4. FPL 1994: Prague, Czech Republic
Reiner W. Hartenstein, Michal Servít (Eds.):
Field-Programmable Logic, Architectures, Synthesis and Applications, 4th International Workshop on Field-Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL '94, Prague, Czech Republic, September 7-9, 1994, Proceedings.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 849 Springer 1994, ISBN 3-540-58419-6 BibTeX
Synthesis Tools
Compilation Research and CAD
Trade-Offs and Experience
Innovations and Smart Applications
FPGA-Based Computer Architectures
High Level Design
- Andreas Ast, Jürgen Becker, Reiner W. Hartenstein, Rainer Kress, Helmut Reinig, Karin Schmidt:
Data-Procedural Languages for FPL-based Machines.
183-195 BibTeX
- Marc Daumas, Jean-Michel Muller, Jean Vuillemin:
Implementing On Line Arithmetic on PAM.
196-207 BibTeX
- Xiao-yu Chen, Xiao-ping Ling, Hideharu Amano:
Software Environment for WASMII: a Data Driven Machine with a Virtual Hardware.
208-219 BibTeX
- Mat Newman, Wayne Luk, Ian Page:
Constraint-based Hierarchical Placement of Parallel Programs.
220-229 BibTeX
Prototyping and ASIC Emulators
- Tormod Njølstad, Johnny Pihl, Jø Hofstad:
ZAREPTA: A Zero Lead-Time, All Reconfigurable System for Emulation, Prototyping and Testing of ASICs.
230-239 BibTeX
- Richard W. Wieler, Zaifu Zhang, Robert D. McLeod:
Simulating Static and Dynamic Faults in BIST Strucutres with a FPGA Based Emulator.
240-250 BibTeX
- Thomas Benner, Rolf Ernst, Ingo Könenkamp, Ulrich Holtmann, P. Schüler, H.-C. Schaub, N. Serafimov:
FPGA Based Prototyping for Verification and Evaluation in Hardware-Software Cosynthesis.
251-258 BibTeX
- Apostolos Dollas, Brent Ward, J. D. Sterling Babcock:
FPGA Based Low Cost Generic Reusable Module for the Rapid Prototyping of Subsystems.
259-270 BibTeX
Commercial Devices - Prospects and Experience
New Tools
CCMS and HW/SW Co-Design
Educational Experience
Novel Architectures and Smart Applications
- J. C. Debize, René J. Glaise:
A Job Dispatcher-Collector Made of FPGAs for a Centralized Voice server.
344-351 BibTeX
- Jo Depreitere, Henk Neefs, Herwig Van Marck, Jan Van Campenhout, Roel Baets, Bart Dhoedt, Hugo Thienpont, Irina Veretennicoff:
An Optoelectronic 3-D Field Programmable Gate Array.
352-360 BibTeX
- Kaushik Roy, Sudip Nag:
On Channel Architecture and Routability for FPGAs Under Faulty Conditions.
361-372 BibTeX
- Tsuyoshi Isshiki, Wayne Wei-Ming Dai:
Hight-Performance Datapath Implementation on Field-Programmable Multi-Chip Module (FPMCM).
373-384 BibTeX
Applications and Educational Experience
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:12:41 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)