
Devika Subramanian

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36EEMichael Buckley, John Nordlinger, Devika Subramanian: Socially relevant computing. SIGCSE 2008: 347-351
35EEKeith D. Cooper, Alexander Grosul, Timothy J. Harvey, Steven W. Reeves, Devika Subramanian, Linda Torczon, Todd Waterman: Exploring the structure of the space of compilation sequences using randomized search algorithms. The Journal of Supercomputing 36(2): 135-151 (2006)
34EEKeith D. Cooper, Alexander Grosul, Timothy J. Harvey, Steven W. Reeves, Devika Subramanian, Linda Torczon, Todd Waterman: ACME: adaptive compilation made efficient. LCTES 2005: 69-77
33EEDevika Subramanian, Richard Stoll: Events, Patterns and Analysis: forecasting conflict in the 21st century. DG.O 2004
32EEL. Almagor, Keith D. Cooper, Alexander Grosul, Timothy J. Harvey, Steven W. Reeves, Devika Subramanian, Linda Torczon, Todd Waterman: Finding effective compilation sequences. LCTES 2004: 231-239
31EECristian Coarfa, Demetrios D. Demopoulos, Alfonso San Miguel Aguirre, Devika Subramanian, Moshe Y. Vardi: Random 3-SAT: The Plot Thickens. Constraints 8(3): 243-261 (2003)
30EEKeith D. Cooper, Devika Subramanian, Linda Torczon: Adaptive Optimizing Compilers for the 21st Century. The Journal of Supercomputing 23(1): 7-22 (2002)
29 Richard Thrapp, Christian Westbrook, Devika Subramanian: Robust Localization Algorithms for an Autonomous Campus Tour Guide. ICRA 2001: 2065-2071
28EECristian Coarfa, Demetrios D. Demopoulos, Alfonso San Miguel Aguirre, Devika Subramanian, Moshe Y. Vardi: Random 3-SAT: The Plot Thickens. CP 2000: 143-159
27 Johnny Chen, Peter Druschel, Devika Subramanian: A New Approach to Routing with Dynamic Metrics. INFOCOM 1999: 661-670
26EEKeith D. Cooper, Philip J. Schielke, Devika Subramanian: Optimizing for Reduced Code Space using Genetic Algorithms. Workshop on Languages, Compilers, and Tools for Embedded Systems 1999: 1-9
25 Johnny Chen, Peter Druschel, Devika Subramanian: An Efficient Multipath Forwarding Method. INFOCOM 1998: 1418-1425
24 Devika Subramanian, Peter Druschel, Johnny Chen: Ants and Reinforcement Learning: A Case Study in Routing in Dynamic Networks. IJCAI (2) 1997: 832-839
23 Daniela Rus, Devika Subramanian: Information Retrieval, Information Structure, and Information Agents. Intelligent Hypertext 1997: 145-182
22EEDaniela Rus, Devika Subramanian: Customizing Information Capture and Access. ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. 15(1): 67-101 (1997)
21EECarl A. Gunter, Teow-Hin Ngair, Devika Subramanian: The Common Order-Theoretic Structure of Version Spaces and ATMSs. Artif. Intell. 95(2): 357-407 (1997)
20EEDevika Subramanian, Russell Greiner, Judea Pearl: The Relevance of Relevance (Editorial). Artif. Intell. 97(1-2): 1-5 (1997)
19 Carl A. Gunter, Teow-Hin Ngair, Devika Subramanian: Sets as Anti-Chains. ASIAN 1996: 116-128
18 Daniela Rus, Devika Subramanian: Customizing Multimedia Information Access. ACM Comput. Surv. 27(4): 627-629 (1995)
17EEStuart J. Russell, Devika Subramanian: Provably Bounded-Optimal Agents CoRR cs.AI/9505103: (1995)
16 Stuart J. Russell, Devika Subramanian: Provably Bounded-Optimal Agents. J. Artif. Intell. Res. (JAIR) 2: 575-609 (1995)
15 Devika Subramanian: Shifting Vocabulary Bias in Speedup Learning. Machine Learning 20(1-2): 155-191 (1995)
14 Vanathi Gopalakrishnan, Daniel N. Hennessy, Bruce G. Buchanan, Devika Subramanian: The Crystallographer's Assistant. AAAI 1994: 1451
13 Daniel N. Hennessy, Vanathi Gopalakrishnan, Bruce G. Buchanan, John M. Rosenberg, Devika Subramanian: Induction of Rules for Biological Macromolecular Crystallization. ISMB 1994: 179-187
12EEDaniela Rus, Devika Subramanian: Multi-media RISSC Informatics: Retrieval of Information with Simple Structural Components (Part I: The Architecture). CIKM 1993: 283-294
11 Stuart J. Russell, Devika Subramanian, Ronald Parr: Provably Bounded Optimal Agents. IJCAI 1993: 338-345
10 Devika Subramanian: Conceptual Design and Artificial Intelligence. IJCAI 1993: 800-809
9 Diana F. Gordon, Devika Subramanian: A Multistrategy Learning Scheme for Agent Knowledge Acquisition. Informatica (Slovenia) 17(4): (1993)
8 Devika Subramanian, Scott Hunter: Measuring Utility and the Design of Provably Good EBL Algorithms. ML 1992: 426-425
7 Carl A. Gunter, Teow-Hin Ngair, Prakash Panangaden, Devika Subramanian: The Common Order-Theoretic Structure of Version Spaces and ATMS's. AAAI 1991: 500-505
6 Devika Subramanian, Ronen Feldman: The Utility of EBL in Recursive Domain Theories. AAAI 1990: 942-949
5 Devika Subramanian, John Woodfill: Making Situation Calculus Indexical. KR 1989: 467-474
4 Devika Subramanian: Representational Issues in Machine Learning. ML 1989: 426-429
3 Devika Subramanian: A Theory of Justified Reformulations. ML 1989: 434-438
2 Devika Subramanian, Michael R. Genesereth: The Relevance of Irrelevance. IJCAI 1987: 416-422
1 Devika Subramanian, Joan Feigenbaum: Factorization in Experiment Generation. AAAI 1986: 518-522

