
Geert Wets

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41EEElke Moons, Tom Brijs, Geert Wets: Hot Spot Analysis: Improving a Local Indicator of Spatial Association for Application in Traffic Safety. ICCSA (1) 2008: 221-231
40EEBenoît Depaire, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets: ARUBAS: An Association Rule Based Similarity Framework for Associative Classifiers. ICDM Workshops 2008: 692-699
39EEQi Han, Theo A. Arentze, Harry J. P. Timmermans, Davy Janssens, Geert Wets: An agent-based system for simulating dynamic choice-sets. SpringSim 2008: 26-33
38EEElke Moons, Geert Wets, Marc Aerts: Nonlinear Models for Determining Mode Choice. EPIA Workshops 2007: 183-194
37 Kris Brijs, Benoît Depaire, Koen Vanhoof, Tom Brijs, Geert Wets: The Importance of Aggregation Operator Characteristics in Marketing Research. ICEIS (2) 2007: 237-246
36EEDavy Janssens, Yu Lan, Geert Wets, Guoqing Chen: Allocating time and location information to activity-travel patterns through reinforcement learning. Knowl.-Based Syst. 20(5): 466-477 (2007)
35EETian-rui Li, Da Ruan, Geert Wets, Jing Song, Yang Xu: A rough sets based characteristic relation approach for dynamic attribute generalization in data mining. Knowl.-Based Syst. 20(5): 485-494 (2007)
34EEDavy Janssens, Tom Brijs, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets: Evaluating the performance of cost-based discretization versus entropy- and error-based discretization. Computers & OR 33(11): 3107-3123 (2006)
33EEDavy Janssens, Geert Wets, Tom Brijs, Koen Vanhoof, Theo A. Arentze, Harry J. P. Timmermans: Integrating Bayesian networks and decision trees in a sequential rule-based transportation model. European Journal of Operational Research 175(1): 16-34 (2006)
32EEYu Lan, Davy Janssens, Guoqing Chen, Geert Wets: Improving associative classification by incorporating novel interestingness measures. Expert Syst. Appl. 31(1): 184-192 (2006)
31 Da Ruan, Guoqing Chen, Etienne E. Kerre, Geert Wets: Intelligent Data Mining: Techniques and Applications Springer 2005
30EEYu Lan, Davy Janssens, Geert Wets, Guoqing Chen: Improving Associative Classification by Incorporating Novel Interestingness Measures. ICEBE 2005: 282-288
29EEKoen Vanhoof, Pieter Pauwels, József Dombi, Tom Brijs, Geert Wets: Penalty-Reward Analysis with Uninorms: A Study of Customer (Dis)Satisfaction. Intelligent Data Mining 2005: 237-252
28EEDavy Janssens, Geert Wets, Tom Brijs, Koen Vanhoof: Using an Adapted Classification Based on Associations Algorithm in an Activity-Based Transportation System. Intelligent Data Mining 2005: 253-265
27EEDavy Janssens, Geert Wets, Tom Brijs, Koen Vanhoof: The development of an adapted Markov chain modelling heuristic and simulation framework in the context of transportation research. Expert Syst. Appl. 28(1): 105-117 (2005)
26EEBernd Vindevogel, Dirk Van den Poel, Geert Wets: Why promotion strategies based on market basket analysis do not work. Expert Syst. Appl. 28(3): 583-590 (2005)
25EEDavy Janssens, Geert Wets, Tom Brijs, Koen Vanhoof: Adapting the CBA algorithm by means of intensity of implication. Inf. Sci. 173(4): 305-318 (2005)
24EEYu Lan, Guoqing Chen, Davy Janssens, Geert Wets: Dilated Chi-Square: A Novel Interestingness Measure to Build Accurate and Compact Decision List. Intelligent Information Processing 2004: 233-237
23 Waldemar Jaronski, Josée Bloemer, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets: Exploiting sensitivity analysis in Bayesian networks for customer satisfaction study. Intelligent Information Systems 2004: 39-48
22EETom Brijs, Gilbert Swinnen, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets: Building an Association Rules Framework to Improve Product Assortment Decisions. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 8(1): 7-23 (2004)
21EEWouter Buckinx, Elke Moons, Dirk Van den Poel, Geert Wets: Customer-adapted coupon targeting using feature selection. Expert Syst. Appl. 26(4): 509-518 (2004)
20EEDirk Van den Poel, Jan De Schamphelaere, Geert Wets: Direct and indirect effects of retail promotions on sales and profits in the do-it-yourself market. Expert Syst. Appl. 27(1): 53-62 (2004)
19EEBirgit Hay, Geert Wets, Koen Vanhoof: Mining Navigation Patterns Using a Sequence Alignment Method. Knowl. Inf. Syst. 6(2): 150-163 (2004)
18EEBirgit Hay, Geert Wets, Koen Vanhoof: Discovering Interesting Navigations on a Web Site Using SAMI. ITWP 2003: 187-200
17 Birgit Hay, Geert Wets, Koen Vanhoof: Multidimensional Sequence Alignment Methods: Discovering Navigation Patterns on Web Sites Presenting Page- and Time Information. ICMLA 2002: 57-63
16EEBirgit Hay, Geert Wets, Koen Vanhoof: Web Usage Mining by Means of Multidimensional Sequence Alignment Methods. WEBKDD 2002: 50-65
15EETom Brijs, Bart Goethals, Gilbert Swinnen, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets: A Data Mining Framework for Optimal Product Selection in Retail Supermarket Data: The Generalized PROFSET Model CoRR cs.DB/0112013: (2001)
14EETom Brijs, Gilbert Swinnen, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets: A Data Mining Framework for Optimal Product Selection in Convenience Stores. ECIS 2000
13EETom Brijs, Gilbert Swinnen, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets: Comparing Complete and Partial Classification for Identifying Latently Dissatisfied Customers. ECML 2000: 88-95
12EETom Brijs, Bart Goethals, Gilbert Swinnen, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets: A data mining framework for optimal product selection in retail supermarket data: the generalized PROFSET model. KDD 2000: 300-304
11 Jurgen Martens, Geert Wets, Jan Vanthienen, Christophe Mues: Improving a neuro-fuzzy classifier using exploratory factor analysis. Int. J. Intell. Syst. 15(8): 785-800 (2000)
10EETom Brijs, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets: Reducing redundancy in characteristic rule discovery by using integer programming techniques. Intell. Data Anal. 4(3-4): 229-240 (2000)
9EETom Brijs, Gilbert Swinnen, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets: Using Association Rules for Product Assortment Decisions: A Case Study. KDD 1999: 254-260
8 Filip Coenen, Gilbert Swinnen, Koen Vanhoof, Geert Wets: The Improvement of Response Modeling: Combining Rule-Induction and Case-Based Reasoning. PKDD 1999: 301-308
7 Geert Wets, Jan Vanthienen, Harry J. P. Timmermans: Modelling Decision Tables from Data. PAKDD 1998: 412-413
6 Jan Vanthienen, Christophe Mues, Geert Wets: Inter-Tabular Verification in an Interactive Environment. EUROVAV 1997: 155-165
5 Jan Vanthienen, Ann Aerts, Christophe Mues, Geert Wets: A Modeling Approach to KBS Verification. EUROVAV 1995: 155-171
4EEJan Vanthienen, Geert Wets: Integration of the Decision Table Formalism with a Relational Environment Inf. Syst. 20(7): 595-616 (1995)
3 Jan Vanthienen, Geert Wets: Restructuring and Optimizing Knowledge Representations. ICTAI 1994: 768-771
2 Jan Vanthienen, Geert Wets: Managing decision table knowledge in a relational database environment. SEKE 1994: 352-357
1 Jan Vanthienen, Geert Wets: From Decision Tables to Expert System Shells. Data Knowl. Eng. 13(3): 265-282 (1994)

