
Fredrik Kahl

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57EECarl Olsson, Olof Enqvist, Fredrik Kahl: A polynomial-time bound for matching and registration with outliers. CVPR 2008
56EEOlof Enqvist, Fredrik Kahl: Robust Optimal Pose Estimation. ECCV (1) 2008: 141-153
55EECarl Olsson, Anders P. Eriksson, Fredrik Kahl: Improved spectral relaxation methods for binary quadratic optimization problems. Computer Vision and Image Understanding 112(1): 3-13 (2008)
54EEHenrik Stewénius, David Nistér, Fredrik Kahl, Frederik Schaffalitzky: A minimal solution for relative pose with unknown focal length. Image Vision Comput. 26(7): 871-877 (2008)
53EEFredrik Kahl, Sameer Agarwal, Manmohan Krishna Chandraker, David J. Kriegman, Serge Belongie: Practical Global Optimization for Multiview Geometry. International Journal of Computer Vision 79(3): 271-284 (2008)
52EERichard I. Hartley, Fredrik Kahl: Optimal Algorithms in Multiview Geometry. ACCV (1) 2007: 13-34
51EEAnders P. Eriksson, Carl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl: Efficiently Solving the Fractional Trust Region Problem. ACCV (2) 2007: 796-805
50EEManmohan Krishna Chandraker, Sameer Agarwal, Fredrik Kahl, David Nistér, David J. Kriegman: Autocalibration via Rank-Constrained Estimation of the Absolute Quadric. CVPR 2007
49EEKlas Josephson, Martin Byröd, Fredrik Kahl, Kalle Åström: Image-Based Localization Using Hybrid Feature Correspondences. CVPR 2007
48EECarl Olsson, Anders P. Eriksson, Fredrik Kahl: Solving Large Scale Binary Quadratic Problems: Spectral Methods vs. Semidefinite Programming. CVPR 2007
47EEDavid Nistér, Fredrik Kahl, Henrik Stewénius: Structure from Motion with Missing Data is NP-Hard. ICCV 2007: 1-7
46EEKalle Åström, Olof Enqvist, Carl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl, Richard I. Hartley: An L Approach to Structure and Motion Problems in 1D-Vision. ICCV 2007: 1-8
45EECarl Olsson, Anders P. Eriksson, Fredrik Kahl: Efficient Optimization for L-problems using Pseudoconvexity. ICCV 2007: 1-8
44EERichard I. Hartley, Fredrik Kahl: Global Optimization through Searching Rotation Space and Optimal Estimation of the Essential Matrix. ICCV 2007: 1-8
43EEAnders P. Eriksson, Carl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl: Normalized Cuts Revisited: A Reformulation for Segmentation with Linear Grouping Constraints. ICCV 2007: 1-8
42EEKlas Josephson, Fredrik Kahl: Triangulation of Points, Lines and Conics. SCIA 2007: 162-172
41EEKalle Åström, Johan Karlsson, Olof Enqvist, Anders Ericsson, Fredrik Kahl: Automatic Feature Point Correspondences and Shape Analysis with Missing Data and Outliers Using MDL. SCIA 2007: 21-30
40EEAnders P. Eriksson, Carl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl: Image Segmentation with Context. SCIA 2007: 283-292
39EERichard I. Hartley, Fredrik Kahl: Critical Configurations for Projective Reconstruction from Multiple Views. International Journal of Computer Vision 71(1): 5-47 (2007)
38EEFredrik Kahl, Didier Henrion: Globally Optimal Estimates for Geometric Reconstruction Problems. International Journal of Computer Vision 74(1): 3-15 (2007)
37EECarl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl, Magnus Oskarsson: The Registration Problem Revisited: Optimal Solutions From Points, Lines and Planes. CVPR (1) 2006: 1206-1213
