
James C. Browne

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123EEHonguk Woo, Jianliang Yi, James C. Browne, Aloysius K. Mok, Ella Atkins, Fei Xie: Design and Development Methodology for Resilient Cyber-Physical Systems. ICDCS Workshops 2008: 525-528
122EEJianliang Yi, Honguk Woo, James C. Browne, Aloysius K. Mok, Fei Xie, Ella Atkins, Chan-Gun Lee: Incorporating Resource Safety Verification to Executable Model-based Development for Embedded Systems. IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications Symposium 2008: 137-146
121EEAdam Brown, James C. Browne, Calvin Lin: Early Results with Precision Abstraction: Using Data-flow Analysis to Improve the Scalability of Model Checking. IPDPS 2007: 1-5
120EEChandrajit L. Bajaj, J. Tinsley Oden, Kenneth R. Diller, James C. Browne, J. Hazle, Ivo Babuska, Jon Bass, L. Bidaut, Leszek F. Demkowicz, Andrew Elliott, Yusheng Feng, David Fuentes, Boseob Kwon, Serge Prudhomme, R. Jason Stafford, Yongjie Zhang: Using Cyber-Infrastructure for Dynamic Data Driven Laser Treatment of Cancer. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2007: 972-979
119EEYoung Yoon, James C. Browne, Mathew Crocker, Samit Jain, Nasim Mahmood: Productivity and performance through components: the ASCI Sweep3D application. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 19(5): 721-742 (2007)
118EEFei Xie, James C. Browne: Verification of Component-Based Software Application Families. CBSE 2006: 50-66
117EEJames C. Browne, Calvin Lin, Kevin Kane, Yoonsik Cheon, Patricia J. Teller: Unification of verification and validation methods for software systems: progress report and initial case study formulation. IPDPS 2006
116EEJ. Tinsley Oden, Kenneth R. Diller, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, James C. Browne, J. Hazle, Ivo Babuska, Jon Bass, Leszek F. Demkowicz, Yusheng Feng, David Fuentes, Serge Prudhomme, M. N. Rylander, R. Jason Stafford, Yongjie Zhang: Development of a Computational Paradigm for Laser Treatment of Cancer. International Conference on Computational Science (3) 2006: 530-537
115EEKevin Kane, James C. Browne: On classifying access control implementations for distributed systems. SACMAT 2006: 29-38
114EEKevin Kane, James C. Browne: Using uncertainty in reputation methods to enforce cooperation in ad-hoc networks. Workshop on Wireless Security 2006: 105-113
113EEJames C. Browne: Productivity in High Performance Computing. HiPC 2005: 2-3
112EENasim Mahmood, Yusheng Feng, James C. Browne: A Case Study in Application Family Development by Automated Component Composition: h-p Adaptive Finite Element Codes. International Conference on Computational Science (1) 2005: 347-354
111EENasim Mahmood, Yusheng Feng, James C. Browne: Evolutionary performance-oriented development of parallel programs by composition of components. WOSP 2005: 239-248
110EEJames C. Browne: Grid computing as applied distributed computation: a graduate seminar on Internet and Grid computing. CCGRID 2004: 239-245
109EEKevin Kane, James C. Browne: CoorSet: A Development Environment for Associatively Coordinated Components. COORDINATION 2004: 216-231
108EEFei Xie, Vladimir Levin, Robert P. Kurshan, James C. Browne: Translating Software Designs for Model Checking. FASE 2004: 324-338
