
Pierre N. Robillard

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42EESimon Hardy, Pierre N. Robillard: Petri net-based method for the analysis of the dynamics of signal propagation in signaling pathways. Bioinformatics 24(2): 209-217 (2008)
41EESébastien Cherry, Pierre N. Robillard: The social side of software engineering - A real ad hoc collaboration network. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 66(7): 495-505 (2008)
40EESimon Hardy, Pierre N. Robillard: Visualization of the simulation data of biochemical network models: a painted Petri net approach. SCSC 2007: 802-808
39 Olivier Gendreau, Pierre N. Robillard: Knowledge Conversion in Software Development. SEKE 2007: 392-395
38EEPierre N. Robillard, Patrick d'Astous, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser: Measuring Cognitive Activities in Software Engineering CoRR abs/cs/0702001: (2007)
37EETamer Rafla, Pierre N. Robillard, Michel Desmarais: A method to elicit architecturally sensitive usability requirements: its integration into a software development process. Software Quality Journal 15(2): 117-133 (2007)
36 Mihaela Dulipovici, Pierre N. Robillard: Vector-based method for measuring and comparing software requirements implementation. ACST 2006: 292-297
35EEPatrick d'Astous, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser, Pierre N. Robillard: Changing our view on design evaluation meetings methodology: a study of software technical review meetings CoRR abs/cs/0611153: (2006)
34EEPatrick d'Astous, Pierre N. Robillard, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser: Quantitative Measurements of the Influence of Participant Roles during Peer Review Meetings CoRR abs/cs/0612005: (2006)
33EELuigi Lepanto, Guy Paré, David Aubry, Pierre N. Robillard, Jacques Lesage: Impact of PACS on Dictation Turnaround Time and Productivity. J. Digital Imaging 19(1): 92-97 (2006)
32EETamer Rafla, Pierre N. Robillard, Michel Desmarais: Investigating the impact of usability on software architecture through scenarios: A case study on Web systems. Journal of Systems and Software 79(3): 415-426 (2006)
31EEPierre N. Robillard: Opportunistic Problem Solving in Software Engineering. IEEE Software 22(6): 60-67 (2005)
30EEÉric Germain, Pierre N. Robillard: Engineering-based processes and agile methodologies for software development: a comparative case study. Journal of Systems and Software 75(1-2): 17-27 (2005)
29 Sébastien Cherry, Pierre N. Robillard: Empirical Study of Ad Hoc Collaborative Activities in Software Engineering. Computer Supported Acitivity Coordination 2004: 116-125
28 Tamer Rafla, Rafiou Oketokoun, Artur Wiklik, Michel Desmarais, Pierre N. Robillard: Accommodating usability driven changes in existing software architecture. IASTED Conf. on Software Engineering and Applications 2004: 150-154
27 Mihaela Dulipovici, Pierre N. Robillard: L'influence du processus sur la qualité du produit. Ingénierie des Systèmes d'Information 9(5-6): 103-116 (2004)
26EESimon Hardy, Pierre N. Robillard: Modeling and Simulation of Molecular Biology Systems Using Petri Nets: Modeling Goals of Various Approaches. J. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology 2(4): 619-638 (2004)
25EEÉric Germain, Pierre N. Robillard: What Cognitive Activities Are Performed in Student Projects? CSEE&T 2003: 224-
24 Patrick d'Astous, Pierre N. Robillard: Empirical study of exchange patterns during software peer review meetings. Information & Software Technology 44(11): 639-648 (2002)
23EEPierre N. Robillard, Philippe Kruchten, Patrick d'Astous: YOOPEEDOO (UPEDU): A Process for Teaching Software Process. CSEE&T 2001: 18-26
22EEAnn E. Kelley Sobel, Donald J. Bagert, David A. Carrington, Yoshihiro Matsumoto, Pierre N. Robillard, J. Barrie Thompson: SWEBOK as an International Foundation for Software Engineering Program Accreditation (Panel). CSEE&T 2001: 293
21 Patrick d'Astous, Pierre N. Robillard, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser: Quantitative Measurements of the Influence of Participant Roles during Peer Review Meetings. Empirical Software Engineering 6(2): 143-159 (2001)
20EEPatrick d'Astous, Pierre N. Robillard: Characterizing implicit information during peer review meetings. ICSE 2000: 460-466
19EEPierre N. Robillard, Martin P. Robillard: Types of collaborative work in software engineering. Journal of Systems and Software 53(3): 219-224 (2000)
18EEPierre N. Robillard: The Role of Knowledge in Software Development. Commun. ACM 42(1): 87-92 (1999)
17EEPierre N. Robillard, Patrick d'Astous, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser: An empirical method based on protocol analysis to analyze technical review meetings. CASCON 1998: 20
16 Pierre N. Robillard, Patrick d'Astous, Françoise Détienne, Willemien Visser: Measuring Cognitive Activities in Software Engineering. ICSE 1998: 292-300
15 Pierre N. Robillard, Martin P. Robillard: Improving Academic Software Engineering Projects: A Comparative Study of academic and Industry Projects. Ann. Software Eng. 6: 343-363 (1998)
14EEAlain Abran, Pierre N. Robillard: Function Points Analysis: An Empirical Study of Its Measurement Processes. IEEE Trans. Software Eng. 22(12): 895-910 (1996)
13 Germinal Boloix, Pierre N. Robillard: A Software System Evaluation Framework. IEEE Computer 28(12): 17-26 (1995)
12 Pierre N. Robillard, Jean Mayrand, Jean-Normand Drouin: Process Self-Assessment in an Educational Context. CSEE 1994: 211-225
11EEAlain Abran, Pierre N. Robillard: Function points: A study of their measurement processes and scale transformations. Journal of Systems and Software 25(2): 171-184 (1994)
10 Alain Abran, Pierre N. Robillard: Reliability of Function Points Productivity Model for Enhancement Projects (A Field Study). ICSM 1993: 80-87
9 Pierre N. Robillard, Mario Simoneau: Iconic Control Graph Representation. Softw., Pract. Exper. 23(2): 223-234 (1993)
8EEKacem Zeroual, Pierre N. Robillard: KBMS: A Knowledge-Based System for Modeling Software System Specifications. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 4(3): 238-252 (1992)
7 Pierre N. Robillard, Daniel Coupal, François Coallier: Profiling Software through the Use of Metrics. Softw., Pract. Exper. 21(5): 507-518 (1991)
6EEDaniel Coupal, Pierre N. Robillard: Factor analysis of source code metrics. Journal of Systems and Software 12(3): 263-269 (1990)
5EEPierre N. Robillard, Germinal Boloix: The interconnectivity metrics: A new metric showing how a program is organized. Journal of Systems and Software 10(1): 29-39 (1989)
4EEPierre N. Robillard: Automating comments. SIGPLAN Notices 24(5): 66-70 (1989)
3 P. Veronneau, Pierre N. Robillard: Proposed Test Method to Prove Software Having a Vector Space Behavior. ITC 1986: 908-912
2 Pierre N. Robillard: Schematic Pseudocode for Program Constructs and Its Computer Automation by SCHEMACODE. Commun. ACM 29(11): 1072-1089 (1986)
1EEPierre N. Robillard, Réjean Plamondon: Planning for software tool implementation: experience with Schemacode. AFIPS National Computer Conference 1982: 749-757

