
Abdelouahab Mekaouche

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6EEGregory Fernandez, Abdelouahab Mekaouche, Philippe Peter, Chabane Djeraba: Intelligent Image Clustering. EDBT Workshops 2002: 406-419
5 Gregory Fernandez, Philippe Peter, Abdelouahab Mekaouche, Chabane Djeraba: K-automatic discovery in large image databases. INFORSID 2002: 365-379
4EEAbdelouahab Mekaouche: The Cooperative System for Information Retrieval. SCCC 2000: 199-209
3 Ester Bernadó i Mansilla, Abdelouahab Mekaouche, Josep Maria Garrell i Guiu: A Study of a Genetic Classifier System Based on the Pittsburgh Approach on a Medical Domain. IEA/AIE 1999: 175-184
2 Michael Braunwarth, Abdelouahab Mekaouche, Jean-Claude Bassano: DIALECT2: An Information Retrieval System Based on Distributed Artificial Intelligence Tools. ICTAI 1994: 800-803
1 Michael Braunwarth, Abdelouahab Mekaouche, Jean-Claude Bassano: Information retrieval System using DAI Tools. RIAO 1994: 449-461

Coauthor Index

1Jean-Claude Bassano [1] [2]
2Ester Bernadó-Mansilla (Ester Bernadó i Mansilla) [3]
3Michael Braunwarth [1] [2]
4Chabane Djeraba [5] [6]
5Gregory Fernandez [5] [6]
6Josep Maria Garrell i Guiu [3]
7Philippe Peter [5] [6]

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Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)