
Roel Baets

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7EEKristof Vandoorne, Wouter Dierckx, Benjamin Schrauwen, David Verstraeten, Peter Bienstman, Roel Baets, Jan M. Van Campenhout: Photonic Reservoir Computing with Coupled Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers. OSC 2008: 46-55
6EELandobasa Y. M. A. L. Tobing, Pieter Dumon, Roel Baets, Desmond. C. S. Lim, Mee-Koy Chin: The Transmission Properties of One-Bus Two-Ring Devices. IEICE Transactions 91-C(2): 167-172 (2008)
5EEJan M. Van Campenhout, Peter Bienstman, Roel Baets: Band-edge lasing in gold-clad photonic-crystal membranes. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 23(7): 1418-1423 (2005)
4 Jan De Merlier, Mingshan Zhao, Geert Morthier, Roel Baets: Some New Concepts for All-Optical 2R Regeneration Using InP-Based Photonic Integrated Circuits. ONDM 2002: 447-454
3 Mingshan Zhao, Geert Morthier, Johan Dekoster, Bart Moeyersoon, Roel Baets: Influence of Intensity Noise in Spectrum-sliced WDM Systems. ONDM 2001: 253-262
2 Francesco Masetti, J. Benoit, François Brillouet, Jean-Michel Gabriagues, Amaury Jourdan, Monique Renaud, Dietrich Böttle, Gert J. Eilenberger, Klaus Wünstel, Michael Schilling, Dominique Chiaroni, Paulette Gavignet, J. B. Jacob, Giampaolo Bendelli, Paola Cinato, Piero Gambini, Mario Puleo, T. Martinson, P. Vogel, Terji Durhuus, C. Joergensen, Kristian E. Stubkjaer, Roel Baets, Peter Van Daele, J. C. Bouley, R. Lefèvre, M. Bachmann, Werner Hunziker, Hans Melchior, A. McGuire, F. Ratovelomanana, Nakita Vodjdani: High Speed, High Capacity ATM Optical Switches for Future Telecommunication Transport Networks (Invited Paper). IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 14(5): 979-998 (1996)
1 Jo Depreitere, Henk Neefs, Herwig Van Marck, Jan Van Campenhout, Roel Baets, Bart Dhoedt, Hugo Thienpont, Irina Veretennicoff: An Optoelectronic 3-D Field Programmable Gate Array. FPL 1994: 352-360

Coauthor Index

1M. Bachmann [2]
2Giampaolo Bendelli [2]
3J. Benoit [2]
4Peter Bienstman [5] [7]
5Dietrich Böttle [2]
6J. C. Bouley [2]
7François Brillouet [2]
8Jan M. Van Campenhout (Jan Van Campenhout) [1] [5] [7]
9Dominique Chiaroni [2]
10Mee-Koy Chin [6]
11Paola Cinato [2]
12Peter Van Daele [2]
13Johan Dekoster [3]
14Jo Depreitere [1]
15Bart Dhoedt [1]
16Wouter Dierckx [7]
17Pieter Dumon [6]
18Terji Durhuus [2]
19Gert J. Eilenberger [2]
20Jean-Michel Gabriagues [2]
21Piero Gambini [2]
22Paulette Gavignet [2]
23Werner Hunziker [2]
24J. B. Jacob [2]
25C. Joergensen [2]
26Amaury Jourdan [2]
27R. Lefèvre [2]
28Desmond. C. S. Lim [6]
29Herwig Van Marck [1]
30T. Martinson [2]
31Francesco Masetti [2]
32A. McGuire [2]
33Hans Melchior [2]
34Jan De Merlier [4]
35Bart Moeyersoon [3]
36Geert Morthier [3] [4]
37Henk Neefs [1]
38Mario Puleo [2]
39F. Ratovelomanana [2]
40Monique Renaud [2]
41Michael Schilling [2]
42Benjamin Schrauwen [7]
43Kristian E. Stubkjaer [2]
44Hugo Thienpont [1]
45Landobasa Y. M. A. L. Tobing [6]
46Kristof Vandoorne [7]
47Irina Veretennicoff [1]
48David Verstraeten [7]
49Nakita Vodjdani [2]
50P. Vogel [2]
51Klaus Wünstel [2]
52Mingshan Zhao [3] [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)