Coauthor Index

1Alain Abran [10] [11] [14]
2David Aubry [33]
3Donald J. Bagert [22]
4Germinal Boloix [5] [13]
5David A. Carrington [22]
6Sébastien Cherry [29] [41]
7François Coallier [7]
8Daniel Coupal [6] [7]
9Michel C. Desmarais (Michel Desmarais) [28] [32] [37]
10Françoise Détienne [16] [17] [21] [34] [35] [38]
11Jean-Normand Drouin [12]
12Mihaela Dulipovici [27] [36]
13Olivier Gendreau [39]
14Éric Germain [25] [30]
15Simon Hardy [26] [40] [42]
16Philippe Kruchten [23]
17Luigi Lepanto [33]
18Jacques Lesage [33]
19Yoshihiro Matsumoto [22]
20Jean Mayrand [12]
21Rafiou Oketokoun [28]
22Guy Paré [33]
23Réjean Plamondon (Rejean Plamondon) [1]
24Tamer Rafla [28] [32] [37]
25Martin P. Robillard [15] [19]
26Mario Simoneau [9]
27Ann E. Kelley Sobel [22]
28J. Barrie Thompson [22]
29P. Veronneau [3]
30Willemien Visser [16] [17] [21] [34] [35] [38]
31Artur Wiklik [28]
32Kacem Zeroual [8]
33Patrick d'Astous [16] [17] [20] [21] [23] [24] [34] [35] [38]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)