
Ray H. Kemp

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14EESelvarajah Mohanarajah, Ray H. Kemp, Elizabeth A. Kemp: Adaptable Scaffolding - A Fuzzy Approach. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2006: 604-614
13 Elizabeth A. Kemp, Hiba Mustafa, David I. Gray, Ray H. Kemp: SMARTConsultant: Asking the Right Questions. ICCE 2005: 728-731
12 Elizabeth A. Kemp, Timothy Pick, Ray H. Kemp: ADEPT: a Tool for Developing Synthesis Skills. ICCE 2005: 732-735
11EEMingzhe Liu, Ruili Wang, Ray H. Kemp: Towards a Realistic Microscopic Traffic Simulation at an Unsignalised Intersection. ICCSA (2) 2005: 1187-1196
10EEMingzhe Liu, Ruili Wang, Jiansheng Wu, Ray H. Kemp: A Genetic-Algorithm-Based Neural Network Approach for Short-Term Traffic Flow Forecasting. ISNN (3) 2005: 965-970
9EERay H. Kemp, Elizabeth A. Kemp, Thevalojinie Mohanarajah: Supporting Group Learning Using a Digital Whiteboard. APCHI 2004: 594-598
8EERussell Johnson, Elizabeth A. Kemp, Ray H. Kemp, Peter Blakey: The Virtual Learning Machine: Integrating Web and Non-Web Technologies. ICALT 2003: 328-329
7 Russell Johnson, Elizabeth A. Kemp, Ray H. Kemp, Peter Blakey: From Electronic Textbook to Multidimensional Learning Environment: Overcoming the Loneliness of the Distance Learner. ICCE 2002: 632-636
6 Terry Stewart, Ray H. Kemp, Paul Batrum: Computerised Problem-Based Scenarios in Practice - A Decade of DIAGNOSIS. ICALT 2001: 153-156
5 Pak-Wah Fung, Ray H. Kemp: On Developing Case-Based Tutorial Systems with Conceptual Graphs. ICCS 1999: 214-229
4EEAnand Venkataraman, Ray H. Kemp: No information can be conveyed by certain events: The case of the clever widows of Fornicalia and the Stobon Oracle CoRR cs.LO/9907014: (1999)
3 Ray H. Kemp, S. P. Smith: Using Planning Techniques to Provide Feedback in Interactive Learning Environments. ICTAI 1994: 700-703
2EERay H. Kemp, S. P. Smith: Domain and task representation for tutorial process models. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 41(3): 363-383 (1994)
1 Ray H. Kemp: Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction: a Knowledge-based Perspective. Australian Computer Journal 24(4): 121-129 (1992)

Coauthor Index

1Paul Batrum [6]
2Peter Blakey [7] [8]
3Pak-Wah Fung [5]
4David I. Gray [13]
5Russell Johnson [7] [8]
6Elizabeth A. Kemp [7] [8] [9] [12] [13] [14]
7Mingzhe Liu [10] [11]
8Selvarajah Mohanarajah [14]
9Thevalojinie Mohanarajah [9]
10Hiba Mustafa [13]
11Timothy Pick [12]
12S. P. Smith [2] [3]
13Terry Stewart [6]
14Anand Venkataraman [4]
15Ruili Wang [10] [11]
16Jiansheng Wu [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)