107EEJ. Tinsley Oden, James C. Browne, Ivo Babuska, Chandrajit L. Bajaj, Leszek F. Demkowicz, L. Gray, Jon Bass, Yusheng Feng, Serge Prudhomme, F. Nobile, R. Tempone: A Dynamic Data Driven Computational Infrastructure for Reliable Computer Simulations. International Conference on Computational Science 2004: 756-763
106EENatasha Sharygina, James C. Browne, Fei Xie, Robert P. Kurshan, Vladimir Levin: Lessons Learned from Model Checking a NASA Robot Controller. Formal Methods in System Design 25(2-3): 241-270 (2004)
105EEFei Xie, James C. Browne: Verified systems by composition from verified components. ESEC / SIGSOFT FSE 2003: 277-286
104EENatasha Sharygina, James C. Browne: Model Checking Software via Abstraction of Loop Transitions. FASE 2003: 325-340
103EEFei Xie, James C. Browne, Robert P. Kurshan: Translation-Based Compositional Reasoning for Software Systems. FME 2003: 582-599
102EEKarthikeyan Sankaralingam, Simha Sethumadhavan, James C. Browne: Distributed Pagerank for P2P Systems. HPDC 2003: 58-69
101EEVikram S. Adve, James C. Browne, Brian Ensink, John R. Rice, Patricia J. Teller, Mary K. Vernon, Stephen J. Wright: An Approach to Optimizing Adaptive Parabolic PDE Solvers for the Grid. IPDPS 2003: 210
100EEJ. Tinsley Oden, James C. Browne, Ivo Babuska, Kenneth M. Liechti, Leszek F. Demkowicz: A Computational Infrastructure for Reliable Computer Simulations. International Conference on Computational Science 2003: 385-392
99EENasim Mahmood, Guosheng Deng, James C. Browne: Compositional Development of Parallel Programs. LCPC 2003: 109-126
98EEKarthikeyan Sankaralingam, Madhulika Yalamanchi, Simha Sethumadhavan, James C. Browne: Pagerank Computation and Keyword Search on Distributed Systems and P2P Networks. J. Grid Comput. 1(3): 291-307 (2003)
97EEJames C. Browne, Kevin Kane, Hongxia Tian: An Associative Broadcast Based Coordination Model for Distributed Processes. COORDINATION 2002: 96-110
96EEFei Xie, Vladimir Levin, James C. Browne: ObjectCheck: A Model Checking Tool for Executable Object-Oriented Software System Designs. FASE 2002: 331-335
95EEFei Xie, James C. Browne: Integrated State Space Reduction for Model Checking Executable Object-Oriented Software System Designs. FASE 2002: 64-79
94EEVikram S. Adve, Afolami Akinsanmi, James C. Browne, Det Buaklee, Guoshen Deng, Vinh Vi Lam, Trevor Morgan, John R. Rice, Gregory J. Rodin, Patricia J. Teller, Gregory F. Tracy, Mary K. Vernon, Stephen J. Wright: Model-Based Control of Adaptive Applications: An Overview. IPDPS 2002
93EEFei Xie, Vladimir Levin, James C. Browne: Model Checking for an Executable Subset of UML. ASE 2001: 333-336
92EENatasha Sharygina, James C. Browne, Robert P. Kurshan: A Formal Object-Oriented Analysis for Software Reliability: Design for Verification. FASE 2001: 318-332
91 Raju Pandey, James C. Browne: Support for Implementation of Evolutionary Concurrent Systems. International Journal of Parallel Programming 29(4): 401-431 (2001)
90EEVikram S. Adve, Rajive Bagrodia, James C. Browne, Ewa Deelman, Aditya Dube, Elias N. Houstis, John R. Rice, Rizos Sakellariou, David Sundaram-Stukel, Patricia J. Teller, Mary K. Vernon: POEMS: End-to-End Performance Design of Large Parallel Adaptive Computational Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 26(11): 1027-1048 (2000)
