
Kimiko Ryokai

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11EEKimiko Ryokai, Michael Jongseon Lee, Jonathan Micah Breitbart: Multimodal programming environment for kids: a "thought bubble" interface for the Pleo robotic character. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4483-4488
10EEKimiko Ryokai, Hayes Raffle, Andy Brooks: Tangible message bubbles for children's communication and play. CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 4597-4602
9EEDaniela Karin Rosner, Kimiko Ryokai: Weaving memories into handcrafted artifacts with Spyn. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 2331-2336
8EEDaniela Karin Rosner, Lora Oehlberg, Kimiko Ryokai: Studying paper use to inform the design of personal and portable technology. CHI Extended Abstracts 2008: 3405-3410
7EEDaniela Karin Rosner, Kimiko Ryokai: Spyn: augmenting knitting to support storytelling and reflection. UbiComp 2008: 340-349
6EEKimiko Ryokai, Stefan Marti, Hiroshi Ishii: I/O brush: beyond static collages. CHI Extended Abstracts 2007: 1995-2000
5EEKimiko Ryokai, Stefan Marti, Hiroshi Ishii: Designing the world as your palette. CHI Extended Abstracts 2005: 1037-1049
4EEKimiko Ryokai, Stefan Marti, Hiroshi Ishii: I/O brush: drawing with everyday objects as ink. CHI 2004: 303-310
3EEKimiko Ryokai, Cati Vaucelle, Justine Cassell: Virtual peers as partners in storytelling and literacy learning. J. Comp. Assisted Learning 19(2): 195-208 (2003)
2EEJustine Cassell, Kimiko Ryokai: Making Space for Voice: Technologies to Support Children's Fantasy and Storytelling. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 5(3): 169-190 (2001)
1EEKimiko Ryokai, Justine Cassell: StoryMat: A Play Space with Narrative Memories. IUI 1999: 201

Coauthor Index

1Jonathan Micah Breitbart [11]
2Andy Brooks [10]
3Justine Cassell [1] [2] [3]
4Hiroshi Ishii [4] [5] [6]
5Michael Jongseon Lee [11]
6Stefan Marti [4] [5] [6]
7Lora Oehlberg [8]
8Hayes Raffle [10]
9Daniela Karin Rosner [7] [8] [9]
10Cati Vaucelle (Catherine Vaucelle) [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)