
Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira

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12 Márcia Maçãs, Rodrigo M. M. Ventura, Luís Custódio, Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira: DARE: An Emotion-Based Agent Architecture. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 150-154
11EEJorge Pais, Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira: The n-dimensional projective approach as a tool for spatial reasoning. ICTAI 2000: 237-
10 Luís M. M. Custódio, Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira: Many Birds Fly, Some Don't. Artif. Intell. Rev. 13(3): 185-200 (1999)
9EELuís M. M. Custódio, Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira: Logic of agreement: foundations, semantic system and proof theory. Int. J. Approx. Reasoning 20(1): 47-78 (1999)
8 Rodrigo M. M. Ventura, Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira: Emotion-based Agents. AAAI/IAAI 1998: 1204
7EEPedro Aparício, Rodrigo M. M. Ventura, Pedro U. Lima, Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira: ISocRob - Team Description. RoboCup 1998: 434-439
6 Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira, Nuno J. Mamede: Progress in Artificial Intelligence, 7th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA '95, Funchal, Madeira Island, Portugal, October 3-6, 1995, Proceedings Springer 1995
5 Luís M. M. Custódio, Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira: Agreement: A Logical Approach to Approximate Reasoning. EPIA 1995: 419-428
4 César Santos Silva, Alexandre Malheiro Bernardino, Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira: Interleaving Real-Time Multi-Agent Planning and Execution: An Application. ICTAI 1994: 756-759
3 Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira, João P. Martins: A Formal System for Reasoning about Change. ECAI 1990: 503-508
2 Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira, João P. Martins: Inscription - A Rule of Conjecture. EPIA 1989: 141-150
1 Nuno J. Mamede, Carlos A. Pinto-Ferreira, João P. Martins: Reasoning with the Unknown. EPIA 1989: 85-96

Coauthor Index

1Pedro Aparício [7]
2Alexandre Malheiro Bernardino [4]
3Luís M. M. Custódio (Luís Custódio) [5] [9] [10] [12]
4Pedro U. Lima [7]
5Márcia Maçãs [12]
6Nuno J. Mamede [1] [6]
7João P. Martins [1] [2] [3]
8Jorge Pais [11]
9César Santos Silva [4]
10Rodrigo M. M. Ventura [7] [8] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)