
Richard K. Belew

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41EEMax W. Chang, Richard K. Belew, Kate S. Carroll, Arthur J. Olson, David S. Goodsell: Empirical entropic contributions in computational docking: Evaluation in APS reductase complexes. Journal of Computational Chemistry 29(11): 1753-1761 (2008)
40EERichard K. Belew: Scientific impact quantity and quality: Analysis of two sources of bibliographic data CoRR abs/cs/0504036: (2005)
39EEChristoph Adami, Richard K. Belew, Hiroaki Kitano, Charles E. Taylor: Artificial Life VI: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Artificial Life. J. Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 4(2): (2001)
38 Filippo Menczer, Richard K. Belew: Adaptive Retrieval Agents: Internalizing Local Context and Scaling up to the Web. Machine Learning 39(2/3): 203-242 (2000)
37EEFilippo Menczer, Richard K. Belew: Adaptive Information Agents in Distributed Textual Environments. Agents 1998: 157-164
36 Filippo Menczer, Richard K. Belew: Local Selection. Evolutionary Programming 1998: 703-712
35 Thomas E. Kammeyer, Richard K. Belew: An Empirical Investigation of an Evolutionary Algorithm's Ability to Maintain a Known Good Solution. Evolutionary Programming 1998: 767-776
34 Christopher D. Rosin, Richard K. Belew, Garrett M. Morris, Arthur J. Olson, David S. Goodsell: Computational Coevolution of Antiviral Drug Resistance. Artificial Life 4(1): 41-59 (1998)
33 Brian T. Bartell, Garrison W. Cottrell, Richard K. Belew: Optimizing Similarity Using Multi-Query Relevance Feedback. JASIS 49(8): 742-761 (1998)
32EEGarrett M. Morris, David S. Goodsell, Robert S. Halliday, Ruth Huey, William E. Hart, Richard K. Belew, Arthur J. Olson: Automated docking using a Lamarckian genetic algorithm and an empirical binding free energy function. Journal of Computational Chemistry 19(14): 1639-1662 (1998)
31 Richard K. Belew, Michael D. Vose: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Foundations of Genetic Algorithms. San Diego, CA, USA, August 5 1996 Morgan Kaufmann 1997
30 Christopher D. Rosin, R. Scott Halliday, William E. Hart, Richard K. Belew: A Comparison of Global and Local Search Methods in Drug Docking. ICGA 1997: 221-229
29 Mark Land, John J. SIDorowich, Richard K. Belew: Using Genetic Algorithms with Local Search for Thin Film Metrology. ICGA 1997: 537-544
28 Christopher D. Rosin, Richard K. Belew: New Methods for Competitive Coevolution. Evolutionary Computation 5(1): 1-29 (1997)
27EEChristopher D. Rosin, Richard K. Belew: A Competitive Approach to Game Learning. COLT 1996: 292-302
26 Thomas E. Kammeyer, Richard K. Belew: Stochastic Context-Free Grammar Induction with a Genetic Algorithm Using Local Search. FOGA 1996: 409-436
25EEWilliam E. Hart, Scott B. Baden, Richard K. Belew, Scott R. Kohn: Analysis of the Numerical Effects of Parallelism on a Parallel Genetic Algorithm. IPPS 1996: 606-612
24EEChristopher C. Vogt, Garrison W. Cottrell, Richard K. Belew, Brian T. Bartell: Using Relevance to Train a Linear Mixture of Experts. TREC 1996
23 Mark Land, Richard K. Belew: Towards a Self-Replicating Language for Computation. Evolutionary Programming 1995: 403-413
22 Christopher D. Rosin, Richard K. Belew: Methods for Competitive Co-Evolution: Finding Opponents Worth Beating. ICGA 1995: 373-381
21 Thomas E. Kammeyer, Richard K. Belew, S. G. Williamson: Evolving Compare-Exchange Networks Using Grammars. Artificial Life 2(2): 199-237 (1995)
20 Brian T. Bartell, Garrison W. Cottrell, Richard K. Belew: Representing Documents Using an Explicit Model of Their Similarities. JASIS 46(4): 254-271 (1995)
19 Thomas E. Kammeyer, Richard K. Belew: Learning Sorting Networks By Grammars. AAAI 1994: 1466
18 Amy M. Steier, Richard K. Belew: Talking About AI: Socially Defined Linguistic Subcontexts in AI. AAAI 1994: 715-720
17 William F. Hartman, Thomas E. Kammeyer, Richard K. Belew: The Role of Development in Genetic Algorithms. FOGA 1994: 315-332
16EEBrian T. Bartell, Garrison W. Cottrell, Richard K. Belew: Automatic Combination of Multiple Ranked Retrieval Systems. SIGIR 1994: 173-181
15 Richard K. Belew, Thomas E. Kammeyer: Evolving Aesthetic Sorting Networks Using Developmental Grammars. ICGA 1993: 629
14 Richard K. Belew: Mark A. Gluck and David E. Rumelhart, eds., Neuroscience and Connectionist Theory. Artif. Intell. 62(1): 153-161 (1993)
13EERichard K. Belew: Interposing an Ontogenetic Model Between Genetic Algorithms and Neural Networks. NIPS 1992: 99-106
12EEBrian T. Bartell, Garrison W. Cottrell, Richard K. Belew: Latent Semantic Indexing is an Optimal Special Case of Multidimensional Scaling. SIGIR 1992: 161-167
11 Nicol N. Schraudolph, Richard K. Belew: Dynamic Parameter Encoding for Genetic Algorithms. Machine Learning 9: 9-21 (1992)
10 Richard K. Belew, Lashon B. Booker: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Genetic Algorithms, San Diego, CA, USA, July 1991 Morgan Kaufmann 1991
9 William E. Hart, Richard K. Belew: Optimising an Arbitrary Function is Hard for the Genetic Algorithm. ICGA 1991: 190-195
8EERichard K. Belew: Artificial Life: A Constructive Lower Bound for Artificial Intelligence. IEEE Expert 6(1): 8-15 (1991)
7 Daniel E. Rose, Richard K. Belew: A Connectionist and Symbolic Hybrid for Improving Legal Research. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 35(1): 1-33 (1991)
6EEDaniel E. Rose, Richard K. Belew: Legal Information Retrieval a Hybrid Approach. ICAIL 1989: 138-146
5 Richard K. Belew, Michael Gherrity: Back Propagation for the Classifier System. ICGA 1989: 275-281
4 Richard K. Belew: When Both Individuals and Populations Search: Adding Simple Learning to the Genetic Algorithm. ICGA 1989: 34-41
3EERichard K. Belew: Adaptive Information Retrieval: Using a Connectionist Representation to Retrieve and Learn About Documents. SIGIR 1989: 11-20
2 Richard K. Belew, Stephanie Forrest: Learning and Programming in Classifier Systems. Machine Learning 3: 193-223 (1988)
1EERichard K. Belew: A Connectionist Approach to Conceptual Information Retrieval. ICAIL 1987: 116-126

