30(1-7): 291-300 (1998)
17EEPeter Brusilovsky, John Eklund: A Study of User Model Based Link Annotation in Educational Hypermedia. J. UCS 4(4): 429-448 (1998)
16 Peter Brusilovsky, Maria Milosavljevic, Douglas Tudhope, Daniel Cunliffe: Editorial. The New Review of Hypermedia and Multimedia 4: 1-10 (1998)
15 Peter Brusilovsky: A Knowledge-Based Approach to Creating Adaptive Electronic Textbooks. HCI (2) 1997: 107-110
14 Peter Brusilovsky, John Eklund, Elmar W. Schwarz: Adaptive Navigation Support in Educational Hypermedia on the World Wide Web. INTERACT 1997: 278-285
13 Peter Brusilovsky: Adaptive Hypermedia: Systems, Efficient Techniques and Implementation on the World Wide Web. INTERACT 1997: 684-685
12 Peter Brusilovsky: Efficient Techniques for Adaptive Hypermedia. Intelligent Hypertext 1997: 12-30
11 Peter Brusilovsky, Elmar W. Schwarz, Gerhard Weber: ELM-ART: An Intelligent Tutoring System on World Wide Web. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1996: 261-269
10 Peter Brusilovsky, Elmar W. Schwarz, Gerhard Weber: A tool for developing adaptive electronic textbooks on WWW. WebNet 1996
9 Peter Brusilovsky: Methods and Techniques of Adaptive Hypermedia. User Model. User-Adapt. Interact. 6(2-3): 87-129 (1996)
8EEPeter Brusilovsky, Leonid Pesin: Visual annotation of links in adaptive hypermedia. CHI 95 Conference Companion 1995: 222-223
7 Peter Brusilovsky, Marcus Specht, Gerhard Weber: Towards Adaptive Learning Environments. GI Jahrestagung 1995: 322-329
6 Ian Beaumont, Peter Brusilovsky: Educational applications of adaptive hypermedia. INTERACT 1995: 410-414
5 Peter Brusilovsky: Explanatory Visualization in an Educational Programming Environment: Connecting Examples with General Knowledge. EWHCI 1994: 202-212
4 Peter Brusilovsky, Ivan Burmistrov, Victor Kaptelinin: Structuring the Field of HCI: An Empirical Study of Experts' Representations. EWHCI 1993: 11-20
3 Peter Brusilovsky, Leonid Pesin, Mikhail Zyryanov: Towards an Adaptive Hypermedia Component for an Intelligent Learning Environment. EWHCI 1993: 348-358
2EEPeter Brusilovsky: Program visualization as a debugging tool for novices. INTERCHI Adjunct Proceedings 1993: 29-30
1 Peter Brusilovsky: A Framework for Intelligent Knowledge Sequencing and Task Sequencing. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1992: 499-506

Coauthor Index

1Jae-wook Ahn [58] [67] [73] [74] [86] [87]
2John Anderson [20]
3Lora Aroyo [48]
4Ian Beaumont [6]
5Paul De Bra [19] [23] [25] [31] [41] [60]
6Ivan Burmistrov [4]
7Girish Chavan [51] [62]
8Ricardo Conejo [41] [61]
9David W. Cooper [39]
10Albert T. Corbett [44]
11Maurice Coyle [79] [80] [95]
12Daniel Cunliffe [16]
13Hugh C. Davis [99]
14Paloma Díaz [48]
15Darina Dicheva [48]
16Vania Dimitrova [48]
17Peter Dolog [81]
18Tibor Dumitriu [67]
19Erik Duval [48]
20John Eklund [14] [17] [18] [25]
21John English [52]
22Rosta Farzan [51] [55] [58] [69] [70] [79] [80] [86] [91] [92] [94]
23Atanas Frengov [72]
24Jill Freyne [79] [80] [95]
25Johann Gamper [49] [65]
26Tatiana Gavrilova [56]
27Jonathan Grady [64] [74] [86] [87]
28Jim E. Greer [48]
29Wendy Hall [25]
30Daqing He [74] [86] [87]
31Nicola Henze [76] [81]
32Colin Higgins (Colin A. Higgins) [53]
33Tsukasa Hirashima [48]
34Heinz Ulrich Hoppe [48]
35Geert-Jan Houben [23] [48]
36I-Han Hsiao [89]
37Mitsuru Ikeda [48]
38Duane J. Jarc [52]
39Victor Kaptelinin [4]
40Ville Karavirta [52]
41Judy Kay [48]
42Jae-Kyung Kim [91] [94]
43 Kinshuk [48]
44Judith Knapp [49] [65]
45Alfred Kobsa [25] [82]
46Amruth N. Kumar [72]
47Chul-Hwan Lee [64]
48Danielle H. Lee [90] [98]
49Charles Leska [52]
50Qi Li [87]
51Tomasz D. Loboda [66] [68] [72] [93]
52Mark T. Maybury [36]
53Myles F. McNally [52]
54Olga Medvedeva [21]
55Erica Melis [48]
56Robert Mertens [69]
57Eva Millán [61] [77]
58Philip L. Miller [24]
59Maria Milosavljevic [16]
60Tanja Mitrovic [48]
61Andrés Moreno [52]
62Tom Murray (Thomas J. Murray) [31]
63Ambjörn Naeve [48]
64Thomas L. Naps [52]
65Wolfgang Nejdl [81] [82] [83] [84] [85]
66Ossi Nykänen [48]
67Gilbert Paquette [48]
68Yefei Peng [86]
69Leonid Pesin [3] [8]
70Ewald Ramp [60]
71Simos Retalis [48]
72Steven Ritter [21]
73Riccardo Rizzo [34] [35] [37] [40] [42]
74Monica Rogati [86]
75Fiorella de Rosis [44]
76Rockford J. Ross [52]
77Guido Rößling [52]
78Demetrios G. Sampson [48]
79Elmar W. Schwarz [10] [11] [14] [18]
80Olena Shcherbinina [57]
81Katherine M. Sinitsa [48]
82Barry Smyth [79] [80] [95]
83Amy Soller [48]
84Sergey A. Sosnovsky [50] [54] [57] [59] [62] [71] [81] [90] [98]
85Marcus Specht [7] [31]
86Michael Spring [64]
87Steffen Staab [48]
88Oliviero Stock [29]
89Carlo Strapparava [29]
90Hoah-Der Su [38]
91Sue Yeon Syn [74]
92Carlo Tasso [45]
93Douglas Tudhope [16]
94Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes [52]
95Julita Vassileva [48]
96M. Felisa Verdejo (María Felisa Verdejo Maillo, Felisa Verdejo) [48]
97Gerd Wagner [48]
98Gerhard Weber [7] [10] [11]
99Yiming Yang [86]
100Michael Yudelson [50] [56] [62] [63] [67] [71] [75] [89] [90] [97]
101Vladimir Zadorozhny [75] [90] [98]
102Xin Zhou [90] [98]
103Mikhail Zyryanov [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)