
Barrett R. Bryant

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80EEChang-Hyun Jo, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant: Special track on Programming Languages: editorial message. SAC 2008: 189-190
79EEFei Cao, Jeffrey G. Gray, Barrett R. Bryant: Component-Based Software Engineering. Wiley Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering 2008
78EEFaizan Javed, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant, Alan P. Sprague: An Unsupervised Incremental Learning Algorithm for Domain-Specific Language Development. Applied Artificial Intelligence 22(7&8): 707-729 (2008)
77EEChanglin Sun, Rajeev R. Raje, Omkar J. Tilak, Barrett R. Bryant: Compositional reasoning of performance in component-based distributed systems. Cluster Computing 11(4): 331-340 (2008)
76EEFaizan Javed, Marjan Mernik, Jeff Gray, Barrett R. Bryant: MARS: A metamodel recovery system using grammar inference. Information & Software Technology 50(9-10): 948-968 (2008)
75 Faizan Javed, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant, Alan P. Sprague: GenInc: An Incremental Context-Free Grammar Learning Algorithm for Domain-Specific Language Development. MLMTA 2007: 118-124
74EEShih-Hsi Liu, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant: A clustering entropy-driven approach for exploring and exploiting noisy functions. SAC 2007: 738-742
73EEBarrett R. Bryant, João Saraiva: Report on selected papers from LDTA 2003. Sci. Comput. Program. 68(1): 1 (2007)
72EEXiaoqing Wu, Barrett R. Bryant, Jeffrey G. Gray, Suman Roychoudhury, Marjan Mernik: Separation of concerns in compiler development using aspect-orientation. SAC 2006: 1585-1590
71EEChang-Hyun Jo, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant: Editorial message: programming languages track. SAC 2006: 1601-1602
70 Faizan Javed, Marjan Mernik, Alan P. Sprague, Barrett R. Bryant: Incrementally Inferring Context-Free Grammars for Domain-Specific Languages. SEKE 2006: 363-368
69 Shih-Hsi Liu, Barrett R. Bryant, Jeffrey G. Gray, Rajeev R. Raje, Mihran Tuceryan, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston: QoSPL: A QoS-Driven Software Product Line Engineering Framework for Distributed Real-time and Embedded Systems. SEKE 2006: 724-729
68EEWei Zhao, Rainer Hauser, Kamal Bhattacharya, Barrett R. Bryant, Fei Cao: Compiling business processes: untangling unstructured loops in irreducible flow graphs. IJWGS 2(1): 68-91 (2006)
67EEJiang Guo, Yuehong Liao, Jeff Gray, Barrett R. Bryant: Using Connectors to Integrate Software Components. ECBS 2005: 11-18
66EEShih-Hsi Liu, Barrett R. Bryant, Jeffrey G. Gray, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston: QoS-UniFrame: A Petri Net-Based Modeling Approach to Assure QoS Requirements of Distributed Real-Time and Embedded Systems. ECBS 2005: 202-209
65EEBarrett R. Bryant, Rajeev R. Raje, Vana Kalogeraki: Distributed Object and Component-based Software Systems. HICSS 2005
64EEFei Cao, Barrett R. Bryant, Shih-Hsi Liu, Wei Zhao: A Non-Invasive Approach to Dynamic Web Services Provisioning. ICWS 2005: 229-236
63EEWei Zhao, Barrett R. Bryant, Fei Cao, Kamal Bhattacharya, Rainer Hauser: Transforming Business Process Models: Enabling Programming at a Higher Level. IEEE SCC 2005: 173-180
62EEXiaoqing Wu, Suman Roychoudhury, Barrett R. Bryant, Jeffrey G. Gray, Marjan Mernik: A two-dimensional separation of concerns for compiler construction. SAC 2005: 1365-1369
61EEChang-Hyun Jo, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant: Editorial: programming languages track. SAC 2005: 1383-1384
60EEFei Cao, Barrett R. Bryant, Wei Zhao, Carol C. Burt, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston: Marshaling and unmarshaling models using the entity-relationship model. SAC 2005: 1553-1557
59EEShih-Hsi Liu, Barrett R. Bryant, Jeffrey G. Gray, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston: Two-level assurance of QoS requirements for distributed real-time and embedded systems. SAC 2005: 903-904
58 Shih-Hsi Liu, Fei Cao, Barrett R. Bryant, Jeffrey G. Gray, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston: Quality of Service-Driven Requirements Analysis for Component Composition: A Two-Level Grammar+Approach. SEKE 2005: 731-734