36EESameer Agarwal, Manmohan Krishna Chandraker, Fredrik Kahl, David J. Kriegman, Serge Belongie: Practical Global Optimization for Multiview Geometry. ECCV (1) 2006: 592-605
35EECarl Olsson, Fredrik Kahl, Magnus Oskarsson: Optimal Estimation of Perspective Camera Pose. ICPR (2) 2006: 5-8
34EEManmohan Krishna Chandraker, Fredrik Kahl, David J. Kriegman: Reflections on the Generalized Bas-Relief Ambiguity. CVPR (1) 2005: 788-795
33EEHenrik Stewénius, David Nistér, Fredrik Kahl, Frederik Schaffalitzky: A Minimal Solution for Relative Pose with Unknown Focal Length. CVPR (2) 2005: 789-794
32EEJan Erik Solem, Fredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden: Visibility Constrained Surface Evolution. CVPR (2) 2005: 892-899
31EEFredrik Kahl: Multiple View Geometry and the L8-norm. ICCV 2005: 1002-1009
30EEFredrik Kahl, Didier Henrion: Globally Optimal Estimates for Geometric Reconstruction Problems. ICCV 2005: 978-985
29EEJan Erik Solem, Fredrik Kahl: Surface Reconstruction from the Projection of Points, Curves and Contours. 3DPVT 2004: 301-307
28EEFredrik Kahl, Richard I. Hartley, Volker Hilsenstein: Novelty Detection in Image Sequences with Dynamic Background. ECCV Workshop SMVP 2004: 117-128
27EEPär Hammarstedt, Fredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden: Affine Structure from Translational Motion with Varying and Unknown Focal Length. ICPR (1) 2004: 120-123
26EEJan Erik Solem, Fredrik Kahl: Surface Reconstruction using Learned Shape Models. NIPS 2004
25EEAdrien Bartoli, Richard I. Hartley, Fredrik Kahl: Motion From 3D Line Correspondences: Linear and Non-Linear Solutions. CVPR (1) 2003: 477-484
24EERichard I. Hartley, Fredrik Kahl: A Critical Configuration for Reconstruction from Rectilinear Motion. CVPR (1) 2003: 511-517
23EEFredrik Kahl, Jonas August: Multiview Reconstruction of Space Curves. ICCV 2003: 1017-1024
22 Tomás Rodríguez, Peter F. Sturm, Marta Wilczkowiak, Adrien Bartoli, Matthieu Personnaz, Nicolas Guilbert, Fredrik Kahl, M. Johansson, Anders Heyden, José Manuel Menéndez, José Ignacio Ronda, Fernando Jaureguizar: VISIRE: photorealistic 3D reconstruction from video sequences. ICIP (3) 2003: 705-708
21EEPär Hammarstedt, Fredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden: Affine Structure from Translational Motion in Image Sequences. SCIA 2003: 387-394
20EEJens Richter, Anders Ericsson, Kalle Åström, Fredrik Kahl, Lars Edenbrandt: Automated Interpretation of Cardiac Scintigrams. SCIA 2003: 565-570
19EECharlotte Svensson, Henrik Aanæs, Fredrik Kahl: Structure Estimation and Surface Triangulation of Deformable Objects. SCIA 2003: 709-716
18EEFredrik Kahl, Richard I. Hartley: Critical Curves and Surfaces for Euclidean Reconstruction. ECCV (2) 2002: 447-462
17EENicolas Guilbert, Fredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden: Pose disambiguation in uncalibrated structure from motion. ICARCV 2002: 132-137
16EEBjörn Johansson, Fredrik Kahl: Detecting Windows in City Scenes. SVM 2002: 388-396
15EEFredrik Kahl, Richard I. Hartley, Kalle Åström: Critical Configurations for N-view Projective Reconstruction. CVPR (2) 2001: 158-163
14 Fredrik Kahl, Kalle Åström: Ambiguous Configurations for the 1D Structure and Motion Problem. ICCV 2001: 184-189
