
Thomas W. Malone

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18EEThomas W. Malone: Inventing the Organizations of the New Economy. WETICE 2001: 4-6
17EEAbraham Bernstein, Mark Klein, Thomas W. Malone: The process recombinator: a tool for generating new business process ideas. ICIS 1999: 178-192
16 Thomas W. Malone: Free on the Range (Interview). IEEE Internet Computing 1(3): 8-20 (1997)
15EEThomas W. Malone, Kum-Yew Lai, Christopher Fry: Experiments with Oval: A Radically Tailorable Tool for Cooperative Work. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 13(2): 177-205 (1995)
14EEAbraham Bernstein, Chrysanthos Dellarocas, Thomas W. Malone, John Quimby: Software Tools for a Process Handbook. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 18(1): 41-48 (1995)
13 Thomas W. Malone, Kevin Crowston: The Interdisciplinary Study of Coordination. ACM Comput. Surv. 26(1): 87-119 (1994)
12EEThomas W. Malone, Kum-Yew Lai, Christopher Fry: Experiments with Oval: A Radically Tailorable Tool for Cooperative Work. CSCW 1992: 289-297
11EENorbert A. Streitz, Frank G. Halasz, Hiroshi Ishii, Thomas W. Malone, Christine Neuwirth, Gary M. Olson: The Role of Hypertext for CSCW Applications (Panel). Hypertext 1991: 369-377
10EEThomas W. Malone, Kevin Crowston: What is Coordination Theory and How Can It Help Design Cooperative Work Systems? CSCW 1990: 357-370
9EEJintae Lee, Thomas W. Malone: Partially Shared Views: A Scheme for Communicating among Groups that Use Different Type Hierarchies. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 8(1): 1-26 (1990)
8EEKum-Yew Lai, Thomas W. Malone: Object Lens: A ``Spreadsheet'' for Cooperative Work. CSCW 1988: 115-124
7EEKum-Yew Lai, Thomas W. Malone, Keh-Chiang Yu: Object Lens: A "Spreadsheet" for Cooperative Work. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 6(4): 332-353 (1988)
6EEThomas W. Malone, Kenneth R. Grant, Kum-Yew Lai, Ramana Rao, David Rosenblitt: Semistructured Messages Are Surprisingly Useful for Computer-Supported Coordination. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 5(2): 115-131 (1987)
5 Thomas W. Malone, Kenneth R. Grant, Franklyn A. Turbak, Stephen A. Brobst, Michael D. Cohen: Intelligent Information-Sharing Systems. Commun. ACM 30(5): 390-402 (1987)
4 Thomas W. Malone, JoAnne Yates, Robert I. Benjamin: Electronic Markets and Electronic Hierarchies. Commun. ACM 30(6): 484-497 (1987)
3 Thomas Kaczmarek, Robert Neches, John Seely Brown, Phil Hayes, Thomas W. Malone, Dic Waters, Robert Wilensky, Mike Williams: Panel: Where Should the Intelligence in Intelligent Interfaces be Placed? AAAI 1986: 1151
2EEThomas W. Malone: How Do People Organize Their Desks? Implications for the Design of Office Information Systems. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 1(1): 99-112 (1983)
1 Frederich N. Tou, Michael D. Williams, Richard Fikes, D. Austin Henderson Jr., Thomas W. Malone: RABBIT: An Intelligent Database Assistant. AAAI 1982: 314-318

Coauthor Index

1Robert I. Benjamin [4]
2Abraham Bernstein [14] [17]
3Stephen A. Brobst [5]
4John Seely Brown [3]
5Michael D. Cohen [5]
6Kevin Crowston [10] [13]
7Chrysanthos Dellarocas [14]
8Richard Fikes [1]
9Christopher Fry [12] [15]
10Kenneth R. Grant [5] [6]
11Frank G. Halasz [11]
12Phil Hayes [3]
13Austin Henderson (D. Austin Henderson Jr.) [1]
14Hiroshi Ishii [11]
15Thomas Kaczmarek [3]
16Mark Klein [17]
17Kum-Yew Lai [6] [7] [8] [12] [15]
18Jintae Lee [9]
19Robert Neches [3]
20Christine Neuwirth [11]
21Gary M. Olson [11]
22John Quimby [14]
23Ramana Rao [6]
24David Rosenblitt [6]
25Norbert A. Streitz (Norbert Streitz, N. Streitz) [11]
26Frederich N. Tou [1]
27Franklyn A. Turbak [5]
28Dic Waters [3]
29Robert Wilensky [3]
30Michael D. Williams [1]
31Mike Williams [3]
32JoAnne Yates [4]
33Keh-Chiang Yu [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)