89 Krishna M. Kavi, James C. Browne, Anand Tripathi: Computer Systems Research: The Pressure Is On. IEEE Computer 32(1): 30-39 (1999)
88EEEwa Deelman, Aditya Dube, Adolfy Hoisie, Yong Luo, Richard L. Oliver, David Sundaram-Stukel, Harvey J. Wasserman, Vikram S. Adve, Rajive Bagrodia, James C. Browne, Elias N. Houstis, Olaf M. Lubeck, John R. Rice, Patricia J. Teller, Mary K. Vernon: Poems: end-to-end performance design of large parallel adaptive computational systems. WOSP 1998: 18-30
87 Ajita John, James C. Browne: Compilation of Constraint Programs with Noncyclic and Cyclic Dependencies to Procedural Parallel Programs. International Journal of Parallel Programming 26(1): 65-119 (1998)
86 Dwip Banerjee, James C. Browne: "Optimal" Parallelism through Integration of Data and Control Parallelism: A Case Study in Complete Parallelization. LCPC 1997: 322-339
85EERavi Jain, Kiran Somalwar, John Werth, James C. Browne: Heuristics for Scheduling I/O Operations. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 8(3): 310-320 (1997)
84 Raju Pandey, James C. Browne: Support for Implementation of Evolutionary Concurrent Systems in Concurrent Programming Languages. Euro-Par, Vol. I 1996: 633-645
83EEManish Parashar, James C. Browne: On Partitioning Dynamic Adaptive Grid Hierarchies. HICSS (1) 1996: 604-613
82EERaju Pandey, James C. Browne: Support for Extensibility and Reusability in a Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming Language. IPPS 1996: 241-247
81EEDwip Banerjee, James C. Browne: Complete Parallelization of Computations: Integration of Data Partitioning and Functional Parallelism for Dynamic Data Structures. IPPS 1996: 354-360
80 Ajita John, James C. Browne: Compilation of Constraint Systems to Procedural Parallel Programs. LCPC 1996: 501-518
79 Raju Pandey, James C. Browne: A Compositional Approach to Concurrent Programming. PDPTA 1996: 1489-1500
78 Ajita John, James C. Browne: Extraction of Parallelism from Constraint Specifications. PDPTA 1996: 1501-1512
77EEShiow-yang Wu, Daniel P. Miranker, James C. Browne: Decomposition Abstraction in Parallel Rule Languages. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 7(11): 1164-1184 (1996)
76EEJames C. Browne: Object-oriented development of real-time systems: verification of functionality and performance. OOPS Messenger 7(1): 59-62 (1996)
75EEJames C. Browne: Is Computer Science Obsolete? ACM Conference on Computer Science 1995: 273
74EETim Collins, James C. Browne: MaTRiX+/sup +/: an object-oriented environment for parallel high-performance matrix computations. HICSS (2) 1995: 202-211
73EEJames C. Browne: The Relation of Software Engineering to Computer Science (Abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1994: 425
72 Raju Pandey, James C. Browne: A Compositional Approach to Concurrent Object-Oriented Programming. ICCL 1994: 124-135
71 Shiow-yang Wu, Daniel P. Miranker, James C. Browne: Toward Semantic-Based Parallelism in Production Systems. ICPADS 1994: 752-758
70 James C. Browne, E. Allen Emerson, Mohamed G. Gouda, Daniel P. Miranker, Aloysius K. Mok, Roberto J. Bayardo Jr., Sarah E. Chodrow, David Gadbois, F. Furman Haddix, Thomas W. Hetherington, Lance Obermeyer, Duu-Chung Tsou, Chih-Kan Wang, Rwo-Hsi Wang: A New Approach to Modularity in Rule-Based Programming. ICTAI 1994: 18-25
