
Warren Sack

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10EEFlore Barcellini, Françoise Détienne, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Warren Sack: A socio-cognitive analysis of online design discussions in an Open Source Software community. Interacting with Computers 20(1): 141-165 (2008)
9EEWarren Sack, Françoise Détienne, Nicolas Ducheneaut, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Dilan Mahendran, Flore Barcellini: A Methodological Framework for Socio-Cognitive Analyses of Collaborative Design of Open Source Software CoRR abs/cs/0703009: (2007)
8EEWarren Sack, Françoise Détienne, Nicolas Ducheneaut, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Dilan Mahendran, Flore Barcellini: A Methodological Framework for Socio-Cognitive Analyses of Collaborative Design of Open Source Software. Computer Supported Cooperative Work 15(2-3): 229-250 (2006)
7EEFlore Barcellini, Françoise Détienne, Jean-Marie Burkhardt, Warren Sack: Thematic coherence and quotation practices in OSS design-oriented online discussions. GROUP 2005: 177-186
6EEThomas Erickson, Susan C. Herring, Warren Sack: Discourse architectures: designing and visualizing computer mediated conversation. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 936-937
5EEWarren Sack: Discourse Diagrams: Interface Design for Very Large-Scale Conversations. HICSS 2000
4EEWarren Sack: Conversation map: a content-based Usenet newsgroup browser. IUI 2000: 233-240
3 Warren Sack: On the Computation of Point of View. AAAI 1994: 1488
2 Warren Sack, Marc Davis: IDIC: Assembling Video Sequences from Story Plans and Content Annotations. ICMCS 1994: 30-36
1 Warren Sack: Knowledge Base Compilation and the Language Design Game. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 1992: 225-233

Coauthor Index

1Flore Barcellini [7] [8] [9] [10]
2Jean-Marie Burkhardt [7] [8] [9] [10]
3Marc Davis [2]
4Françoise Détienne [7] [8] [9] [10]
5Nicolas Ducheneaut [8] [9]
6Thomas Erickson [6]
7Susan C. Herring (Susan Herring) [6]
8Dilan Mahendran [8] [9]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)