
Yeong-Joon Kim

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11EEYeong-Joon Kim, Chul-Eui Hong: Learning the Bias of a Classifier in a GA-Based Inductive Learning Environment. ICIC (1) 2005: 928-936
10EEChul-Eui Hong, Wonil Kim, Yeong-Joon Kim: A Novel Approach to Load Balancing Problem. CIS 2004: 188-193
9EEWonil Kim, Chul-Eui Hong, Yeong-Joon Kim: Asynchronous Distributed Genetic Algorithm for Optimal Channel Routing. CIS 2004: 194-199
8EEChul-Eui Hong, Wonil Kim, Yeong-Joon Kim: A Novel Hybrid Approach of Mean Field Annealing and Genetic Algorithm for Load Balancing Problem. IBERAMIA 2004: 830-840
7EEChul-Eui Hong, Wonil Kim, Yeong-Joon Kim: Distributed Channel Routing Using Genetic Algorithm. PDCAT 2004: 234-237
6EEWonil Kim, Chul-Eui Hong, Yeong-Joon Kim: Distributed Simulated Annealing for Composite Stock Cutting Problem. PDCAT 2004: 238-242
5EEWonil Kim, Chul-Eui Hong, Yeong-Joon Kim: The Analysis of Hardware Supported Cache Lock Mechanism Without Retry. PDCAT 2004: 787-790
4 Yeong-Joon Kim, Christoph F. Eick: Multi-rule-set Decision-making Schemes for a Genetic Algorithm Learning Environment for Classification Tasks. Evolutionary Programming 1995: 773-788
3 Christoph F. Eick, Yeong-Joon Kim, Nicola Secomandi: Enhancing Diversity for a Genetic Algorithm Learning Environment for Classfication Tasks. ICTAI 1994: 820-823
2EERamez Elmasri, Yeong-Joon Kim, Gene T. J. Wuu: Efficient Implementation Techniques For the Time Index. ICDE 1991: 102-111
1EERamez Elmasri, Gene T. J. Wuu, Yeong-Joon Kim: The Time Index: An Access Structure for Temporal Data. VLDB 1990: 1-12

Coauthor Index

1Christoph F. Eick [3] [4]
2Ramez Elmasri [1] [2]
3Chul-Eui Hong [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11]
4Wonil Kim [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
5Nicola Secomandi [3]
6Gene T. J. Wuu [1] [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)