
Ramana Isukapalli

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9EERamana Isukapalli, Ahmed M. Elgammal, Russell Greiner: Learning to Detect Objects of Many Classes Using Binary Classifiers. ECCV (1) 2006: 352-364
8EERamana Isukapalli, Ahmed M. Elgammal, Russell Greiner: Learning to Identify Facial Expression During Detection Using Markov Decision Process. FG 2006: 305-310
7EERamana Isukapalli, Ahmed M. Elgammal, Russell Greiner: Learning Policies for Efficiently Identifying Objects of Many Classes. ICPR (3) 2006: 356-361
6EERamana Isukapalli, Ahmed M. Elgammal, Russell Greiner: Learning a Dynamic Classification Method to Detect Faces and Identify Facial Expression. AMFG 2005: 70-84
5 Ramana Isukapalli, Russell Greiner: Use of Off-line Dynamic Programming for Efficient Image Interpretation. IJCAI 2003: 1319-1325
4EERamana Isukapalli, Triantafyllos Alexiou, Kazutaka Murakami: Global roaming and personal mobility with COPS architecture in SuperDHLR. Bell Labs Technical Journal 7(2): 3-18 (2002)
3 Ramana Isukapalli, Russell Greiner: Efficient Car Recognition Policies. ICRA 2001: 2134-2139
2 Ramana Isukapalli, Russell Greiner: Efficient Interpretation Policies. IJCAI 2001: 1381-1390
1 Russell Greiner, Ramana Isukapalli: Learning to Select Useful Landmarks. AAAI 1994: 1251-1256

Coauthor Index

1Triantafyllos Alexiou [4]
2Ahmed M. Elgammal [6] [7] [8] [9]
3Russell Greiner [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9]
4Kazutaka Murakami [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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