
Stephen K. Sunter

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22EEStephen K. Sunter, Aubin Roy: Noise-Insensitive Digital BIST for any PLL or DLL. J. Electronic Testing 24(5): 461-472 (2008)
21EEStephen K. Sunter, Aubin Roy: Purely Digital BIST for Any PLL or DLL. European Test Symposium 2007: 185-192
20EEBozena Kaminska, Stephen K. Sunter, Salvador Mir: Analog and mixed signal test techniques for SOC development. Microelectronics Journal 36(12): 1063 (2005)
19EEStephen K. Sunter, Adam Osseiran, Adam Cron, Neil Jacobson, Dave Bonnett, Bill Eklow, Carl Barnhart, Ben Bennetts: Status of IEEE Testability Standards 1149.4, 1532 and 1149.6. DATE 2004: 1184-1191
18EEStephen K. Sunter, Aubin Roy, Jean-Francois Cote: An Automated, Complete, Structural Test Solution for SERDES. ITC 2004: 95-104
17EEStephen K. Sunter, Aubin Roy: On-Chip Digital Jitter Measurement, from Megahertz to Gigahertz. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 21(4): 314-321 (2004)
16EEStephen K. Sunter: Testing High Frequency ADCs and DACs with a Low Frequency Analog Bus. ITC 2003: 228-235
15EEAubin Roy, Stephen K. Sunter, Alessandra Fudoli, Davide Appello: High Accuracy Stimulus Generation for A/D Converter BIST. ITC 2002: 1031-1039
14EEStephen K. Sunter: IC Mixed-Signal BIST: Separating Facts from Fiction. ITC 2002: 1205
13EEStephen K. Sunter, Benoit Nadeau-Dostie: Complete, Contactless I/O Testing - Reaching the Boundary in Minimizing Digital IC Testing Cost. ITC 2002: 446-455
12 Stephen K. Sunter, Charles McDonald, Givargis Danialy: Contactless digital testing of IC pin leakage currents. ITC 2001: 204-210
11 Stephen K. Sunter, Ken Filliter, Joe Woo, Pat McHugh: A general purpose 1149.4 IC with HF analog test capabilities. ITC 2001: 38-45
10EET. W. Williams, Stephen K. Sunter: How Should Fault Coverage Be Defined? VTS 2000: 325-328
9 Stephen K. Sunter, Aubin Roy: BIST for phase-locked loops in digital applications. ITC 1999: 532-540
8EEStephen K. Sunter, Naveena Nagi: Test Metrics for Analog Parametric Faults. VTS 1999: 226-235
7 Stephen K. Sunter: Analog, digital, and mixed-signal people. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 16(3): 128- (1999)
6EEStephen K. Sunter: BIST vs. ATE: need a different vehicle? ITC 1998: 1148
5 Stephen K. Sunter, Naveena Nagi: A Simplified Polynomial-Fitting Algorithm for DAC and ADC BIST. ITC 1997: 389-395
4 Stephen K. Sunter: P1149.4-Problem or Solution for Mixed-Signal IC Design? ITC 1997: 625
3EEKarim Arabi, Bozena Kaminska, Stephen K. Sunter: Design for testability of integrated operational amplifiers using oscillation-test strategy. ICCD 1996: 40-45
2 Stephen K. Sunter: The P1149.4 Mixed Signal Test Bus: Costs and Benefits. ITC 1995: 444-450
1EEStephen K. Sunter: A low cost 100 MHz analog test bus. VTS 1995: 60-65

Coauthor Index

1Davide Appello [15]
2Karim Arabi [3]
3Carl Barnhart [19]
4Ben Bennetts (R. G. Bennetts) [19]
5Dave Bonnett [19]
6Jean-Francois Cote [18]
7Adam Cron [19]
8Givargis Danialy [12]
9Bill Eklow (William Eklow) [19]
10Ken Filliter [11]
11Alessandra Fudoli [15]
12Neil Jacobson [19]
13Bozena Kaminska [3] [20]
14Charles McDonald [12]
15Pat McHugh [11]
16Salvador Mir [20]
17Benoit Nadeau-Dostie [13]
18Naveena Nagi [5] [8]
19Adam Osseiran [19]
20Aubin Roy [9] [15] [17] [18] [21] [22]
21T. W. Williams [10]
22Joe Woo [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)