57EEXiaoqing Wu, Barrett R. Bryant, Jeff Gray, Marjan Mernik: Pattern transformation for two-dimensional separation of concerns. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes 30(4): 1-5 (2005)
56EEFei Cao, Barrett R. Bryant, Carol C. Burt, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston: A Component Assembly Approach Based On Aspect-Oriented Generative Domain Modeling. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 114: 119-136 (2005)
55EEMatej Crepinsek, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant, Faizan Javed, Alan P. Sprague: Inferring Context-Free Grammars for Domain-Specific Languages. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 141(4): 99-116 (2005)
54EEFei Cao, Barrett R. Bryant, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston, Wei Zhao, Carol C. Burt: A Non-Invasive Approach to Assertive and Autonomous Dynamic Component Composition in the Service-Oriented Paradigm. J. UCS 11(10): 1645-1675 (2005)
53EEMatej Crepinsek, Marjan Mernik, Faizan Javed, Barrett R. Bryant, Alan P. Sprague: Extracting grammar from programs: evolutionary approach. SIGPLAN Notices 40(4): 39-46 (2005)
52EESong Zhou, Chuanxi Xu, Hui Wu, Jing Zhang, Yuehua Lin, Juanqin Wang, Jeff Gray, Barrett R. Bryant: E-R modeler: a database modeling toolkit for Eclipse. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2004: 160-165
51EEFaizan Javed, Barrett R. Bryant, Matej Crepinsek, Marjan Mernik, Alan P. Sprague: Context-free grammar induction using genetic programming. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2004: 404-405
50EEWei Zhao, Barrett R. Bryant, Carol C. Burt, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston: Automated Glue/Wrapper Code Generation in Integration of Distributed and Heterogeneous Software Components. EDOC 2004: 275-285
49EEBarrett R. Bryant, Rajeev R. Raje: Distributed Object and Component-Based Software Systems. HICSS 2004
48EEFei Cao, Barrett R. Bryant, Wei Zhao, Carol C. Burt, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston: A Meta-Modeling Approach to Web Services. ICWS 2004: 796-799
47EEChang-Hyun Jo, Marjan Mernik, Barrett R. Bryant: Editorial message: special track on the programming languages. SAC 2004: 1453-1454
46 Wei Zhao, Barrett R. Bryant, Fei Cao, Rajeev R. Raje, Mikhail Auguston, Carol C. Burt, Andrew M. Olson: Grammatically Interpreting Feature Compositions. SEKE 2004: 185-191
45EECarol C. Burt, Barrett R. Bryant, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston: Model Driven Security: Unification of Authorization Models for Fine-Grain Access Control. EDOC 2003: 159-173
44EEBarrett R. Bryant, Rajeev R. Raje: Distributed Object and Component-Based Software Systems. HICSS 2003: 317
43 Razvan Atanasiu, Barrett R. Bryant: A Web Services Specification for the Healthcare Enterprise as a Unified Approach to the Exchange of Medical Information. ICWS 2003: 292-298
42EEShairaj Shaik, Raymond Corvin, Rajesh Sudarsan, Faizan Javed, Qasim Ijaz, Suman Roychoudhury, Jeffrey G. Gray, Barrett R. Bryant: SpeechClipse: an Eclipse speech plug-in. OOPSLA Workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange 2003: 84-88
41EEBeum-Seuk Lee, Xiaoqing Wu, Fei Cao, Shih-Hsi Liu, Wei Zhao, Chunmin Yang, Barrett R. Bryant, Jeffrey G. Gray: T-Clipse: an integrated development environment for two-level grammar. OOPSLA Workshop on Eclipse Technology eXchange 2003: 89-93
40 Marjan Mernik, Goran Gerlic, Viljem Zumer, Barrett R. Bryant: Can a Parser be Generated from Examples? SAC 2003: 1063-1067
39 Fei Cao, Barrett R. Bryant, Carol C. Burt, Zhisheng Huang, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston: Automating Feature-Oriented Domain Analysis. Software Engineering Research and Practice 2003: 944-949
38 Beum-Seuk Lee, Barrett R. Bryant: Applying XML technology for implementation of natural language specifications. Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng. 18(5): 279-300 (2003)
37EEBarrett R. Bryant, João Saraiva: Preface. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 82(3): (2003)
