
R. Andrew Hicks

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7EEChristel-Loic Tisse, Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte, R. Andrew Hicks: An optical navigation sensor for micro aerial vehicles. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 105(1): 21-29 (2007)
6EER. Andrew Hicks, Ronald K. Perline: The Method of Vector Fields for Catadioptric Sensor Design with Applications to Panoramic Imaging. CVPR (2) 2004: 143-150
5EER. Andrew Hicks: Differential Methods in Catadioptric Sensor Design with Applications to Panoramic Imaging CoRR cs.CV/0303024: (2003)
4EER. Andrew Hicks, Ronald K. Perline: Geometric Distributions for Catadioptric Sensor Design. CVPR (1) 2001: 584-589
3EER. Andrew Hicks, Ruzena Bajcsy: Reflective surfaces as computational sensors. Image Vision Comput. 19(11): 773-777 (2001)
2EER. Andrew Hicks, Ruzena Bajcsy: Catadioptric Sensors that Approximate Wide-Angle Perspective Projections. CVPR 2000: 1545-1551
1EER. Andrew Hicks, David Pettey, Konstantinos Daniilidis, Ruzena Bajcsy: Complex Analysis for Reconstruction from Controlled Motion. CAIP 1999: 301-310

Coauthor Index

1Ruzena Bajcsy [1] [2] [3]
2Kostas Daniilidis (Konstantinos Daniilidis) [1]
3Hugh F. Durrant-Whyte [7]
4Ronald K. Perline [4] [6]
5David Pettey [1]
6Christel-Loic Tisse [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)