2009 |
77 | EE | Dusan Omercevic,
Ales Leonardis:
Hyperlinking reality via camera phones.
CHI Extended Abstracts 2009: 3515-3516 |
2008 |
76 | EE | Sanja Fidler,
Marko Boben,
Ales Leonardis:
Similarity-based cross-layered hierarchical representation for object categorization.
CVPR 2008 |
75 | | Danijel Skocaj,
Matej Kristan,
Ales Leonardis:
Continuous Learning of Simple Visual Concepts Using Incremental Kernel Density Estimation.
VISAPP (1) 2008: 598-604 |
74 | EE | Roland Perko,
Christian Wojek,
Bernt Schiele,
Ales Leonardis:
Integrating Visual Context and Object Detection within a Probabilistic Framework.
WAPCV 2008: 54-68 |
73 | EE | Ales Stimec,
Matjaz Jogan,
Ales Leonardis:
Unsupervised Learning of a Hierarchy of Topological Maps Using Omnidirectional Images.
IJPRAI 22(4): 639-665 (2008) |
72 | EE | Danijel Skocaj,
Ales Leonardis:
Incremental and robust learning of subspace representations.
Image Vision Comput. 26(1): 27-38 (2008) |
71 | EE | Bastian Leibe,
Ales Leonardis,
Bernt Schiele:
Robust Object Detection with Interleaved Categorization and Segmentation.
International Journal of Computer Vision 77(1-3): 259-289 (2008) |
70 | EE | Luka Fürst,
Sanja Fidler,
Ales Leonardis:
Selecting features for object detection using an AdaBoost-compatible evaluation function.
Pattern Recognition Letters 29(11): 1603-1612 (2008) |
2007 |
69 | EE | Ulrich Steinhoff,
Dusan Omercevic,
Roland Perko,
Bernt Schiele,
Ales Leonardis:
How Computer Vision Can Help in Outdoor Positioning.
AmI 2007: 124-141 |
68 | EE | Sanja Fidler,
Ales Leonardis:
Towards Scalable Representations of Object Categories: Learning a Hierarchy of Parts.
CVPR 2007 |
67 | EE | Hynek Bakstein,
Ales Leonardis:
Catadioptric Image-based Rendering for Mobile Robot Localization.
ICCV 2007: 1-6 |
66 | EE | Dusan Omercevic,
Ondrej Drbohlav,
Ales Leonardis:
High-Dimensional Feature Matching: Employing the Concept of Meaningful Nearest Neighbors.
ICCV 2007: 1-8 |
65 | EE | Roland Perko,
Ales Leonardis:
Context Driven Focus of Attention for Object Detection.
WAPCV 2007: 216-233 |
64 | EE | Danijel Skocaj,
Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof:
Weighted and robust learning of subspace representations.
Pattern Recognition 40(5): 1556-1569 (2007) |
2006 |
63 | | Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof,
Axel Pinz:
Computer Vision - ECCV 2006, 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, May 7-13, 2006, Proceedings, Part I
Springer 2006 |
62 | | Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof,
Axel Pinz:
Computer Vision - ECCV 2006, 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, May 7-13, 2006, Proceedings, Part II
Springer 2006 |
61 | | Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof,
Axel Pinz:
Computer Vision - ECCV 2006, 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, May 7-13, 2006, Proceedings, Part III
Springer 2006 |
60 | | Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof,
Axel Pinz:
Computer Vision - ECCV 2006, 9th European Conference on Computer Vision, Graz, Austria, May 7-13, 2006, Proceedings, Part IV
Springer 2006 |
59 | EE | Sanja Fidler,
Gregor Berginc,
Ales Leonardis:
Hierarchical Statistical Learning of Generic Parts of Object Structure.
CVPR (1) 2006: 182-189 |
58 | EE | Geert-Jan M. Kruijff,
John D. Kelleher,
Gregor Berginc,
Ales Leonardis:
Structural descriptions in human-assisted robot visual learning.
HRI 2006: 343-344 |
57 | EE | Bastian Leibe,
Ales Leonardis,
Bernt Schiele:
An Implicit Shape Model for Combined Object Categorization and Segmentation.
Toward Category-Level Object Recognition 2006: 508-524 |
56 | EE | Sanja Fidler,
Danijel Skocaj,
Ales Leonardis:
Combining Reconstructive and Discriminative Subspace Methods for Robust Classification and Regression by Subsampling.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 28(3): 337-350 (2006) |
2005 |
55 | EE | Peter M. Roth,
Helmut Grabner,
Danijel Skocaj,
Horst Bischof,
Ales Leonardis:
Conservative Visual Learning for Object Detection with Minimal Hand Labeling Effort.
DAGM-Symposium 2005: 293-300 |
2004 |
54 | EE | Miha Peternel,
Ales Leonardis:
Visual Learning and Recognition of a Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Model of Cyclic Human Locomotion.