Coauthor Index

1Christoph Adami [39]
2Scott B. Baden [25]
3Brian T. Bartell [12] [16] [20] [24] [33]
4Lashon B. Booker [10]
5Kate S. Carroll [41]
6Max W. Chang [41]
7Garrison W. Cottrell [12] [16] [20] [24] [33]
8Stephanie Forrest [2]
9Michael Gherrity [5]
10David S. Goodsell [32] [34] [41]
11R. Scott Halliday [30]
12Robert S. Halliday [32]
13William E. Hart [9] [25] [30] [32]
14William F. Hartman [17]
15Ruth Huey [32]
16Thomas E. Kammeyer [15] [17] [19] [21] [26] [35]
17Hiroaki Kitano [39]
18Scott R. Kohn [25]
19Mark Land [23] [29]
20Filippo Menczer [36] [37] [38]
21Garrett M. Morris [32] [34]
22Arthur J. Olson [32] [34] [41]
23Daniel E. Rose [6] [7]
24Christopher D. Rosin [22] [27] [28] [30] [34]
25John J. SIDorowich [29]
26Nicol N. Schraudolph [11]
27Amy M. Steier [18]
28Charles E. Taylor [39]
29Christopher C. Vogt [24]
30Michael D. Vose [31]
31S. Gill Williamson (S. G. Williamson) [21]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)