
Mamoru Yasumoto

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7EEHiroki Watanabe, Hitoshi Hongo, Hideki Tanahashi, Yoshinori Niwa, Mamoru Yasumoto, Kazuhiko Yamamoto: Detection of a pointing target in a real environment. ICARCV 2002: 286-291
6EEJun-ichiro Hayashi, Mamoru Yasumoto, Hideaki Ito, Hiroyasu Koshimizu: Age and Gender Estimation Based on Wrinkle Texture and Color of Facial Images. ICPR (1) 2002: 405-408
5 Hiroki Watanabe, Hitoshi Hongo, Mamoru Yasumoto, Yoshinori Niwa, Kazuhiko Yamamoto: Control of Home Appliances Using Face and Hand Sign Recognition. ICCV 2001: 746
4EEHitoshi Hongo, Mamoru Yasumoto, Yoshinori Niwa, Mitsunori Ohya, Kazuhiko Yamamoto: Focus of Attention for Face and Hand Gesture Recognition Using Multiple Cameras. FG 2000: 156-162
3EEMamoru Yasumoto, Hitoshi Hongo, Hiroki Watanabe, Kazuhiko Yamamoto: Face Direction Estimation Using Multiple Cameras for Human Computer Interaction. ICMI 2000: 222-229
2EEHitoshi Hongo, Mitsuniri Ohya, Mamoru Yasumoto, Kazuhiko Yamamoto: Face and Hand Gesture Recognition for Human-Computer Interaction. ICPR 2000: 2921-2924
1EEHiroki Watanabe, Hitoshi Hongo, Mamoru Yasumoto, Kazuhiko Yamamoto: Detection and Estimation of Omni-Directional Pointing Gestures Using Multiple Cameras. MVA 2000: 345-348

Coauthor Index

1Jun-ichiro Hayashi [6]
2Hitoshi Hongo [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]
3Hideaki Ito [6]
4Hiroyasu Koshimizu [6]
5Yoshinori Niwa [4] [5] [7]
6Mitsuniri Ohya [2]
7Mitsunori Ohya [4]
8Hideki Tanahashi [7]
9Hiroki Watanabe [1] [3] [5] [7]
10Kazuhiko Yamamoto [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [7]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)