
Isambo Karali

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10 L. Kallipolitis, V. Karpis, Isambo Karali: World news finder: How we cope without the semantic web. Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2007: 660-665
9EEIsambo Karali: Logic Programming to Address Issues of the Semantic Web. Web Intelligence 2007: 427-430
8EESally I. McClean, Bryan W. Scotney, Hans Rutjes, Jannes Hartkamp, Isambo Karali, Michael Hatzopoulos, Joanne Lamb, Defeng Ma: MISSION: An Agent-Based System for Semantic Integration of Heterogeneous Distributed Statistical Information Sources. SSDBM 2004: 337-340
7EESally I. McClean, Isambo Karali, Bryan W. Scotney, Kieran Greer, Georgios-Dimitrios Kapos, Rónán Páircéir, Jun Hong, David A. Bell, Michael Hatzopoulos: Agents for Querying Distributed Statistical Databases Over the Internet. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 11(1): 63-94 (2002)
6 Foto N. Afrati, Isambo Karali, Theodoros Mitakos: On Inheritance in Object Oriented Datalog. IADT 1998: 280-289
5 Foto N. Afrati, Isambo Karali, Theodoros Mitakos: Datalog, units and information hiding. LMO 1997: 147-159
4 Isambo Karali, Constantin Halatsis: A Refinement of Import/Export Declarations in Modular Logic Programming and its Semantics. TAPSOFT 1995: 486-500
3 Isambo Karali, Constantin Halatsis: A Practical Module System for Logic Programming and its Semantics. ICTAI 1994: 708-711
2EEIsambo Karali, Constantin Halatsis: Abstract data type support in Prolog and its relation to parallelism. SAC 1994: 415-419
1EEIsambo Karali, Evangelos Pelecanos, Constantin Halatsis: A Versatile Module System for Prolog Mapped to Flat Prolog. SAC 1993: 578-585

Coauthor Index

1Foto N. Afrati [5] [6]
2David A. Bell [7]
3Kieran Greer [7]
4Constantin Halatsis (Constantine Halatsis, Constantinos Halatsis) [1] [2] [3] [4]
5Jannes Hartkamp [8]
6Michael Hatzopoulos [7] [8]
7Jun Hong [7]
8L. Kallipolitis [10]
9Georgios-Dimitrios Kapos [7]
10V. Karpis [10]
11Joanne Lamb [8]
12Defeng Ma [8]
13Sally I. McClean [7] [8]
14Theodoros Mitakos [5] [6]
15Rónán Páircéir [7]
16Evangelos Pelecanos [1]
17Hans Rutjes [8]
18Bryan W. Scotney [7] [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)