2009 |
55 | EE | Hyun Sung Chang,
Yair Weiss,
William T. Freeman:
Informative Sensing
CoRR abs/0901.4275: (2009) |
2008 |
54 | EE | Ce Liu,
William T. Freeman,
Edward H. Adelson,
Yair Weiss:
Human-assisted motion annotation.
CVPR 2008 |
53 | EE | Antonio B. Torralba,
Robert Fergus,
Yair Weiss:
Small codes and large image databases for recognition.
CVPR 2008 |
52 | EE | Yair Weiss,
Antonio B. Torralba,
Robert Fergus:
Spectral Hashing.
NIPS 2008: 1753-1760 |
51 | EE | Amit Gruber,
Michal Rosen-Zvi,
Yair Weiss:
Latent Topic Models for Hypertext.
UAI 2008: 230-239 |
50 | EE | David Sontag,
Talya Meltzer,
Amir Globerson,
Tommi Jaakkola,
Yair Weiss:
Tightening LP Relaxations for MAP using Message Passing.
UAI 2008: 503-510 |
49 | EE | Anat Levin,
Dani Lischinski,
Yair Weiss:
A Closed-Form Solution to Natural Image Matting.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 30(2): 228-242 (2008) |
48 | EE | Ori Shental,
Noam Shental,
Shlomo Shamai,
Ido Kanter,
Anthony J. Weiss,
Yair Weiss:
Discrete-Input Two-Dimensional Gaussian Channels With Memory: Estimation and Information Rates Via Graphical Models and Statistical Mechanics.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(4): 1500-1513 (2008) |
47 | EE | Chen Yanover,
Ora Schueler-Furman,
Yair Weiss:
Minimizing and Learning Energy Functions for Side-Chain Prediction.
Journal of Computational Biology 15(7): 899-911 (2008) |
2007 |
46 | EE | Yair Weiss,
William T. Freeman:
What makes a good model of natural images?
CVPR 2007 |
45 | EE | Bernard Moghaddam,
Yair Weiss,
Shai Avidan:
Fast Pixel/Part Selection with Sparse Eigenvectors.
ICCV 2007: 1-8 |
44 | EE | Chen Yanover,
Ora Schueler-Furman,
Yair Weiss:
Minimizing and Learning Energy Functions for Side-Chain Prediction.
RECOMB 2007: 381-395 |
43 | EE | Amit Gruber,
Yair Weiss:
Incorporating non-motion cues into 3D motion segmentation.
Computer Vision and Image Understanding 108(3): 261-271 (2007) |
42 | EE | Anat Levin,
Yair Weiss:
User Assisted Separation of Reflections from a Single Image Using a Sparsity Prior.
IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 29(9): 1647-1654 (2007) |
2006 |
41 | EE | Anat Levin,
Dani Lischinski,
Yair Weiss:
A Closed Form Solution to Natural Image Matting.
CVPR (1) 2006: 61-68 |
40 | EE | Amit Gruber,
Yair Weiss:
Incorporating Non-motion Cues into 3D Motion Segmentation.
ECCV (3) 2006: 84-97 |
39 | EE | Anat Levin,
Yair Weiss:
Learning to Combine Bottom-Up and Top-Down Segmentation.
ECCV (4) 2006: 581-594 |
38 | EE | Baback Moghaddam,
Yair Weiss,
Shai Avidan:
Generalized spectral bounds for sparse LDA.
ICML 2006: 641-648 |
37 | EE | Assaf Zomet,
Anat Levin,
Shmuel Peleg,
Yair Weiss:
Seamless image stitching by minimizing false edges.
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 15(4): 969-977 (2006) |
36 | EE | Chen Yanover,
Talya Meltzer,
Yair Weiss:
Linear Programming Relaxations and Belief Propagation - An Empirical Study.
Journal of Machine Learning Research 7: 1887-1907 (2006) |
2005 |
35 | EE | Talya Meltzer,
Chen Yanover,
Yair Weiss:
Globally Optimal Solutions for Energy Minimization in Stereo Vision Using Reweighted Belief Propagation.
ICCV 2005: 428-435 |
34 | EE | Uri Maoz,
Elon Portugaly,
Tamar Flash,
Yair Weiss:
Noise and the two-thirds power Law.
NIPS 2005 |
33 | EE | Baback Moghaddam,
Yair Weiss,
Shai Avidan:
Spectral Bounds for Sparse PCA: Exact and Greedy Algorithms.
NIPS 2005 |
32 | EE | Amit Gruber,
Yair Weiss:
Incorporating Constraints and Prior Knowledge into Factorization Algorithms - An Application to 3D Recovery.
SLSFS 2005: 151-162 |
31 | EE | Jonathan S. Yedidia,
William T. Freeman,
Yair Weiss:
Constructing free-energy approximations and generalized belief propagation algorithms.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(7): 2282-2312 (2005) |
30 | EE | Gal Chechik,
Amir Globerson,
Naftali Tishby,
Yair Weiss:
Information Bottleneck for Gaussian Variables.