69 S. I. Hyder, John Werth, James C. Browne: A Unified Model for Concurrent Debugging. ICPP 1993: 58-67
68EEMichael F. Kleyn, James C. Browne: A High Level Language for Specifying Graph Based Languages and Their Programming Environments. ICSE 1993: 324-335
67 Shiow-yang Wu, James C. Browne: Explicit Parallel Structuring for Rule-Based Programming. IPPS 1993: 479-488
66 Raju Pandey, James C. Browne: Event-based Composition of Concurrent Programs. LCPC 1993: 115-138
65EEGeoffrey Fox, Sanjay Ranka, Michael L. Scott, Allen D. Malony, James C. Browne, Marina C. Chen, Alok N. Choudhary, Thomas Cheatham, Janice E. Cuny, Rudolf Eigenmann, Amr F. Fahmy, Ian T. Foster, Dennis Gannon, Tomasz Haupt, Carl Kesselman, Charles Koelbel, Wei Li, Monica S. Lam, Thomas J. LeBlanc, Jim Openshaw, David A. Padua, Constantine D. Polychronopoulos, Joel H. Saltz, Alan Sussman, Gil Weigand, Katherine A. Yelick: Common runtime support for high-performance parallel languages. SC 1993: 752-757
64EEJit Biswas, James C. Browne: Data Structures for Parallel Resource Management. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 19(7): 672-686 (1993)
63EEAlbert Mo Kim Cheng, James C. Browne, Aloysius K. Mok, Rwo-Hsi Wang: Analysis of Real-Time Rule-Based Systems with Bahavioral Constraint Assertions Specified in Estella. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 19(9): 863-885 (1993)
62EEPeter Newton, James C. Browne: The CODE 2.0 graphical parallel programming language. ICS 1992: 167-177
61 Ravi Jain, Kiran Somalwar, John Werth, James C. Browne: Scheduling Parallel I/O Operations in Multiple Bus Systems. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 16(4): 352-362 (1992)
60 Ravi Jain, John Werth, James C. Browne: A General Model for Scheduling of Parallel Computations and its Application to Parallel I/O Operations. ICPP (1) 1991: 40-44
59 John Werth, James C. Browne, S. Sobek, Taejae Lee, Peter Newton, Ravi Jain: The Interaction of the Formal and the Practical in Parallel Programming Environment Development: CODE. LCPC 1991: 35-49
58 Ravi Jain, John Werth, James C. Browne, Indranil Chakravarty, Peter Highnam: An Experimental Study of the Effectiveness of High Level Parallel Programming. PPSC 1991: 581-587
57 Chin-Ming Kuo, Daniel P. Miranker, James C. Browne: On the Performance of the CREL System. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 13(4): 424-441 (1991)
56 Daniel P. Miranker, Chin-Ming Kuo, James C. Browne: Parallelizing Compilation of Rule-Based Programs. ICPP (2) 1990: 247-251
55EEJames C. Browne, Taejae Lee, John Werth: Experimental Evaluation of a Reusability-Oriented Parallel Programming Environment. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 16(2): 111-120 (1990)
54 Paul A. Suhler, Jit Biswas, Kim M. Korner, James C. Browne: TDFL: A Task-Level Dataflow Language. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 9(2): 103-115 (1990)
53 James C. Browne, John Werth, Taejae Lee: Intersection of Parallel Structuring and Reuse of Software Components: A Calculus of Composition of Components for Parallel Programs. ICPP (2) 1989: 126-130
