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Communications of the ACM (CACM), Volume 34, 1991

Volume 34, Number 1, January 1991

International Perspectives Computing Practices Articles Inside Risks

Volume 34, Number 2, February 1991

Viewpoint Personal Computing Log on Education Articles Inside Risks

Volume 34, Number 3, March 1991

Legally Speaking Electronic Frontier Articles Computing Practices Inside Risks

Volume 34, Number 4, April 1991

Personal Computing Digital Multimedia Systems Inside Risks

Volume 34, Number 5, May 1991

Computing Perspectives Practical Programmer Software Engineering Inside Risks

Volume 34, Number 6, June 1991

From Washington Legally Speaking Internationsl Perspectives Soviet Computing Articles Inside Risks

Volume 34, Number 7, July 1991

Practical Programmer Personal Computing Articles Inside Risks

Volume 34, Number 8, August 1991

Computing Perspectives Electronic Frontier Real-Time Knowledge-Based Control Systems Computing Practices Inside Risks

Volume 34, Number 9, September 1991

International Perspectives Log on Education Lisp Articles Inside Risks

Volume 34, Number 10, October 1991

Computing Perspectives Legally Speaking Next-Generation Database Systems Report

Volume 34, Number 11, November 1991

From Washington Articles Inside Risks

Volume 34, Number 12, December 1991

Personal Computing International Perspectives Computer-Supported Cooperative Work Inside Risks
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CACM, ACM SIGMOD Anthology: Copyright © by ACM (info@acm.org), Corrections: anthology@acm.org
DBLP: Copyright © by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de), last change: Sat May 16 23:51:54 2009