
Ryan Stansifer

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16EENattawut Sridranop, Ryan Stansifer: Higher-order functional programming and wildcards in java. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2007: 42-46
15EELajos Nagy, Ryan Stansifer: Polymorphic type inference for the relational algebra in the functional database programming language neon. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2006: 673-678
14EEKishore Kattamuri, Marius-Calin Silaghi, Cem Kaner, Ryan Stansifer, Markus Zanker: Supporting debates over citizen initiatives. DG.O 2005: 279-280
13EENattawut Sridranop, Ryan Stansifer: Adding polymorphic tuples and lists to the syntax of Java. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2004: 255-260
12EERamón Zatarain, Ryan Stansifer: A model of CPS translation and interpretation. ACM Southeast Regional Conference 2004: 326-331
11 Edward Pershits, Ryan Stansifer: Solving Diagramless Crossword Puzzles. ICTAI 1994: 4-10
10EERyan Stansifer, Dan Wetklow: Type reconstruction for coercion polymorphism. SAC 1994: 420-424
9EERyan Stansifer, Mike Beaven, Dan C. Marinescu: Modeling concurrent programs with colored Petri nets. Journal of Systems and Software 26(2): 129-148 (1994)
8EERyan Stansifer, Dan Wetklow: Method Reuse in Typed Object-Oriented Languages. SAC 1993: 63-70
7EEMike Beaven, Ryan Stansifer: Explaining Type Errors In Polimorphic Languages. LOPLAS 2(1-4): 17-30 (1993)
6 Ryan Stansifer: The Calculation of Easter. SIGPLAN Notices 27(12): 61-65 (1992)
5 Dan C. Marinescu, Mike Beaven, Ryan Stansifer: A Parallel Algorithm for Computing Invariants of Petri Net Models. PNPM 1991: 136-143
4 Ryan Stansifer: Imperative versus Functional. SIGPLAN Notices 25(4): 69-72 (1990)
3 Mike Beaven, Ryan Stansifer, Dan Wetklow: A Functional Language with Classes. Great Lakes Computer Science Conference 1989: 364-370
2 Steve J. Chapin, Ryan Stansifer: Using ML as a Command Language. Great Lakes Computer Science Conference 1989: 371-377
1 Ryan Stansifer: Type Inference with Subtypes. POPL 1988: 88-97

Coauthor Index

1Mike Beaven [3] [5] [7] [9]
2Steve J. Chapin [2]
3Cem Kaner [14]
4Kishore Kattamuri [14]
5Dan C. Marinescu [5] [9]
6Lajos Nagy [15]
7Edward Pershits [11]
8Marius-Calin Silaghi (Marius Silaghi) [14]
9Nattawut Sridranop [13] [16]
10Dan Wetklow [3] [8] [10]
11Markus Zanker [14]
12Ramón Zatarain [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)