ICPR (4) 2004: 146-149 |
53 | EE | Horst Bischof,
Horst Wildenauer,
Ales Leonardis:
Illumination insensitive recognition using eigenspaces.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 95(1): 86-104 (2004) |
52 | EE | Bojan Kverh,
Ales Leonardis:
A generalisation of model selection criteria.
Pattern Anal. Appl. 7(1): 51-65 (2004) |
2003 |
51 | EE | Danijel Skocaj,
Ales Leonardis:
Weighted and Robust Incremental Method for Subspace Learning.
ICCV 2003: 1494-1501 |
50 | EE | Matjaz Jogan,
Matej Artac,
Danijel Skocaj,
Ales Leonardis:
A Framework for Robust and Incremental Self-Localization of a Mobile Robot.
ICVS 2003: 460-469 |
49 | EE | Spela Ivekovic,
Ales Leonardis:
Multiresolution Approach to Biomedical Image Segmentation with Statistical Models of Appearance.
Scale-Space 2003: 667-682 |
48 | EE | Matjaz Jogan,
Emil Zagar,
Ales Leonardis:
Karhunen-Loe/spl acute/ve expansion of a set of rotated templates.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 12(7): 817-825 (2003) |
47 | EE | Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof:
Kernel and subspace methods for computer vision.
Pattern Recognition 36(9): 1925-1927 (2003) |
46 | EE | Matjaz Jogan,
Ales Leonardis:
Robust localization using an omnidirectional appearance-based subspace model of environment.
Robotics and Autonomous Systems 45(1): 51-72 (2003) |
2002 |
45 | EE | Danijel Skocaj,
Horst Bischof,
Ales Leonardis:
A Robust PCA Algorithm for Building Representations from Panoramic Images.
ECCV (4) 2002: 761-775 |
44 | EE | Matjaz Jogan,
Ales Leonardis,
Horst Wildenauer,
Horst Bischof:
Mobile Robot Localization Under Varying Illumination.
ICPR (2) 2002: 741-744 |
43 | EE | Matej Artac,
Matjaz Jogan,
Ales Leonardis:
Incremental PCA or On-Line Visual Learning and Recognition.
ICPR (3) 2002: 781-784 |
42 | | Matej Artac,
Matjaz Jogan,
Ales Leonardis:
Mobile Robot Localization using an Incremental Eigenspace Model.
ICRA 2002: 1025-1030 |
41 | EE | Bojan Kverh,
Ales Leonardis:
A New Refinement Method for Registration of Range Images Based on Segmented Data.
Computing 68(1): 81-96 (2002) |
40 | EE | Tomás Werner,
Tomás Pajdla,
Václav Hlavác,
Ales Leonardis,
Martin Matousek:
Selection of Reference Images for Image-Based Scene Representations.
Computing 68(2): 163-180 (2002) |
39 | EE | Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof,
Jasna Maver:
Multiple eigenspaces.
Pattern Recognition 35(11): 2613-2627 (2002) |
38 | EE | Jasna Maver,
Ales Leonardis:
Recognizing 2-tone images in grey-level parametric eigenspaces.
Pattern Recognition Letters 23(14): 1631-1640 (2002) |
2001 |
37 | EE | Danijel Skocaj,
Ales Leonardis:
Robust Recognition and Pose Determination of 3-D Objects Using Range Images in Eigenspace.
3DIM 2001: 171-178 |
36 | | Horst Bischof,
Horst Wildenauer,
Ales Leonardis:
Illumination Insensitive Eigenspaces.
ICCV 2001: 233-238 |
35 | EE | Horst Bischof,
Ales Leonardis:
View-based object representations using RBF networks.
Image Vision Comput. 19(9-10): 619-629 (2001) |
2000 |
34 | EE | Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof:
Multiple Eigenspaces by MDL.
ICPR 2000: 1233-1237 |
33 | EE | Danijel Skocaj,
Ales Leonardis:
Range Image Acquisition of Objects with Non-Uniform Albedo Using Structured Light Range Sensor.
ICPR 2000: 1778-1781 |
32 | EE | Alexander Selb,
Horst Bischof,
Ales Leonardis:
Fuzzy C-Means in an MDL-Framework.
ICPR 2000: 2740-2743 |
31 | EE | Matjaz Jogan,
Ales Leonardis:
Robust Localization Using Panoramic View-Based Recognition.
ICPR 2000: 4136-4139 |
30 | EE | Horst Bischof,
Ales Leonardis:
Recognizing Objects by Their Appearance Using Eigenimages.
SOFSEM 2000: 245-265 |
29 | EE | Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof:
Robust Recognition Using Eigenimages.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 78(1): 99-118 (2000) |
1999 |
28 | | Franc Solina,
Ales Leonardis:
Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 8th International Conference, CAIP'99, Ljubljana, Slovenia, September 1-3, 1999, Proceedings
Springer 1999 |
27 | EE | Bojan Kverh,
Ales Leonardis:
Registration of Range Images Based on Segmented Data.