13 Fredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden: Euclidean Reconstruction and Auto-Calibration from Continuous Motion. ICCV 2001: 572-577
12EEFredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden, Long Quan: Minimal Projective Reconstruction Including Missing Data. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 23(4): 418-424 (2001)
11EEAnders Heyden, Fredrik Kahl: Direct Affine Reconstruction. ICPR 2000: 1885-1888
10EELong Quan, Anders Heyden, Fredrik Kahl: Minimal Projective Reconstruction with Missing Data. CVPR 1999: 2210-2216
9EEFredrik Kahl, Bill Triggs: Critical Motions in Euclidean Structure from Motion. CVPR 1999: 2366-2372
8EEKalle Åström, Anders Heyden, Fredrik Kahl, Magnus Oskarsson: Structure and Motion from Lines under Affine Projections. ICCV 1999: 285-292
7EEFredrik Kahl: Critical Motions and Ambiguous Euclidean Reconstructions in Auto-Calibration. ICCV 1999: 469-475
6EEKalle Åström, Fredrik Kahl: Motion Estimation in Image Sequences Using the Deformation of Apparent Contours. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 21(2): 114-127 (1999)
5EEFredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden: Affine Structure and Motion from Points, Lines and Conics. International Journal of Computer Vision 33(3): 163-180 (1999)
4EEFredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden: Structure and Motion from Points, Lines and Conics with Affine Cameras. ECCV (1) 1998: 327-341
3 Fredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden: Using Conic Correspondence in Two Images to Estimate the Epipolar Geometry. ICCV 1998: 761-766
2 Fredrik Kahl, Kalle Åström: Motion Estimation in Image Sequences Using the Deformation of Apparent Contours. ICCV 1998: 939-944
1 Kalle Åström, Fredrik Kahl, Anders Heyden, Rikard Berthilsson: A Statistical Approach to Structure and Motion from Image Features. SSPR/SPR 1998: 929-936

Coauthor Index

1Henrik Aanæs [19]
2Sameer Agarwal [36] [50] [53]
3Kalle Åström [1] [2] [6] [8] [14] [15] [20] [41] [46] [49]
4Jonas August [23]
5Adrien Bartoli [22] [25]
6Serge J. Belongie (Serge Belongie) [36] [53]
7Rikard Berthilsson [1]
8Martin Byröd [49]
9Manmohan Krishna Chandraker [34] [36] [50] [53]
10Lars Edenbrandt [20]
11Olof Enqvist [41] [46] [56] [57]
12Anders Ericsson [20] [41]
13Anders P. Eriksson [40] [43] [45] [48] [51] [55]
14Nicolas Guilbert [17] [22]
15Pär Hammarstedt [21] [27]
16Richard I. Hartley [15] [18] [24] [25] [28] [39] [44] [46] [52]
17Didier Henrion [30] [38]
18Anders Heyden [1] [3] [4] [5] [8] [10] [11] [12] [13] [17] [21] [22] [27] [32]
19Volker Hilsenstein [28]
20Fernando Jaureguizar [22]
21Björn Johansson [16]
22M. Johansson [22]
23Klas Josephson [42] [49]
24Johan Karlsson [41]
25David J. Kriegman [34] [36] [50] [53]
26José Manuel Menéndez [22]
27David Nistér [33] [47] [50] [54]
28Carl Olsson [35] [37] [40] [43] [45] [46] [48] [51] [55] [57]
29Magnus Oskarsson [8] [35] [37]
30Matthieu Personnaz [22]
31Long Quan [10] [12]
32Jens Richter [20]
33Tomás Rodríguez [22]
34José Ignacio Ronda [22]
35Frederik Schaffalitzky [33] [54]
36Jan Erik Solem [26] [29] [32]
37Henrik Stewénius [33] [47] [54]
38Peter F. Sturm [22]
39Charlotte Svensson [19]
40Bill Triggs [9]
41Marta Wilczkowiak [22]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)