36EEBeum-Seuk Lee, Barrett R. Bryant: Contextual Natural Language Processing and DAML for Understanding Software Requirements Specifications. COLING 2002
35EECarol C. Burt, Barrett R. Bryant, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston: Quality of Service Issues Related to Transforming Platform Independent Models to Platform Specific Models. EDOC 2002: 212-
34 Beum-Seuk Lee, Barrett R. Bryant: Contextual Knowledge Representation for Requirements Documents in Natural Language. FLAIRS Conference 2002: 370-374
33EEBarrett R. Bryant, Beum-Seuk Lee: Two-Level Grammar as an Object-Oriented Requirements Specification Language. HICSS 2002: 280
32EEFei Cao, Barrett R. Bryant, Rajeev R. Raje, Mikhail Auguston, Andrew M. Olson, Carol C. Burt: Component Specification and Wrapper/Glue Code Generation with Two-Level Grammar Using Domain Specific Knowledge. ICFEM 2002: 103-107
31EEBeum-Seuk Lee, Barrett R. Bryant: Automation of Software System Development Using Natural Language Processing and Two-Level Grammar. RISSEF 2002: 219-233
30EEBeum-Seuk Lee, Barrett R. Bryant: Automated conversion from requirements documentation to an object-oriented formal specification language. SAC 2002: 932-936
29EEBarrett R. Bryant, Carol C. Burt, Mikhail Auguston, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson: Formal specification of generative component assembly using two-level grammar. SEKE 2002: 209-212
28EENanditha N. Siram, Rajeev R. Raje, Andrew M. Olson, Barrett R. Bryant, Carol C. Burt, Mikhail Auguston: An Architecture for the UniFrame Resource Discovery Service. SEM 2002: 20-35
27EERajeev R. Raje, Barrett R. Bryant, Andrew M. Olson, Mikhail Auguston, Carol C. Burt: A quality-of-service-based framework for creating distributed heterogeneous software components. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 14(12): 1009-1034 (2002)
26EE Luqi, Valdis Berzins, Jun Ge, Man-tak Shing, Mikhail Auguston, Barrett R. Bryant, Boon Kwang Kin: DCAPS - Architecture for Distributed Computer Aided Prototyping System. IEEE International Workshop on Rapid System Prototyping 2001: 103-109
25EELiang Guo, Barrett R. Bryant, Robert M. Hyatt: Java/CORBA technology on a Beowulf cluster. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2000: 58-59
24EEBarrett R. Bryant: Object-Oriented Natural Language Requirements Specification. ACSC 2000: 24-30
23 Yibing Wang, Robert M. Hyatt, Barrett R. Bryant: Architectural Considerations with Distributed Computing. ICEIS 2000: 535-536
22EEQiongsen Yu, Barrett R. Bryant: Effectively locating information on the Internet. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1999
21EEBarrett R. Bryant, Viswanathan Vaidyanathan: Object-Oriented Software Specification in Programming Language Design and Implementation. COMPSAC 1998: 387-392
20EELi Li, Barrett R. Bryant: An Efficient Parsing Model for Unification Categorial Grammar with Object-Oriented Knowledge Representation and selection Sets. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 7(2): 143-162 (1998)
19 Prakash K. Muthukrishnan, Barrett R. Bryant: Automatic Generation of Parallelizing Compilers for Object-Oriented Programming Languages from Denotational Semantics Specifications. SOFSEM 1997: 201-218
18EEAnthony C. L. Barnard, Barrett R. Bryant, Warren T. Jones, Kevin D. Reilly: A computer science undergraduate specialization in telecommunications and computer networking. SIGCSE 1996: 324-328
17EEBarrett R. Bryant, Daniel T. Chang, Prakash K. Muthukrishnan, Viswanathan Vaidyanathan: Automatic Parallelization of Object-Oriented Programming Languages Using Tuple Space. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1995: 89-96
16EEClement S. Allen, Barrett R. Bryant: A unification-based adaptive parser. SAC 1995: 282-287
15 Li Li, Barrett R. Bryant: Parsing Unification Categorial Grammar with Object-Oriented Knowledge. ICTAI 1994: 33-39
14EELi Li, Barrett R. Bryant: An integrated parsing scheme for unification categorial grammar with object-oriented lexicon. SAC 1994: 524-528
13 Barrett R. Bryant, Chandrasekaran Venkatapathy, Daniel T. Chang: Concurrency Control of Persistent Object Transactions in CORAL. CISMOD 1993: 0-