Coauthor Index

1Alfonso San Miguel Aguirre [28] [31]
2L. Almagor [32]
3Bruce G. Buchanan [13] [14]
4Michael Buckley [36]
5Johnny Chen [24] [25] [27]
6Cristian Coarfa [28] [31]
7Keith D. Cooper [26] [30] [32] [34] [35]
8Demetrios D. Demopoulos [28] [31]
9Peter Druschel [24] [25] [27]
10Joan Feigenbaum [1]
11Ronen Feldman [6]
12Michael R. Genesereth [2]
13Vanathi Gopalakrishnan [13] [14]
14Russell Greiner [20]
15Alexander Grosul [32] [34] [35]
16Carl A. Gunter [7] [19] [21]
17Timothy J. Harvey [32] [34] [35]
18Daniel N. Hennessy [13] [14]
19Scott Hunter [8]
20Teow-Hin Ngair [7] [19] [21]
21John Nordlinger [36]
22Prakash Panangaden [7]
23Ronald Parr [11]
24Judea Pearl [20]
25Steven W. Reeves [32] [34] [35]
26John M. Rosenberg [13]
27Daniela Rus [12] [18] [22] [23]
28Stuart J. Russell [11] [16] [17]
29Philip J. Schielke [26]
30Diana F. Spears (Diana F. Gordon-Spears, Diana F. Gordon) [9]
31Richard Stoll [33]
32Richard Thrapp [29]
33Linda Torczon [30] [32] [34] [35]
34Moshe Y. Vardi [28] [31]
35Todd Waterman [32] [34] [35]
36Christian Westbrook [29]
37John Woodfill [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)