52 K. Sridharan, Matthew J. McShea, Carole Denton, William Eventoff, James C. Browne, Peter Newton, M. Ellis, D. Grossbard, T. Wise, David E. Clemmer: An Environment for Parallel Structuring for Fortran Programs. ICPP (2) 1989: 98-106
51 James C. Browne, Jack Dongarra, Alan H. Karp, Ken Kennedy, David J. Kuck: 1988 Gordon Bell Prize. IEEE Software 6(3): 78-85 (1989)
50 James C. Browne, Muhammad Azam, Stephen Sobeck: CODE: A Unified Approach to Parallel Programming. IEEE Software 6(4): 10-18 (1989)
49EEStephen P. Hufnagel, James C. Browne: Performance Properties of Vertically Partitioned Object-Oriented Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 15(8): 935-946 (1989)
48EEMohan L. Ahuja, James C. Browne: Concurrency control by transactions carrying states and preordering multiversioned entities. Inf. Sci. 48(2): 157-193 (1989)
47EEMohan L. Ahuja, James C. Browne: Concurrency control by transactions carrying states and preordering universioned entities. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1988: 626-635
46EEMohan Ahuja, James C. Browne: Performance Evaluation of Two Concurrency Control Protocols for Distributed Databases with Multiversioned Entities. ICDE 1988: 426-436
45 Stephen Sobeck, Muhammad Azam, James C. Browne: Architecture and Language Independent Parallel Programming: A Feasibility Demonstration. ICPP (2) 1988: 80-83
44EEMohan Ahuja, James C. Browne: Concurrency Control by Pre-Ordering Entities in Databases with Multi-Versioned Entities. ICDE 1987: 312-321
43 Jit Biswas, James C. Browne: Simultaneous Update of Priority Structures. ICPP 1987: 124-131
42 Mehrad Yasrebi, James C. Browne, Dharma P. Agrawal: Analysis and Design of Parallel Algorithms and Implementations for Some Image Processing Operations. ICPP 1987: 901-908
41 Robert O'Dell, James C. Browne: Parallel Structuring of Control and Resources Management Systems for Parallel Programs. ICPP 1986: 153-156
40 Ashok K. Adiga, James C. Browne: A Graph Model for Parallel Computations Expressed in the Computation Structures Language. ICPP 1986: 880-886
39 Mohan Ahuja, James C. Browne: Intra-Transaction Concurrency in Distributed Databases and Protocols which use Transaction Aborts to Preserve Consistency: A Performance Study. ICPP 1986: 950-952
38EEJames C. Browne: Framework for formulation and analysis of parallel computation structures. Parallel Computing 3(1): 1-9 (1986)
37 James C. Browne: Formulation and Programming of Parallel Computations: A Unified Approach. ICPP 1985: 624-631
36 James C. Browne: Characterization of Parallel Architecture. ICPP 1985: 665
35 John Feo, Roy M. Jenevein, James C. Browne: Dynamic, Distributed Resource Configuration on SW-Banyans. ISCA 1985: 268-275
34 James C. Browne, Alfred G. Dale, C. Leung, Roy M. Jenevein: A Parallel Multi-Stage I/O Architecture with Self-Managing Disk Cache for Database Management Applications. IWDM 1985: 331-346
33 Annette S. Palmer, James C. Browne, Jonathan M. Silverman, Anand R. Tripathi, Rajkumar Velpuri: A Performance Model of a Fault-Tolerant Distributed System for Evaluating Reliability Mechanisms. Int. CMG Conference 1985: 363-378
32EEJames C. Browne, James E. Dutton, Vincent Fernandes, Annette S. Palmer, Jonathan M. Silverman, Anand R. Tripathi, Pong-Sheng Wang: Zeus: An object-oriented distributed operating system for reliable applications. ACM Conference on Computer Science 1984: 179-188
