2007 |
24 | | Viorel Negru,
Tudor Jebelean,
Dana Petcu,
Daniela Zaharie:
Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2007, Timisoara, Romania, September 26-29, 2007
IEEE Computer Society 2007 |
2006 |
23 | EE | Laura Ruff,
Tudor Jebelean:
Functional-Based Synthesis of a Systolic Array for GCD Computation.
IFL 2006: 37-54 |
22 | EE | Bruno Buchberger,
Adrian Craciun,
Tudor Jebelean,
Laura Kovács,
Temur Kutsia,
Koji Nakagawa,
Florina Piroi,
Nikolaj Popov,
Judit Robu,
Markus Rosenkranz:
Theorema: Towards computer-aided mathematical theory exploration.
J. Applied Logic 4(4): 470-504 (2006) |
2005 |
21 | EE | Laura Ildikó Kovács,
Tudor Jebelean:
An Algorithm for Automated Generation of Invariants for Loops with Conditionals.
SYNASC 2005: 245-249 |
20 | EE | Tudor Jebelean,
Laura Szakacs:
Functional-Based Synthesis of Systolic Online Multipliers.
SYNASC 2005: 267-275 |
2004 |
19 | | Tudor Jebelean,
Laura Kovács,
Nikolaj Popov:
Experimental Program Verification in the Theorema System.
ISoLA (Preliminary proceedings) 2004: 92-99 |
2001 |
18 | | Alessandro Armando,
Tudor Jebelean:
Special Issue on Calculemus-99: Integrating Computation and Deduction - Foreword of the Guest Editors.
J. Symb. Comput. 32(4): 303-304 (2001) |
2000 |
17 | EE | Bogdan Matasaru,
Tudor Jebelean:
FPGA Implementation of an Extended Binary GCD Algorithm for Systolic Reduction of Rational Numbers.
FPL 2000: 810-813 |
1999 |
16 | EE | Alessandro Armando,
Tudor Jebelean:
Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 23(3): (1999) |
1997 |
15 | | Tudor Jebelean:
Using the Parallel Karatsuba Algorithm for Long Integer Multiplication and Division.
Euro-Par 1997: 1169-1172 |
14 | | Tudor Jebelean:
Auto-configurable array for GCD computation.
FPL 1997: 457-461 |
13 | | Tudor Jebelean:
Practical Integer Division with Karatsuba Complexity.
ISSAC 1997: 339-341 |
12 | | Bruno Buchberger,
Tudor Jebelean,
Franz Kriftner,
Mircea Marin,
Elena Tomuta,
Daniela Vasaru:
A Survey of the Theorema Project.
ISSAC 1997: 384-391 |
1996 |
11 | | Tudor Jebelean:
Integer and Rational Arithmetic on MasPar.
DISCO 1996: 162-173 |
10 | | Werner Krandick,
Tudor Jebelean:
Bidirectional Exact Integer Division.
J. Symb. Comput. 21(4): 441-455 (1996) |
1995 |
9 | EE | Tudor Jebelean:
Design of a systolic coprocessor for rational addition.
ASAP 1995: 282-289 |
8 | | Tudor Jebelean:
FPGA Implementation of a Rational Adder.
FPL 1995: 251-260 |
7 | | Tudor Jebelean:
A Double-Digit Lehmer-Euclid Algorithm for Finding the GCD of Long Integers.
J. Symb. Comput. 19(1-3): 145-157 (1995) |
1994 |
6 | | Tudor Jebelean:
Systolic Algorithms for Long Integer GCD Computation.
CONPAR 1994: 241-252 |
5 | | Tudor Jebelean:
Implementing GCD Systolic Arrays on FPGA.
FPL 1994: 132-134 |
1993 |
4 | | Tudor Jebelean:
Improving the Multiprecision Euclidian Algorithm.
DISCO 1993: 45-58 |
3 | EE | Tudor Jebelean:
Comparing several GCD algorithms.
IEEE Symposium on Computer Arithmetic 1993: 180-185 |
2 | EE | Tudor Jebelean:
A Generalization of the Binary GCD Algorithm.
ISSAC 1993: 111-116 |
1 | | Tudor Jebelean:
An Algorithm for Exact Division.
J. Symb. Comput. 15(2): 169-180 (1993) |