
Matthew G. Gorbet

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5EEMaribeth Back, Rich Gold, Anne Balsamo, Mark Chow, Matthew G. Gorbet, Steve R. Harrison, Dale MacDonald, Scott L. Minneman: Designing Innovative Reading Experiences for a Museum Exhibition. IEEE Computer 34(1): 80-87 (2001)
4EESteve R. Harrison, Scott L. Minneman, Maribeth Back, Anne Balsamo, Mark Chow, Rich Gold, Matthew G. Gorbet, Dale MacDonald, Kate Ehrlich, Austin Henderson: Design: the what of XFR: eXperiments in the future of reading. Interactions 8(3): 21-30 (2001)
3EEMatthew G. Gorbet, Maggie Orth, Hiroshi Ishii: Triangles: Tangible Interface for Manipulation and Exploration of Digital Information Topography. CHI 1998: 49-56
2EECraig Wisneski, Hiroshi Ishii, Andrew Dahley, Matthew G. Gorbet, Scott Brave, Brygg Ullmer, Paul Yarin: Ambient Displays: Turning Architectural Space into an Interface between People and Digital Information. CoBuild 1998: 22-32
1EEMatthew G. Gorbet, Maggie Orth: Triangles: Design of a Physical/Digital Construction Kit. Symposium on Designing Interactive Systems 1997: 125-128

Coauthor Index

1Maribeth Back [4] [5]
2Anne Balsamo [4] [5]
3Scott Brave [2]
4Mark Chow [4] [5]
5Andrew Dahley [2]
6Kate Ehrlich [4]
7Rich Gold [4] [5]
8Steve R. Harrison [4] [5]
9Austin Henderson (D. Austin Henderson Jr.) [4]
10Hiroshi Ishii [2] [3]
11Dale MacDonald [4] [5]
12Scott L. Minneman [4] [5]
13Maggie Orth [1] [3]
14Brygg Ullmer [2]
15Craig Wisneski [2]
16Paul Yarin [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)