31 James C. Browne: TRAC: An Environment for Parallel Computing. COMPCON 1984: 294-298
30 Vincent Fernandes, James C. Browne, Doug Neuse: Some Performance Models of Distributed Systems. Int. CMG Conference 1984: 30-37
29 James C. Browne, Todd Smith: An Object-Oriented, Capability-Based Architecture. VLSI Engineering 1984: 22-38
28 James C. Browne, George S. Almasi: The Workshop on University/Industry/Government Collaboration on Research in Parallel Computing. Operating Systems Review 18(3): 15-27 (1984)
27 Mehrad Yasrebi, Sanjay R. Deshpande, James C. Browne: A Comparison of Circuit Switching and Packet Switching for Data Transfer in Two Simple Image processing Algorithms. ICPP 1983: 25-28
26 Avinash Chandak, James C. Browne: Vectorization of Discrete Event Simulation. ICPP 1983: 359-361
25 Bharat Deep Rathi, Sanjay R. Deshpande, Matthew Sejnowski, Don Walker, Roy M. Jenevein, G. Jack Lipovski, James C. Browne: Specification and Implementation of an Integrated Packet Communication Facility for an Array Computer. ICPP 1983: 51-58
24 James C. Browne, Doug Neuse: Graphical Tools for Software System Performance Engineering. Int. CMG Conference 1983: 353-355
23 Connie U. Smith, James C. Browne: Performance Engineering of Software Systems: A Design-Based Approach. Int. CMG Conference 1983: 466-467
22 I. V. Ramakrishnan, James C. Browne: A Paradigm for the Design of Parallel Algorithms with Applications. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 9(4): 411-415 (1983)
21EEConnie U. Smith, James C. Browne: Performance engineering of software systems: a case study. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1982: 217-224
20 James C. Browne, Anand Tripathi, S. Fedak, Ashok K. Adiga, R. Kipur: A language for specification and programming of reconfigurable parallel computation structures. ICPP 1982: 142-149
19EEU. V. Premkumar, James C. Browne: Resource allocation in rectangular SW banyans. ISCA 1982: 326-333
18EERoy M. Jenevein, James C. Browne: A control processor for a reconfigurable array computer. ISCA 1982: 81-89
17EEDipayan Gangopadhyay, Umeshwar Dayal, James C. Browne: Semantics of Network Data Manipulation Languages: An Object-Oriented Approach. VLDB 1982: 357-369
16 Richard T. Wang, James C. Browne: Virtual Machine-Based Simulation of Distributed Computing and Network Computing. SIGMETRICS 1981: 154-156
15 Charles Hoch, James C. Browne: An Implementation of Capabilities on the PDP-11/45. Operating Systems Review 14(3): 22-32 (1980)
14 Connie U. Smith, James C. Browne: Modeling Software Systems for Performance Predictions. Int. CMG Conference 1979: 321-341
13 James C. Browne, David B. Johnson: FAST: A Second Generation Program Analysis System. ICSE 1978: 142-148
12 Donald F. Towsley, K. Mani Chandy, James C. Browne: Models for Parallel Processing Within Programs: Application to CPU: I/O and I/O: I/O Overlap. Commun. ACM 21(10): 821-831 (1978)
11 Richard S. Brice, James C. Browne: Feedback Coupled Resource Allocation Policies in the Multiprogramming-Multicomputer System. Commun. ACM 21(8): 678-686 (1978)
10 R. M. Brown, James C. Browne, K. Mani Chandy: Memory Management and Response Time. Commun. ACM 20(3): 153-165 (1977)
