
Madirakshi Das

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8EEMadirakshi Das, Jens Farmer, Andrew C. Gallagher, Alexander C. Loui: Event-based location matching for consumer image collections. CIVR 2008: 339-348
7EEAndrew C. Gallagher, Madirakshi Das, Alexander C. Loui: User-Assisted People Search in Consumer Image Collections. ICME 2007: 1754-1757
6EEMadirakshi Das, Edward M. Riseman: FOCUS: A system for searching for multi-colored objects in a diverse image database. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 94(1-3): 168-192 (2004)
5 Madirakshi Das, R. Manmatha: Automatic Segmentation and Indexing in a Database of Bird Images. ICCV 2001: 351-358
4 Candemir Toklu, Shih-Ping Liou, Madirakshi Das: Video Abstract: A Hybrid Approach to Generate Semantically Meaningful Video Summaries. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (III) 2000: 1333-1336
3 Madirakshi Das, R. Manmatha, Edward M. Riseman: Indexing Flower Patent Images Using Domain Knowledge. IEEE Intelligent Systems 14(5): 24-33 (1999)
2EEMadirakshi Das, Shih-Ping Liou: A New Hybrid Approach to Video Organization for Content-Based Indexing. ICMCS 1998: 372-381
1EEMadirakshi Das, Edward M. Riseman, Bruce A. Draper: FOCUS: Searching for Multi-colored Objects in a Diverse Image Database. CVPR 1997: 756-761

Coauthor Index

1Bruce A. Draper [1]
2Jens Farmer [8]
3Andrew C. Gallagher [7] [8]
4Shih-Ping Liou [2] [4]
5Alexander C. Loui [7] [8]
6Raghavan Manmatha (R. Manmatha) [3] [5]
7Edward M. Riseman [1] [3] [6]
8Candemir Toklu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)