Coauthor Index

1Ann Aerts [5]
2Marc Aerts [38]
3Theo A. Arentze [33] [39]
4Josée Bloemer [23]
5Kris Brijs [37]
6Tom Brijs [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [22] [25] [27] [28] [29] [33] [34] [37] [41]
7Wouter Buckinx [21]
8Guoqing Chen [24] [30] [31] [32] [36]
9Filip Coenen [8]
10Benoît Depaire [37] [40]
11József Dombi [29]
12Bart Goethals [12] [15]
13Qi Han [39]
14Birgit Hay [16] [17] [18] [19]
15Davy Janssens [24] [25] [27] [28] [30] [32] [33] [34] [36] [39]
16Waldemar Jaronski [23]
17Etienne E. Kerre [31]
18Yu Lan [24] [30] [32] [36]
19Tian-rui Li [35]
20Jurgen Martens [11]
21Elke Moons [21] [38] [41]
22Christophe Mues [5] [6] [11]
23Pieter Pauwels [29]
24Dirk Van den Poel [20] [21] [26]
25Da Ruan [31] [35]
26Jan De Schamphelaere [20]
27Jing Song [35]
28Gilbert Swinnen [8] [9] [12] [13] [14] [15] [22]
29Harry J. P. Timmermans [7] [33] [39]
30Koen Vanhoof [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [22] [23] [25] [27] [28] [29] [33] [34] [37] [40]
31Jan Vanthienen [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [11]
32Bernd Vindevogel [26]
33Yang Xu [35]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)