9 James C. Browne: New Directions for Operating Systems: A Workshop Report. Operating Systems Review 11(1): 5-25 (1977)
8 James C. Browne: A Critical Overview of Computer Performance Evaluation. ICSE 1976: 138-145
7 Derrell V. Foster, James C. Browne: File Assignment in Memory Hierarchies. Performance 1976: 119-127
6EEJames Wayne Anderson, James C. Browne: Graph models of computer systems: Application to performance evaluation of an operating system. SIGMETRICS 1976: 166-178
5EEJames C. Browne, G. L. Lasseter: An Optimizable Model for Application of Rollback/Restart/Recovery Procedures for Large Data Bases. VLDB 1975: 508-510
4 K. Mani Chandy, James C. Browne, Charles W. Dissly, Werner R. Uhrig: Analytic Models for Rollback and Recovery Strategies in Data Base Systems. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 1(1): 100-110 (1975)
3 Stephen W. Sherman, John H. Howard, James C. Browne: Trace Driven Studies of Deadlock Control and Job Scheduling. GI Jahrestagung 1974: 386-395
2 Stephen W. Sherman, Forest Baskett, James C. Browne: Trace-Driven Modeling and Analysis of CPU Scheduling in Multiprogramming System. Commun. ACM 15(12): 1063-1069 (1972)
1EEJames C. Browne: Algorithm 132: Quantum mechanical integrals over all Slater-type integrals. Commun. ACM 5(11): 551-553 (1962)

Coauthor Index

1Ashok K. Adiga [20] [40]
2Vikram S. Adve [88] [90] [94] [101]
3Dharma P. Agrawal [42]
4Mohan Ahuja [39] [44] [46]
5Mohan L. Ahuja [47] [48]
6Afolami Akinsanmi [94]
7George Almási (George S. Almasi) [28]
8James Wayne Anderson [6]
9Ella Atkins [122] [123]
10Muhammad Azam [45] [50]
11Ivo Babuska [100] [107] [116] [120]
12Rajive Bagrodia [88] [90]
13Chandrajit L. Bajaj [107] [116] [120]
14Dwip Banerjee [81] [86]
15Forest Baskett [2]
16Jon Bass [107] [116] [120]
17Roberto J. Bayardo (Roberto J. Bayardo Jr.) [70]
18L. Bidaut [120]
19Jit Biswas [43] [54] [64]
20Richard S. Brice [11]
21Adam Brown [121]
22R. M. Brown [10]
23Det Buaklee [94]
24Indranil Chakravarty [58]
25Avinash Chandak [26]
26K. Mani Chandy [4] [10] [12]
27Thomas Cheatham [65]
28Marina C. Chen [65]
29Albert Mo Kim Cheng (Albert M. K. Cheng) [63]
30Yoonsik Cheon [117]
31Sarah E. Chodrow [70]
32Alok N. Choudhary [65]
33David E. Clemmer [52]
34Tim Collins [74]
35Mathew Crocker [119]
36Janice E. Cuny [65]
37Alfred G. Dale [34]
38Umeshwar Dayal [17]
39Ewa Deelman [88] [90]
40Leszek F. Demkowicz [100] [107] [116] [120]
41Guoshen Deng [94]
42Guosheng Deng [99]
43Carole Denton [52]
44Sanjay R. Deshpande [25] [27]
45Kenneth R. Diller [116] [120]
46Charles W. Dissly [4]
47Jack Dongarra [51]
48Aditya Dube [88] [90]
49James E. Dutton [32]
50Rudolf Eigenmann [65]
51Andrew Elliott [120]
52M. Ellis [52]
53E. Allen Emerson [70]
54Brian Ensink [101]
55William Eventoff [52]
56Amr F. Fahmy [65]
57S. Fedak [20]
58Yusheng Feng [107] [111] [112] [116] [120]
59John Feo [35]
60Vincent Fernandes [30] [32]
61Derrell V. Foster [7]
62Ian T. Foster [65]
63Geoffrey Fox (Geoffrey Charles Fox) [65]
64David Fuentes [116] [120]
65David Gadbois [70]
66Dipayan Gangopadhyay [17]
67Dennis Gannon [65]
68Mohamed G. Gouda [70]
69L. Gray [107]
70D. Grossbard [52]
71F. Furman Haddix [70]
72Tomasz Haupt [65]
73J. Hazle [116] [120]
