2007 |
40 | EE | Hongkai Wang,
Robert E. Mercer,
John L. Barron,
Paul Joe:
Skeleton-Based Tornado Hook Echo Detection.
ICIP (6) 2007: 361-364 |
39 | EE | Daniel L. Silver,
Robert E. Mercer:
Sequential Inductive Transfer for Coronary Artery Disease Diagnosis.
IJCNN 2007: 2635-2641 |
2006 |
38 | | Jean Gressmann,
Tomi Janhunen,
Robert E. Mercer,
Torsten Schaub,
Sven Thiele,
Richard Tichy:
On Probing and Multi-Threading in Platypus.
ECAI 2006: 392-396 |
2005 |
37 | EE | Jean Gressmann,
Tomi Janhunen,
Robert E. Mercer,
Torsten Schaub,
Sven Thiele,
Richard Tichy:
Platypus: A Platform for Distributed Answer Set Solving.
LPNMR 2005: 227-239 |
2004 |
36 | EE | Robert E. Mercer,
Chrysanne DiMarco,
Frederick W. Kroon:
The Frequency of Hedging Cues in Citation Contexts in Scientific Writing.
Canadian Conference on AI 2004: 75-88 |
2003 |
35 | EE | James P. Delgrande,
M. Gharib,
Robert E. Mercer,
Vincent Risch,
Torsten Schaub:
Lukaszewicz-style Answer Set Programming: A Preliminary Report.
Answer Set Programming 2003 |
34 | EE | Robert E. Mercer,
Vincent Risch:
Properties of maximal cliques of a pair-wise compatibility graph for three nonmonotonic reasoning system.
Answer Set Programming 2003 |
33 | EE | Robert E. Mercer,
Chrysanne DiMarco:
The Importance of Fine-Grained Cue Phrases in Scientific Citations.
Canadian Conference on AI 2003: 550-556 |
32 | | Jim Morey,
Kamran Sedig,
Robert E. Mercer:
Polyvise: A Tool for Exploring Fourdimensional Uniform Polytopes206.
Computer Graphics and Imaging 2003: 181-186 |
31 | EE | Philippe Besnard,
Robert E. Mercer,
Torsten Schaub:
Optimality Theory through Default Logic.
KI 2003: 93-104 |
30 | EE | Xiaolai Tang,
John L. Barron,
Robert E. Mercer,
Paul Joe:
Tracking Weather Storms Using 3D Doppler Radial Velocity Information.
SCIA 2003: 1038-1043 |
2002 |
29 | EE | Kevin Kennedy,
Robert E. Mercer:
Using Communicative Acts to Plan the Cinematographic Structure of Animations.
Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 132-146 |
28 | EE | Tamer S. Mahdi,
Robert E. Mercer:
A Lexical Functional Mapping Algorithm.
Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 303-309 |
27 | EE | Daniel L. Silver,
Robert E. Mercer:
The Task Rehearsal Method of Life-Long Learning: Overcoming Impoverished Data.
Canadian Conference on AI 2002: 90-101 |
26 | | Daniel L. Silver,
Robert E. Mercer:
Life-long Learning through Task Rehersal and Selective Transfer.
ICMLA 2002: 173-179 |
25 | | Luiz Ernesto Merkle,
Robert E. Mercer:
Variations in Computing Science's Disciplinary Diversity.
Informatics Curricula and Teaching Methods 2002: 87-96 |
24 | | Philippe Besnard,
Robert E. Mercer,
Torsten Schaub:
Optimality theory through default logic.
NMR 2002: 77-83 |
23 | EE | Robert E. Mercer,
John L. Barron,
Aiden A. Bruen,
David Cheng:
Fuzzy points: algebra and application.
Pattern Recognition 35(5): 1153-1166 (2002) |
2001 |
22 | EE | Jim Morey,
Kamran Sedig,
Robert E. Mercer,
M. Wayne Wilson:
Crystal Lattice Automata.
