
Jean-Claude Bassano

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8 Gaël Dias, Sylvie Guilloré, Jean-Claude Bassano, José Gabriel Pereira Lopes: Combining Linguistics with statistics for multiword term extraction: a fruitfull association? RIAO 2000: 1473-1491
7 S. A. Laribi, Gilles Desrocques, A. Laribi, Jean-Claude Bassano: Using Simulated Annealing to Understand Natural Language Texts. RIAO 1997: 188-200
6 Dominique Archambault, Jean-Claude Bassano: A Neural Network for Supervised Learning of Natural Language Grammar. ICTAI 1994: 267-273
5 Michael Braunwarth, Abdelouahab Mekaouche, Jean-Claude Bassano: DIALECT2: An Information Retrieval System Based on Distributed Artificial Intelligence Tools. ICTAI 1994: 800-803
4 Michael Braunwarth, Abdelouahab Mekaouche, Jean-Claude Bassano: Information retrieval System using DAI Tools. RIAO 1994: 449-461
3 W. Mekaouche, Jean-Claude Bassano: Multi-experts system for documentary research. RIAO 1991: 394-414
2 Gilles Desrocques, Jean-Claude Bassano, Dominique Archambault: An associative neural experts system for information retrieval. RIAO 1991: 546-567
1 Jean-Claude Bassano: Un système convivial pour la recherche documentaire. RIAO 1985: 28-48

Coauthor Index

1Dominique Archambault [2] [6]
2Michael Braunwarth [4] [5]
3Gilles Desrocques [2] [7]
4Gaël Dias [8]
5Sylvie Guilloré [8]
6A. Laribi [7]
7S. A. Laribi [7]
8José Gabriel Pereira Lopes [8]
9Abdelouahab Mekaouche [4] [5]
10W. Mekaouche [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)