
Christopher J. Merz

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12EEDavid Wolpert, Sergey Kirshner, Christopher J. Merz, Kagan Tumer: Adaptivity in agent-based routing for data networks. Agents 2000: 396-403
11EEDavid Wolpert, Sergey Kirshner, Christopher J. Merz, Kagan Tumer: Adaptivity in Agent-Based Routing for Data Networks CoRR cs.MA/9912011: (1999)
10 Christopher J. Merz: Using Correspondence Analysis to Combine Classifiers. Machine Learning 36(1-2): 33-58 (1999)
9 Christopher J. Merz, Michael J. Pazzani: A Principal Components Approach to Combining Regression Estimates. Machine Learning 36(1-2): 9-32 (1999)
8 Christopher J. Merz: Combining Classifiers Using Correspondence Analysis. NIPS 1997
7EEChristopher J. Merz, Michael J. Pazzani: Combining Neural Network Regression Estimates with Regularized Linear Weights. NIPS 1996: 564-570
6EEChristopher J. Merz, Michael J. Pazzani, Andrea Pohoreckyj Danyluk: Tuning Numeric Parameters to Troubleshoot a Telephone-Network Loop. IEEE Expert 11(1): 44-49 (1996)
5 Takefumi Yamazaki, Michael J. Pazzani, Christopher J. Merz: Learning Hierarchies from Ambiguous Natural Language Data. ICML 1995: 575-583
4 Takefumi Yamazaki, Michael J. Pazzani, Christopher J. Merz: Acquiring and updating hierarchical knowledge for machine translation based on a clustering technique. Learning for Natural Language Processing 1995: 329-342
3 Michael J. Pazzani, Christopher J. Merz, Patrick M. Murphy, Kamal Ali, Timothy Hume, Clifford Brunk: Reducing Misclassification Costs. ICML 1994: 217-225
2 Christopher J. Merz, Michael J. Pazzani: Parameter Tuning for the MAX Expert System. ICTAI 1994: 632-639
1EEChristopher J. Merz, W. E. Bond, Daniel C. St. Clair: Matching Interval-Valued-Argument Propositions in Rule-Based Systems. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1990: 343-350

Coauthor Index

1Kamal Ali [3]
2W. E. Bond [1]
3Clifford Brunk [3]
4Daniel C. St. Clair [1]
5Andrea Pohoreckyj Danyluk [6]
6Timothy Hume [3]
7Sergey Kirshner [11] [12]
8Patrick M. Murphy [3]
9Michael J. Pazzani [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
10Kagan Tumer [11] [12]
11David Wolpert (David H. Wolpert) [11] [12]
12Takefumi Yamazaki [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)