
Arturo A. Rodriguez

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7 Arturo A. Rodriguez, Lawrence A. Rowe: Multimedia Systems and Applications - Guest Editors' Introduction. IEEE Computer 28(5): 20-22 (1995)
6 Borko Furht, Deven Kalra, Frederick L. Kitson, Arturo A. Rodriguez, William E. Wall: Design Issues for Interactive Television Systems. IEEE Computer 28(5): 25-39 (1995)
5EEArturo A. Rodriguez, Martin Fisher, Brian Markey: Scripting Languages Emerge in Standards Bodies. IEEE MultiMedia 2(4): 88-92 (1995)
4 Arturo A. Rodriguez, Ken Morse: Evaluating Video Codecs. IEEE MultiMedia 1(3): 25-33 (1994)
3 K. S. Wang, James O. Normile, Hsi-Jung Wu, Arturo A. Rodriguez: Vector-Quantization-Based Video Codec for Software-Only Playback on Personal Computers. Multimedia Syst. 2(5): 191-203 (1994)
2 Eric Chan, Arturo A. Rodriguez, R. Gandhi, Sethuraman Panchanathan: Experiments on Block-Matching Techniques for Video Coding. Multimedia Syst. 2(5): 228-241 (1994)
1EEArturo A. Rodriguez, Owen Robert Mitchell: Image segmentation by successive background extraction. Pattern Recognition 24(5): 409-420 (1991)

Coauthor Index

1Eric Chan [2]
2Martin Fisher [5]
3Borko Furht [6]
4R. Gandhi [2]
5Deven Kalra [6]
6Frederick L. Kitson [6]
7Brian Markey [5]
8Owen Robert Mitchell [1]
9Ken Morse [4]
10James O. Normile [3]
11Sethuraman Panchanathan [2]
12Lawrence A. Rowe [7]
13William E. Wall [6]
14K. S. Wang [3]
15Hsi-Jung Wu [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)