
Yongduek Seo

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23EEYongduek Seo, Hyunjung Lee, Sang Wook Lee: Outlier Removal by Convex Optimization for L-Infinity Approaches. PSIVT 2009: 203-214
22EERichard Hartley, Yongduek Seo: Verifying global minima for L2 minimization problems. CVPR 2008
21EEYongduek Seo, Hyunjung Lee, Sang Wook Lee: Sparse Structures in L-Infinity Norm Minimization for Structure and Motion Reconstruction. ECCV (1) 2008: 780-793
20EEYongduek Seo, Richard I. Hartley: Sequential Linfinity Norm Minimization for Triangulation. ACCV (2) 2007: 322-331
19EEYongduek Seo, Richard Hartley: A Fast Method to Minimize L Error Norm for Geometric Vision Problems. ICCV 2007: 1-8
18EEYoungju Choi, Yongduek Seo: The User Interface of Button Type for Stereo Video-See-Through Device. ISUVR 2007
17EESubin Lee, Yongduek Seo: Image In-painting by Band Matching, Seamless Cloning and Area Sub-division. PSIVT 2007: 180-190
16EEKyuhyoung Choi, Yongduek Seo: Tracking Soccer Ball in TV Broadcast Video. ICIAP 2005: 661-668
15EEKyuhyoung Choi, Yongduek Seo: Tracking Objects from Multiple Soccer Videos and Recognizing Events. MVA 2005: 582-585
14EEKyuhyoung Choi, Yongduek Seo: Probabilistic Tracking of the Soccer Ball. ECCV Workshop SMVP 2004: 50-60
13EEYongduek Seo, Anders Heyden: Auto-calibration by linear iteration using the DAC equation. Image Vision Comput. 22(11): 919-926 (2004)
12EEYongduek Seo, Ki-Sang Hong: Structure and Motion Estimation with Expectation Maximization and Extended Kalman Smoother for Continuous Image Sequences. CVPR (1) 2001: 1148-1154
11EEYongduek Seo, Anders Heyden, Roberto Cipolla: A Linear Iterative Method for Auto-Calibration using the DAC Equation. CVPR (1) 2001: 880-
10 Taeone Kim, Yongduek Seo, Ki-Sang Hong: Improving AR using Shadows Arising from Natural Illumination Distribution in Video Sequences. ICCV 2001: 329-334
9EEYongduek Seo, Anders Heyden: Auto-Calibration from the Orthogonality Constraints. ICPR 2000: 1067-1071
8EEYongduek Seo, Anders Heyden, Ki-Sang Hong: Flexible Auto-Calibration and Its Application to Augmented Reality. MVA 2000: 23-26
7EEYongduek Seo, Ki-Sang Hong: A Linear Metric Reconstruction by Complex Eigen-Decomposition. MVA 2000: 565-568
6EEYongduek Seo, Ki-Sang Hong: Calibration-Free Augmented Reality in Perspective. IEEE Trans. Vis. Comput. Graph. 6(4): 346-359 (2000)
5EESeong-Woo Park, Yongduek Seo, Ki-Sang Hong: Real-Time Camera Calibration for Virtual Studio. Real-Time Imaging 6(6): 433-448 (2000)
4EEYongduek Seo, Ki-Sang Hong: About the Self-Calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera: Theory and Practice. ICCV 1999: 183-189
3 Taeone Kim, Yongduek Seo, Ki-Sang Hong: Physics-based 3D Position Analysis of a Soccer Ball from Monocular Image Sequences. ICCV 1998: 721-726
2EEYongduek Seo, Ki-Sang Hong: Auto-Calibration of a Rotating and Zooming Camera. MVA 1998: 274-277
1 Yongduek Seo, Sunghoon Choi, Hyunwoo Kim, Ki-Sang Hong: Where Are the Ball and Players? Soccer Game Analysis with Color Based Tracking and Image Mosaick. ICIAP (2) 1997: 196-203

Coauthor Index

1Kyuhyoung Choi [14] [15] [16]
2Sunghoon Choi [1]
3Youngju Choi [18]
4Roberto Cipolla [11]
5Richard Hartley [19] [22]
6Richard I. Hartley [20]
7Anders Heyden [8] [9] [11] [13]
8Ki-Sang Hong [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10] [12]
9Hyunwoo Kim [1]
10Taeone Kim [3] [10]
11Hyunjung Lee [21] [23]
12Sang Wook Lee [21] [23]
13Subin Lee [17]
14Seong-Woo Park [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)