
Vladimir Estivill-Castro

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77EEJoel Fenwick, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Mutually Visible Agents in a Discrete Environment. ACSC 2007: 141-150
76EEArtak Amirbekyan, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: The Privacy of k-NN Retrieval for Horizontal Partitioned Data -- New Methods and Applications. ADC 2007: 33-42
75EEArtak Amirbekyan, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: A New Efficient Privacy-Preserving Scalar Product Protocol. AusDM 2007: 209-214
74EEArtak Amirbekyan, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Privacy-Preserving k-NN for Small and Large Data Sets. ICDM Workshops 2007: 699-704
73EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Ahmed HajYasien: Fast Private Association Rule Mining by A Protocol for Securely Sharing Distributed Data. ISI 2007: 324-330
72EEKyungmi Lee, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Feature extraction and gating techniques for ultrasonic shaft signal classification. Appl. Soft Comput. 7(1): 156-165 (2007)
71 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Gillian Dobbie: Computer Science 2006, Twenty-Nineth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2006), Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, January 16-19 2006 Australian Computer Society 2006
70EEAhmed HajYasien, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Two New Techniques for Hiding Sensitive Itemsets and Their Empirical Evaluation. DaWaK 2006: 302-311
69EEArtak Amirbekyan, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Privacy Preserving DBSCAN for Vertically Partitioned Data. ISI 2006: 141-153
68EEAhmed HajYasien, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Rodney W. Topor: Sanitization of Databases for Refined Privacy Trade-Offs. ISI 2006: 522-528
67EEKevin Burrage, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Shev Mac, Frances A. Rosamond: The Undirected Feedback Vertex Set Problem Has a Poly(k) Kernel. IWPEC 2006: 192-202
66EEDavid Billington, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, René Hexel, Andrew Rock: Using Temporal Consistency to Improve Robot Localisation. RoboCup 2006: 232-244
65EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Stuart Seymon: Mobile Robots for an E-Mail Interface for People Who Are Blind. RoboCup 2006: 338-346
64EEIckjai Lee, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Fast Cluster Polygonization and its Applications in Data-Rich Environments. GeoInformatica 10(4): 399-422 (2006)
63 Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Computer Science 2005, Twenty-Eighth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2005), Newcastle, NSW, Australia, January/February 2005 Australian Computer Society 2005
62 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Michael R. Fellows, Michael A. Langston, Frances A. Rosamond: FPT is P-Time Extremal Structure I. ACiD 2005: 1-41
61EEJoel Fenwick, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Optimal Paths for Mutually Visible Agents. ISAAC 2005: 869-881
60EEMaria Aneiros, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Usability of Real-Time Unconstrained WWW-Co-Browsing for Educational Settings. Web Intelligence 2005: 105-111
59 Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Computer Science 2004, Twenty-Seveth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2004), Dunedin, New Zealand, January 2004 Australian Computer Society 2004
58EEBrendan Bartlett, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Stuart Seymon: Dogs or Robots - Why do Children See Them as Robotic Pets Rather Than Canine Machines? AUIC 2004: 7-14
57EEKyungmi Lee, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: A Hybrid Classification Approach to Ultrasonic Shaft Signals. Australian Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2004: 284-295
56EEVladimir Estivill-Castro: Private Representative-Based Clustering for Vertically Partitioned Data. ENC 2004: 160-167
55EEKyungmi Lee, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Classification Ensembles for Shaft Test Data: Empirical Evaluation. HIS 2004: 304-309
54 Kyungmi Lee, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Support Vector Machine Classification of Ultrasonic Shaft Inspection Data Using Discrete Wavelet Transform. IC-AI 2004: 848-854
53EENathan Lovell, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: A Descriptive Language for Flexible and Robust Object Recognition. RobuCup 2004: 540-547
52EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Jianhua Yang: Fast and Robust General Purpose Clustering Algorithms. Data Min. Knowl. Discov. 8(2): 127-150 (2004)