CAIP 1999: 347-356 |
26 | EE | Matjaz Jogan,
Ales Leonardis:
Panoramic Eigenimages for Spatial Localisation.
CAIP 1999: 558-567 |
25 | EE | Horst Bischof,
Ales Leonardis,
Alexander Selb:
MDL Principle for Robust Vector Quantisation.
Pattern Anal. Appl. 2(1): 59-72 (1999) |
1998 |
24 | EE | Horst Bischof,
Ales Leonardis:
Robust Recognition of Scaled Eigenimages through a Hierarchical Approach.
CVPR 1998: 664-670 |
23 | | Horst Bischof,
Ales Leonardis:
Robust Vector Quantization by MDL.
NC 1998: 247-253 |
22 | EE | Franc Solina,
Ales Leonardis:
Proper scale for modeling visual data.
Image Vision Comput. 16(2): 89-98 (1998) |
21 | EE | Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof:
An efficient MDL-based construction of RBF networks.
Neural Networks 11(5): 963-973 (1998) |
20 | EE | Stanislav Kovacic,
Ales Leonardis,
Franjo Pernus:
Planning Sequences Of Views For 3-D Object Recognition And Pose Determination.
Pattern Recognition 31(10): 1407-1417 (1998) |
1997 |
19 | | Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof:
Computational Complexity Reduction in Eigenspace Approaches.
CAIP 1997: 1-8 |
18 | | Christian Menard,
Ales Leonardis:
Stereo Matching Using M-Estimators.
CAIP 1997: 305-312 |
17 | | Franjo Pernus,
Ales Leonardis,
Stanislav Kovacic:
Planning Multiple Views for 3-D Object Recognition and Pose Determination.
CAIP 1997: 424-431 |
16 | | Ales Leonardis,
Ales Jaklic,
Franc Solina:
Superquadrics for Segmenting and Modeling Range Data.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 19(11): 1289-1295 (1997) |
1996 |
15 | EE | Ales Leonardis,
Horst Bischof:
Dealing with occlusions in the eigenspace approach.
CVPR 1996: 453-458 |
14 | | Václav Hlavác,
Ales Leonardis,
Tomás Werner:
Automatic Selection of Reference Views for Image-Based Scene Representations.
ECCV (1) 1996: 526-535 |
13 | | Tomás Werner,
Václav Hlavác,
Ales Leonardis,
Tomás Pajdla:
Choosing Reference Views for Image-Based Representation.
SOFSEM 1996: 459-466 |
12 | EE | Ruzena Bajcsy,
Sang Wook Lee,
Ales Leonardis:
Detection of diffuse and specular interface reflections and inter-reflections by color image segmentation.
International Journal of Computer Vision 17(3): 241-272 (1996) |
1995 |
11 | | Ales Leonardis,
Stanislav Kovacic,
Franjo Pernus:
Recognition and Pose Determinatn of 3-D Objects Using Multiple Views.
CAIP 1995: 778-783 |
10 | | Markus Stricker,
Ales Leonardis:
ExSel++: A General Framework to Extract Parametric Models.
CAIP 1995: 90-97 |
9 | | Marjan Trobina,
Ales Leonardis:
Grasping Arbitrarily Shaped 3-D Objects from a Pile.
ICRA 1995: 241-246 |
8 | EE | Ales Leonardis,
Alok Gupta,
Ruzena Bajcsy:
Segmentation of range images as the search for geometric parametric models.
International Journal of Computer Vision 14(3): 253-277 (1995) |
1994 |
7 | | Ales Leonardis,
Franc Solina,
Alenka Macerl:
A Direct Recovery of Superquadric Models in Range Images Using Recover-and-Select Paradigm.
ECCV (1) 1994: 309-318 |
6 | | Jasna Maver,
Ales Leonardis,
Franc Solina:
Planning the Optimal Set of Views Using the Max-Min Principle.
ECCV (2) 1994: 117-122 |
5 | | Franc Solina,
Ales Leonardis,
Alenka Macerl:
A Direct Part-Level Segmentation of Range Images Using Volumetric Models.
ICRA 1994: 2254-2259 |
4 | | Ales Leonardis:
A Robust Approach to Estimation of Parametric Models.
Theoretical Foundations of Computer Vision 1994: 113-130 |
3 | EE | Franjo Pernus,
Ales Leonardis,
Stanislav Kovacic:
Two-dimensional object recognition using multiresolution non-information-preserving shape features.
Pattern Recognition Letters 15(10): 1071-1079 (1994) |
1993 |
2 | | Jasna Maver,
Ales Leonardis,
Franc Solina:
Planning the Next View Using the Max-Min Principle.
CAIP 1993: 543-547 |
1992 |
1 | | Ales Leonardis,
Ruzena Bajcsy:
Finding Parametric Curves in an Image.
ECCV 1992: 653-657 |