Journal of Machine Learning Research 6: 165-188 (2005) |
2004 |
29 | EE | Anat Levin,
Assaf Zomet,
Yair Weiss:
Separating Reflections from a Single Image Using Local Features.
CVPR (1) 2004: 306-313 |
28 | EE | Amit Gruber,
Yair Weiss:
Multibody Factorization with Uncertainty and Missing Data Using the EM Algorithm.
CVPR (1) 2004: 707-714 |
27 | EE | Kobi Levi,
Yair Weiss:
Learning Object Detection from a Small Number of Examples: The Importance of Good Features.
CVPR (2) 2004: 53-60 |
26 | EE | Anat Levin,
Yair Weiss:
User Assisted Separation of Reflections from a Single Image Using a Sparsity Prior.
ECCV (1) 2004: 602-613 |
25 | EE | Anat Levin,
Assaf Zomet,
Shmuel Peleg,
Yair Weiss:
Seamless Image Stitching in the Gradient Domain.
ECCV (4) 2004: 377-389 |
24 | EE | Anat Levin,
Dani Lischinski,
Yair Weiss:
Colorization using optimization.
ACM Trans. Graph. 23(3): 689-694 (2004) |
2003 |
23 | EE | Noam Shental,
Assaf Zomet,
Tomer Hertz,
Yair Weiss:
Learning and Inferring Image Segmentations using the GBP Typical Cut Algorithm.
ICCV 2003: 1243-1250 |
22 | EE | Anat Levin,
Assaf Zomet,
Yair Weiss:
Learning How to Inpaint from Global Image Statistics.
ICCV 2003: 305-312 |
21 | EE | Amit Gruber,
Yair Weiss:
Factorization with Uncertainty and Missing Data: Exploiting Temporal Coherence.
NIPS 2003 |
20 | EE | Chen Yanover,
Yair Weiss:
Finding the M Most Probable Configurations in Arbitrary Graphical Models.
NIPS 2003 |
19 | EE | Gal Chechik,
Amir Globerson,
Naftali Tishby,
Yair Weiss:
Information Bottleneck for Gaussian Variables.
NIPS 2003 |
18 | EE | Noam Shental,
Assaf Zomet,
Tomer Hertz,
Yair Weiss:
Pairwise Clustering and Graphical Models.
NIPS 2003 |
2002 |
17 | EE | Anat Levin,
Assaf Zomet,
Yair Weiss:
Learning to Perceive Transparency from the Statistics of Natural Scenes.
NIPS 2002: 1247-1254 |
16 | EE | Chen Yanover,
Yair Weiss:
Approximate Inference and Protein-Folding.
NIPS 2002: 1457-1464 |
15 | EE | Noam Slonim,
Yair Weiss:
Maximum Likelihood and the Information Bottleneck.
NIPS 2002: 335-342 |
2001 |
14 | | Yair Weiss:
Deriving Intrinsic Images from Image Sequences.
ICCV 2001: 68-75 |
13 | EE | Andrew Y. Ng,
Michael I. Jordan,
Yair Weiss:
On Spectral Clustering: Analysis and an algorithm.
NIPS 2001: 849-856 |
12 | EE | Kevin P. Murphy,
Yair Weiss:
The Factored Frontier Algorithm for Approximate Inference in DBNs.
UAI 2001: 378-385 |
11 | | Yair Weiss,
William T. Freeman:
On the optimality of solutions of the max-product belief-propagation algorithm in arbitrary graphs.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(2): 736-744 (2001) |
10 | EE | Yair Weiss,
William T. Freeman:
Correctness of Belief Propagation in Gaussian Graphical Models of Arbitrary Topology.
Neural Computation 13(10): 2173-2200 (2001) |
2000 |
9 | | Jonathan S. Yedidia,
William T. Freeman,
Yair Weiss:
Generalized Belief Propagation.
NIPS 2000: 689-695 |
8 | | Yair Weiss:
Correctness of Local Probability Propagation in Graphical Models with Loops.
Neural Computation 12(1): 1-41 (2000) |
1999 |
7 | EE | Yair Weiss:
Segmentation using Eigenvectors: A Unifying View.
ICCV 1999: 975-982 |
6 | EE | Yair Weiss,
William T. Freeman:
Correctness of Belief Propagation in Gaussian Graphical Models of Arbitrary Topology.
NIPS 1999: 673-679 |
5 | EE | Kevin P. Murphy,
Yair Weiss,
Michael I. Jordan:
Loopy Belief Propagation for Approximate Inference: An Empirical Study.
UAI 1999: 467-475 |
1997 |
4 | EE | Yair Weiss:
Smoothness in Layers: Motion segmentation using nonparametric mixture estimation.
CVPR 1997: 520-526 |
3 | | Yair Weiss:
Phase Transitions and the Perceptual Organization of Video Sequences.
NIPS 1997 |
1996 |
2 | EE | Yair Weiss,
Edward H. Adelson:
A Unified Mixture Framework for Motion Segmentation: Incorporating Spatial Coherence and Estimating the Number of Models.
CVPR 1996: 321-326 |
1 | EE | Yair Weiss:
Interpreting Images by Propagating Bayesian Beliefs.
NIPS 1996: 908-914 |