2008 |
22 | EE | Monirul I. Sharif,
Vinod Yegneswaran,
Hassen Saïdi,
Phillip A. Porras,
Wenke Lee:
Eureka: A Framework for Enabling Static Malware Analysis.
ESORICS 2008: 481-500 |
21 | EE | Jian Zhang,
Phillip A. Porras,
Johannes Ullrich:
Gaussian Process Learning for Cyber-Attack Early Warning.
SDM 2008: 255-264 |
20 | EE | Jian Zhang,
Phillip A. Porras,
Johannes Ullrich:
Highly Predictive Blacklisting.
USENIX Security Symposium 2008: 107-122 |
2007 |
19 | EE | Raman Sharykin,
Phillip A. Porras:
Applying Formal Evaluation to Worm Defense Design.
IPCCC 2007: 479-486 |
18 | EE | Dennis K. Nilsson,
Phillip A. Porras,
Erland Jonsson:
How to Secure Bluetooth-Based Pico Networks.
SAFECOMP 2007: 209-223 |
2006 |
17 | EE | Linda Briesemeister,
Phillip A. Porras:
Automatically deducing propagation sequences that circumvent a collaborative worm defense.
IPCCC 2006 |
16 | EE | Phillip A. Porras,
Vitaly Shmatikov:
Large-scale collection and sanitization of network security data: risks and challenges.
NSPW 2006: 57-64 |
2005 |
15 | EE | Linda Briesemeister,
Phillip A. Porras:
Microscopic Simulation of a Group Defense Strategy.
PADS 2005: 254-261 |
2004 |
14 | EE | Patrick Lincoln,
Phillip A. Porras,
Vitaly Shmatikov:
Privacy-Preserving Sharing and Correlation of Security Alerts.
USENIX Security Symposium 2004: 239-254 |
13 | EE | Phillip A. Porras,
Linda Briesemeister,
Keith Skinner,
Karl N. Levitt,
Jeff Rowe,
Yu-Cheng Allen Ting:
A hybrid quarantine defense.
WORM 2004: 73-82 |
12 | EE | Ruzena Bajcsy,
Terry Benzel,
Matt Bishop,
Robert Braden,
Carla E. Brodley,
Sonia Fahmy,
Sally Floyd,
W. Hardaker,
Anthony D. Joseph,
George Kesidis,
Karl N. Levitt,
Robert Lindell,
Peng Liu,
David Miller,
Russ Mundy,
Cliford Neuman,
Ron Ostrenga,
Vern Paxson,
Phillip A. Porras,
Catherine Rosenberg,
J. Doug Tygar,
Shankar Sastry,
Daniel F. Sterne,
Shyhtsun Felix Wu:
Cyber defense technology networking and evaluation.
Commun. ACM 47(3): 58-61 (2004) |
2003 |
11 | EE | Linda Briesemeister,
Patrick Lincoln,
Phillip A. Porras:
Epidemic profiles and defense of scale-free networks.
WORM 2003: 67-75 |
2002 |
10 | EE | Livio Ricciulli,
Phillip A. Porras,
Patrick Lincoln,
Pankaj Kakkar,
Steven Dawson:
An Adaptable Network COntrol and Reporting System (ANCORS).
DANCE 2002: 466-483 |
9 | EE | Phillip A. Porras,
Martin W. Fong,
Alfonso Valdes:
A Mission-Impact-Based Approach to INFOSEC Alarm Correlation.
RAID 2002: 95-114 |
2001 |
8 | EE | Ulf Lindqvist,
Phillip A. Porras:
eXpert-BSM: A Host-Based Intrusion Detection Solution for Sun Solaris.
ACSAC 2001: 240-251 |
1999 |
7 | EE | Ulf Lindqvist,
Phillip A. Porras:
Detecting Computer and Network Misuse through the Production-based Expert System Toolset (P-BEST).
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1999: 146-161 |
6 | EE | Peter G. Neumann,
Phillip A. Porras:
Experience with EMERALD to Date.
Workshop on Intrusion Detection and Network Monitoring 1999: 73-80 |
1998 |
5 | EE | Phillip A. Porras,
Alfonso Valdes:
Live Traffic Analysis of TCP/IP Gateways.
NDSS 1998 |
1996 |
4 | EE | Olin Sibert,
Phillip A. Porras,
Robert Lindell:
An Analysis of the Intel 80x86 Security Architecture and Implementations.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(5): 283-293 (1996) |
1995 |
3 | EE | Koral Ilgun,
Richard A. Kemmerer,
Phillip A. Porras:
State Transition Analysis: A Rule-Based Intrusion Detection Approach.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 21(3): 181-199 (1995) |
1991 |
2 | | Phillip A. Porras,
Richard A. Kemmerer:
Covert Flow Trees: A Technique for Identifying and Analyzing Covert Storage Channels.
IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 1991: 36-51 |
1 | EE | Richard A. Kemmerer,
Phillip A. Porras:
Covert Flow Trees: A Visual Approach to Analyzing Covert Storage Channels.
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 17(11): 1166-1185 (1991) |