CIAA 2001: 214-220 |
21 | EE | Kevin Kennedy,
Robert E. Mercer:
Planning Animations Using Cinematography Knowledge.
Canadian Conference on AI 2001: 357-360 |
20 | EE | Robert E. Mercer,
Lionel Forget,
Vincent Risch:
Comparing a Pair-Wise Compatibility Heuristic and Relaxed Stratification: Some Preliminary Results.
ECSQARU 2001: 580-591 |
19 | EE | X. Chen,
John L. Barron,
Robert E. Mercer,
Paul Joe:
3D regularized velocity from 3D Doppler radial velocity.
ICIP (3) 2001: 664-667 |
18 | EE | Jim Morey,
Kamran Sedig,
Robert E. Mercer:
Interactive Metamorphic Visuals: Exploring Polyhedral Relationships.
IV 2001: 483-488 |
2000 |
17 | EE | Mark Garzone,
Robert E. Mercer:
Towards an Automated Citation Classifier.
Canadian Conference on AI 2000: 337-346 |
16 | EE | Carmen Vodislav,
Robert E. Mercer:
Optimal Belief Revision
CoRR cs.AI/0003031: (2000) |
15 | | Philip G. Surette,
Robert E. Mercer:
Realizing Presuppositions in a Montague Grammar-Like Fragment of English.
Computational Intelligence 16(4): 525-551 (2000) |
1998 |
14 | | Robert E. Mercer,
Eric Neufeld:
Advances in Artificial Intelligence, 12th Biennial Conference of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, AI '98, Vancouver, BC, Canada, June 18-20, 1998, Proceedings
Springer 1998 |
1997 |
13 | | Luiz Ernesto Merkle,
Robert E. Mercer:
Are Interactive Media as Large as Life and Half as Natural?
HCI (2) 1997: 55-58 |
1996 |
12 | | Michael J. Dent,
Robert E. Mercer:
A New Model of Hard Binary Constraint Satisfaction Problems.
Canadian Conference on AI 1996: 14-25 |
11 | | Michael J. Dent,
Robert E. Mercer:
An Empirical Inverstigation of the Forward Checking Algorithm and Its Derivatives.
ICTAI 1996: 278-285 |
1994 |
10 | | D. Krezeski,
Robert E. Mercer,
John L. Barron,
Paul Joe,
H. Zhang:
Strom Tracking in Doppler RAdar Images.
ICIP (3) 1994: 226-230 |
9 | | Michael J. Dent,
Robert E. Mercer:
Minimal Forward Checking.
ICTAI 1994: 432-438 |
1993 |
8 | | Marimin,
Robert E. Mercer,
J. M. Carroll:
Designing a Stochastic Parameter Reasoner.
ICCI 1993: 375-379 |
1992 |
7 | | Philippe Besnard,
Robert E. Mercer:
Non-Monotonic Logics: A Valuations-Based Approach.
AIMSA 1992: 77-84 |
1991 |
6 | | Robert E. Mercer:
Presuppositions and Default Reasoning: A Study in Lexical Pragmatics.
SIGLEX Workshop 1991: 321-339 |
1989 |
5 | | Philippe Besnard,
Yves Moinard,
Robert E. Mercer:
The Importance of Open and Recursive Circumscription.
Artif. Intell. 39(2): 251-262 (1989) |
1988 |
4 | | Robert E. Mercer:
Solving some persistent presupposition problems.
COLING 1988: 420-425 |
1987 |
3 | | David W. Etherington,
Robert E. Mercer:
Domain circumscription: a reevaluation.
Computational Intelligence 3: 94-99 (1987) |
1985 |
2 | | David W. Etherington,
Robert E. Mercer,
Raymond Reiter:
On the adequacy of predicate circumscription for closed-world reasoning.
Computational Intelligence 1: 11-15 (1985) |
1984 |
1 | | David W. Etherington,
Robert E. Mercer,
Raymond Reiter:
On the Adequacy of Predicate Circumscription for Closed-World Reasoning.
NMR 1984: 70-81 |