74Thomas W. Hetherington [70]
75Peter Highnam [58]
76Charles Hoch [15]
77Adolfy Hoisie [88]
78Elias N. Houstis [88] [90]
79John H. Howard [3]
80Stephen P. Hufnagel [49]
81S. I. Hyder [69]
82Ravi Jain [58] [59] [60] [61] [85]
83Samit Jain [119]
84Roy M. Jenevein [18] [25] [34] [35]
85Ajita John [78] [80] [87]
86David B. Johnson [13]
87Kevin Kane [97] [109] [114] [115] [117]
88Alan H. Karp [51]
89Krishna M. Kavi [89]
90Ken Kennedy [51]
91Carl Kesselman [65]
92R. Kipur [20]
93Michael F. Kleyn [68]
94Charles Koelbel (Chuck Koelbel) [65]
95Kim M. Korner [54]
96David J. Kuck [51]
97Chin-Ming Kuo [56] [57]
98Robert P. Kurshan [92] [103] [106] [108]
99Boseob Kwon [120]
100Monica S. Lam [65]
101Vinh Vi Lam [94]
102G. L. Lasseter [5]
103Thomas J. LeBlanc [65]
104Chan-Gun Lee [122]
105Taejae Lee [53] [55] [59]
106C. Leung [34]
107Vladimir Levin [93] [96] [106] [108]
108Wei Li [65]
109Kenneth M. Liechti [100]
110Calvin Lin [117] [121]
111G. Jack Lipovski [25]
112Olaf M. Lubeck [88]
113Yong Luo [88]
114Nasim Mahmood [99] [111] [112] [119]
115Allen D. Malony [65]
116Matthew J. McShea [52]
117Daniel P. Miranker (Dan Miranker) [56] [57] [70] [71] [77]
118Aloysius K. Mok [63] [70] [122] [123]
119Trevor Morgan [94]
120Doug Neuse [24] [30]
121Peter Newton [52] [59] [62]
122F. Nobile [107]
123Robert O'Dell [41]
124Lance Obermeyer [70]
125J. Tinsley Oden [100] [107] [116] [120]
126Richard L. Oliver [88]
127Jim Openshaw [65]
128David A. Padua [65]
129Annette S. Palmer [32] [33]
130Raju Pandey [66] [72] [79] [82] [84] [91]
131Manish Parashar [83]
132Constantine D. Polychronopoulos [65]
133U. V. Premkumar [19]
134Serge Prudhomme [107] [116] [120]
135I. V. Ramakrishnan [22]
136Sanjay Ranka [65]
137Bharat Deep Rathi [25]
138John R. Rice [88] [90] [94] [101]
139Gregory J. Rodin [94]
140M. N. Rylander [116]
141Rizos Sakellariou [90]
142Joel H. Saltz [65]
143Karthikeyan Sankaralingam [98] [102]
144Michael L. Scott [65]
145Matthew Sejnowski [25]
146Simha Sethumadhavan [98] [102]
147Natasha Sharygina [92] [104] [106]
148Stephen W. Sherman [2] [3]
149Jonathan M. Silverman [32] [33]
150Connie U. Smith [14] [21] [23]
151Todd Smith [29]
152Stephen Sobeck [45] [50]
153S. Sobek [59]
154Kiran Somalwar [61] [85]
155K. Sridharan [52]
156R. Jason Stafford [116] [120]
157Paul A. Suhler [54]
158David Sundaram-Stukel [88] [90]
159Alan Sussman [65]
160Patricia J. Teller [88] [90] [94] [101] [117]
161R. Tempone [107]
162Hongxia Tian [97]
163Donald F. Towsley [12]
164Gregory F. Tracy [94]
165Anand R. Tripathi (Anand Tripathi) [20] [32] [33] [89]
166Duu-Chung Tsou [70]
167Werner R. Uhrig [4]
168Rajkumar Velpuri [33]
169Mary K. Vernon [88] [90] [94] [101]
170Don Walker [25]
171Chih-Kan Wang [70]
172Pong-Sheng Wang [32]
173Richard T. Wang [16]
174Rwo-Hsi Wang [63] [70]
175Harvey J. Wasserman [88]
176Gil Weigand [65]
177John Werth [53] [55] [58] [59] [60] [61] [69] [85]
178T. Wise [52]
179Honguk Woo [122] [123]
180Stephen J. Wright [94] [101]
181Shiow-yang Wu [67] [71] [77]
182Fei Xie [93] [95] [96] [103] [105] [106] [108] [118] [122] [123]
183Madhulika Yalamanchi [98]
184Mehrad Yasrebi [27] [42]
185Katherine A. Yelick [65]
186Jianliang Yi [122] [123]
187Young Yoon [119]
188Yongjie Zhang [116] [120]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)