51EEVladimir Estivill-Castro: Generating Nearly Sorted Sequences - The use of measures of disorder. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 91: 56-95 (2004)
50EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Jianhua Yang: Cluster Validity Using Support Vector Machines. DaWaK 2003: 244-256
49EEMaria Aneiros, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Chengzheng Sun: Group unified histories an instrument for productive unconstrained co-browsing. GROUP 2003: 330-338
48 Kyungmi Lee, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Feature Extraction Techniques for Ultrasonic Shaft Signal Classification. HIS 2003: 479-488
47 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Darren Lattin, Francis Suraweera, Vasanthe Vithanage: Tracking bees - a 3D, outdoor small object environment. ICIP (3) 2003: 1021-1024
46EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Nathan Lovell: Improved Object Recognition - The RoboCup 4-Legged League. IDEAL 2003: 1123-1130
45EEMaria Aneiros, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Foundations of Unconstrained Collaborative Web Browsing with Awareness. Web Intelligence 2003: 18-25
44EERodney G. Downey, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Michael R. Fellows, Elena Prieto, Frances A. Rosamond: Cutting Up is Hard to Do: the Parameterized Complexity of k-Cut and Related Problems. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 78: (2003)
43EERodolfo Torres-Velázquez, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: A Memetic Algorithm Guided by Quicksort for the Error-Correcting Graph Isomorphism Problem. EvoWorkshops 2002: 173-182
42 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Ickjai Lee: Multi-Level Clustering and its Visualization for Exploratory Spatial Analysis. GeoInformatica 6(2): 123-152 (2002)
41EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Jianhua Yang: Clustering Web Visitors by Fast, Robust and Convergent Algorithms. Int. J. Found. Comput. Sci. 13(4): 497-520 (2002)
40EEVladimir Estivill-Castro: Why so many clustering algorithms: a position paper. SIGKDD Explorations 4(1): 65-75 (2002)
39 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Ickjai Lee: Fast Spatial Clustering with Different Metrics and in the Presence of Obstacles. ACM-GIS 2001: 142-147
38 Ickjai Lee, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Effective and Efficient Boundary-based Clustering for Three-Dimensional Geoinformation Studies. CODAS 2001: 87-96
37EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Ickjai Lee, Alan T. Murray: Criteria on Proximity Graphs for Boundary Extraction and Spatial Clustering. PAKDD 2001: 348-357
36EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Jianhua Yang: Non-crisp Clustering by Fast, Convergent, and Robust Algorithms. PKDD 2001: 103-114
35EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Michael E. Houle: Data Structures for Minimization of Total Within-Group Distance for Spatio-temporal Clustering. PKDD 2001: 91-102
34EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Jianhua Yang: Categorizing Visitors Dynamically by Fast and Robust Clustering of Access Logs. Web Intelligence 2001: 498-507
33EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Michael E. Houle: Robust Distance-Based Clustering with Applications to Spatial Data Mining. Algorithmica 30(2): 216-242 (2001)
32 Ding-Zhu Du, Peter Eades, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Xuemin Lin, Arun Sharma: Computing and Combinatorics, 6th Annual International Conference, COCOON 2000, Sydney, Australia, July 26-28, 2000, Proceedings Springer 2000
31 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Jianhua Yang: Fast and Robust General Purpose Clustering Algorithms. PRICAI 2000: 208-218
30 Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Hybrid Genetic Algorithms Are Better for Spatial Clustering. PRICAI 2000: 424-434
29EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Ickjai Lee: AUTOCLUST+: Automatic Clustering of Point-Data Sets in the Presence of Obstacles. TSDM 2000: 133-146
28EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Michael E. Houle: Fast Randomized Algorithms for Robust Estimation of Location. TSDM 2000: 77-88
27EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Marc Noy, Jorge Urrutia: On the chromatic number of tree graphs. Discrete Mathematics 223(1-3): 363-366 (2000)
26 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Michael E. Houle: Robust Clustering of Large Data Sets with Categorial Attributes. Australasian Database Conference 1999: 165-176
25EEVladimir Estivill-Castro: Convex group clustering of large geo-referenced data sets. CCCG 1999
24EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Ljiljana Brankovic: Data Swapping: Balancing Privacy against Precision in Mining for Logic Rules. DaWaK 1999: 389-398
23EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Michael E. Houle: Robust Clustering of Large Geo-referenced Data Sets. PAKDD 1999: 327-337
22EEAmalia Duch, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Conrado Martínez: Randomized K-Dimensional Binary Search Trees. ISAAC 1998: 199-208
21 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Alan T. Murray: Discovering Associations in Spatial Data - An Efficient Medoid Based Approach. PAKDD 1998: 110-121
20EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Rodolfo Torres-Velázquez: Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Solving the p-Median Problem. SEAL 1998: 19-25
19 James Abello, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Thomas C. Shermer, Jorge Urrutia: Illumination of Orthogonal Polygons with Orthogonal Floodlights. Int. J. Comput. Geometry Appl. 8(1): 25-38 (1998)
18 Alan T. Murray, Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Cluster Discovery Techniques for Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 12(5): 431-443 (1998)
17EEVladimir Estivill-Castro: Collaborative Knowledge Acquisition with a Genetic Algorithm. ICTAI 1997: 270-277
16 James Abello, Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Thomas C. Shermer, Jorge Urrutia: Illumination with Orthogonal Floodlights. ISAAC 1995: 362-371
15 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Jorge Urrutia: Two-Floodlight Illumination of Convex Polygons. WADS 1995: 62-73
14 Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Computer Science Research in Mexico. IEEE Computer 28(8): 56-62 (1995)
13EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Joseph O'Rourke, Jorge Urrutia, Dianna Xu: Illumination of Polygons with Vertex Lights. Inf. Process. Lett. 56(1): 9-13 (1995)
12 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Jorge Urrutia: Optimal Floodlight Illumination of Orthogonal Art Galleries. CCCG 1994: 81-86
11 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Derick Wood: Foundations for Faster External Sorting (Extended Abstract). FSTTCS 1994: 414-425
10 Vladimir Estivill-Castro: The Design of Competitive Algorithms via Genetic Algorithms. ICCI 1993: 305-309
9 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Derick Wood: An Adaptive Generic Sorting Algorithm That Uses Variable Partitioning. ICCI 1993: 8-12
8EEVladimir Estivill-Castro, Heikki Mannila, Derick Wood: Right Invariant Metrics and Measures of Presortedness. Discrete Applied Mathematics 42(1): 1-16 (1993)
7 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Derick Wood: Randomized Adative Sorting. Random Struct. Algorithms 4(1): 37-58 (1993)
6 Vladimir Estivill-Castro: Move-to-End is Best for Double-Linked Lists. ICCI 1992: 84-87
5 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Derick Wood: A Survey of Adaptive Sorting Algorithms. ACM Comput. Surv. 24(4): 441-476 (1992)
4 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Derick Wood: Practical Adaptive Sorting. ICCI 1991: 47-54
3 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Murray Sherk: Competitiveness and Response Time in On-Line Algorithms. ISA 1991: 284-293
2 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Derick Wood: Sorting, Measures of Disorder, and Worst-Case Performance. New Results and New Trends in Computer Science 1991: 124-131
1 Vladimir Estivill-Castro, Derick Wood: A New Measure of Presortedness Inf. Comput. 83(1): 111-119 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1James Abello [16] [19]
2Artak Amirbekyan [69] [74] [75] [76]
3Maria Aneiros [45] [49] [60]
4Brendan Bartlett [58]
5David Billington [66]
6Ljiljana Brankovic [24]
7Kevin Burrage [67]
8Gillian Dobbie [71]
9Rodney G. Downey (Rod Downey) [44]
10Ding-Zhu Du [32]
11Amalia Duch [22]
12Peter Eades [32]
13Michael R. Fellows (Mike Fellows) [44] [62] [67]
14Joel Fenwick [61] [77]
15Ahmed HajYasien [68] [70] [73]
16René Hexel [66]
17Michael E. Houle [23] [26] [28] [33] [35]
18Michael A. Langston [62] [67]
19Darren Lattin [47]
20Ickjai Lee [29] [37] [38] [39] [42] [64]
21Kyungmi Lee [48] [54] [55] [57] [72]
22Xuemin Lin [32]
23Nathan Lovell [46] [53]
24Shev Mac [67]
25Heikki Mannila [8]
26Conrado Martínez (Conrado Martinez) [22]
27Alan T. Murray [18] [21] [37]
28Marc Noy [27]
29Joseph O'Rourke [13]
30Elena Prieto [44]
31Andrew Rock [66]
32Frances A. Rosamond [44] [62] [67]
33Stuart Seymon [58] [65]
34Arun Sharma [32]
35Murray Sherk [3]
36Thomas C. Shermer [16] [19]
37Chengzheng Sun [49]
38Francis Suraweera [47]
39Rodney W. Topor [68]
40Rodolfo Torres-Velázquez [20] [43]
41Jorge Urrutia [12] [13] [15] [16] [19] [27]
42Vasanthe Vithanage [47]
43Derick Wood [1] [2] [4] [5] [7] [8] [9] [11]
44Dianna Xu [13]
45Jianhua Yang [31] [34] [36] [41] [50] [52]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)