12 Barrett R. Bryant, Aiqin Pan: Two-Level Grammar: A Funtional/Logic Query Language for Database and Knowledge-Base Systems. LPAR 1992: 78-83
11 Zeki O. Bayram, Barrett R. Bryant: Conditional Term Rewriting as a Deductive Database Language. Workshop on Deductive Databases, JICSLP 1992: 126-135
10 H. Albert Lilly, Barrett R. Bryant: A Prescribed Cut for Prolog that Ensures Soundness. J. Log. Program. 14(3&4): 287-339 (1992)
9 Pradip Dey, Barrett R. Bryant, Tadao Takaoka: Lexical Ambiguity in Tree Adjoining Grammars. Inf. Process. Lett. 34(2): 65-69 (1990)
8 Balanjaninath Edupuganty, Barrett R. Bryant: Two-Level Grammar as a Functional Programming Language. Comput. J. 32(1): 36-44 (1989)
7EEShan-Jon Chao, Barrett R. Bryant: Denotational data flow analysis for parallel implementation of imperative programs. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1988: 17-26
6EEBarrett R. Bryant, Balanjaninath Edupuganty, K. R. Sundararaghavan, Tadao Takaoka: Two-level grammar: data flow English for functional and logic programming. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1988: 469-474
5EEShan-Jon Chao, Barrett R. Bryant: Denotational semantics for program analysis. SIGPLAN Notices 23(1): 83-91 (1988)
4 Barrett R. Bryant, R. Dale Johnson, Balanjaninath Edupuganty: Formal Specificaiton of Natural Language Syntax Using Two-Level Grammar. COLING 1986: 527-532
3 Barrett R. Bryant, Balanjaninath Edupuganty, Lee S. Hull: Two-Level Grammar as an Implementable Metalanguage for Axiomatic Semantics. Comput. Lang. 11(3/4): 173-191 (1986)
2 Barrett R. Bryant, A. A. Grau: An Intermediate Language to Define Dynamic Semantics. Comput. Lang. 9(3/4): 149-159 (1984)
1 R. Dale Johnson, Barrett R. Bryant: Formal Syntax Methods for Natural Language. Inf. Process. Lett. 19(3): 135-143 (1984)

Coauthor Index

1Clement S. Allen [16]
2Razvan Atanasiu [43]
3Mikhail Auguston [26] [27] [28] [29] [32] [35] [39] [45] [46] [48] [50] [54] [56] [58] [59] [60] [66] [69]
4Anthony C. L. Barnard [18]
5Zeki O. Bayram [11]
6Valdis Berzins [26]
7Kamal Bhattacharya [63] [68]
8Carol C. Burt [27] [28] [29] [32] [35] [39] [45] [46] [48] [50] [54] [56] [60]
9Fei Cao [32] [39] [41] [46] [48] [54] [56] [58] [60] [63] [64] [68] [79]
10Daniel T. Chang [13] [17]
11Shan-Jon Chao [5] [7]
12Raymond Corvin [42]
13Matej Crepinsek [51] [53] [55]
14Pradip Dey [9]
15Balanjaninath Edupuganty [3] [4] [6] [8]
16Jun Ge [26]
17Goran Gerlic [40]
18A. A. Grau [2]
19Jeffrey G. Gray (Jeff Gray) [41] [42] [52] [57] [58] [59] [62] [66] [67] [69] [72] [76] [79]
20Jiang Guo [67]
21Liang Guo [25]
22Rainer Hauser [63] [68]
23Zhisheng Huang [39]
24Lee S. Hull [3]
25Robert M. Hyatt [23] [25]
26Qasim Ijaz [42]
27Faizan Javed [42] [51] [53] [55] [70] [75] [76] [78]
28Chang-Hyun Jo [47] [61] [71] [80]
29R. Dale Johnson [1] [4]
30Warren T. Jones [18]
31Vana Kalogeraki [65]
32Boon Kwang Kin [26]
33Beum-Seuk Lee [30] [31] [33] [34] [36] [38] [41]
34Li Li [14] [15] [20]
35Yuehong Liao [67]
36H. Albert Lilly [10]
37Yuehua Lin [52]
38Shih-Hsi Liu [41] [58] [59] [64] [66] [69] [74]
39 Luqi [26]
40Marjan Mernik [40] [47] [51] [53] [55] [57] [61] [62] [70] [71] [72] [74] [75] [76] [78] [80]
41Prakash K. Muthukrishnan [17] [19]
42Andrew M. Olson [27] [28] [29] [32] [35] [39] [45] [46] [48] [50] [54] [56] [58] [59] [60] [66] [69]
43Aiqin Pan [12]
44Rajeev R. Raje [27] [28] [29] [32] [35] [39] [44] [45] [46] [48] [49] [50] [54] [56] [58] [59] [60] [65] [66] [69] [77]
45Kevin D. Reilly [18]
46Suman Roychoudhury [42] [62] [72]
47João Saraiva [37] [73]
48Shairaj Shaik [42]
49Man-tak Shing [26]
50Nanditha N. Siram [28]
51Alan P. Sprague [51] [53] [55] [70] [75] [78]
52Rajesh Sudarsan [42]
53Changlin Sun [77]
54K. R. Sundararaghavan [6]
55Tadao Takaoka [6] [9]
56Omkar J. Tilak [77]
57Mihran Tuceryan [69]
58Viswanathan Vaidyanathan [17] [21]
59Chandrasekaran Venkatapathy [13]
60Juanqin Wang [52]
61Yibing Wang [23]
62Hui Wu [52]
63Xiaoqing Wu [41] [57] [62] [72]
64Chuanxi Xu [52]
65Chunmin Yang [41]
66Qiongsen Yu [22]
67Jing Zhang [52]
68Wei Zhao [41] [46] [48] [50] [54] [60] [63] [64] [68]
69Song Zhou [52]
70Viljem Zumer [40]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)