
Scott D. Anderson

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8EEJonas Boustedt, Robert McCartney, Josh D. Tenenberg, Scott D. Anderson, Caroline M. Eastman, Daniel D. Garcia, Paul V. Gestwicki, Margaret S. Menzin: It seemed like a good idea at the time. SIGCSE 2008: 528-529
7EEScott D. Anderson: A course on simulation, probability and statistics. SIGCSE 2007: 110-114
6EEUgonna Ibeanusi, Valerie Lafond-Favieres, Latresa McLawhorn, Scott D. Anderson: Understanding robot navigation and control. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 1999
5EEScott D. Anderson: Simulation of Multiple Time-Pressured Agents. Winter Simulation Conference 1997: 397-404
4 Scott D. Anderson, Paul R. Cohen: On-line Planning Simulation. AIPS 1996: 3-10
3 Scott D. Anderson, Paul R. Cohen: Timed Common Lisp: The Duration of Deliberation. SIGART Bulletin 7(2): 11-15 (1996)
2 Scott D. Anderson, Adam Carlson, David L. Westbrook, David M. Hart, Paul R. Cohen: Tols for Experiments in Planning. ICTAI 1994: 615-623
1 Scott D. Anderson, David M. Hart, Paul R. Cohen: Two Ways to Act. SIGART Bulletin 2(4): 20-24 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Jonas Boustedt [8]
2Adam Carlson [2]
3Paul R. Cohen [1] [2] [3] [4]
4Caroline M. Eastman [8]
5Daniel D. Garcia [8]
6Paul V. Gestwicki [8]
7David M. Hart [1] [2]
8Ugonna Ibeanusi [6]
9Valerie Lafond-Favieres [6]
10Robert McCartney [8]
11Latresa McLawhorn [6]
12Margaret S. Menzin [8]
13Josh D. Tenenberg [8]
14David L. Westbrook [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)