2001 | ||
49 | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter: A Computational Model of Everything. Commun. ACM 44(11): 77-81 (2001) | |
1997 | ||
48 | David C. Sehr, Utpal Banerjee, David Gelernter, Alexandru Nicolau, David A. Padua: Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 9th International Workshop, LCPC'96, San Jose, California, USA, August 8-10, 1996, Proceedings Springer 1997 | |
47 | Robert Bjornson, Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter: From Weaving Threads to Untangling the Web: A View of Coordination from Linda's Perspective. COORDINATION 1997: 1-17 | |
46 | David Gelernter, Lenore D. Zuck: On What Linda Is: Formal Description of Linda as a Reactive System. COORDINATION 1997: 187-204 | |
45 | EE | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter, Susanne Hupfer: Collaborative Applications Experience with the Bauhaus Coordination. HICSS (1) 1997: 310-319 |
1996 | ||
44 | Chua-Huang Huang, P. Sadayappan, Utpal Banerjee, David Gelernter, Alexandru Nicolau, David A. Padua: Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 8th International Workshop, LCPC'95, Columbus, Ohio, USA, August 10-12, 1995, Proceedings Springer 1996 | |
43 | Elisabeth Freeman, David Gelernter, Suresh Jagannathan: Uniformity of Environment and Computation in MAP. VL 1996: 130-137 | |
42 | EE | Eric Freeman, David Gelernter: Lifestreams: A Storage Model for Personal Data. SIGMOD Record 25(1): 80-86 (1996) |
1995 | ||
41 | Keshav Pingali, Utpal Banerjee, David Gelernter, Alexandru Nicolau, David A. Padua: Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 7th International Workshop, LCPC'94, Ithaca, NY, USA, August 8-10, 1994, Proceedings Springer 1995 | |
40 | EE | Elisabeth Freeman, David Gelernter, Suresh Jagannathan: In Search of a Simple Visual Vocabulary. VL 1995: 302-309 |
39 | Nicholas Carriero, Eric Freeman, David Gelernter, David Kaminsky: Adaptive Parallelism and Piranha. IEEE Computer 28(1): 40-49 (1995) | |
1994 | ||
38 | Utpal Banerjee, David Gelernter, Alexandru Nicolau, David A. Padua: Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 6th International Workshop, Portland, Oregon, USA, August 12-14, 1993, Proceedings Springer 1994 | |
37 | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter, Lenore D. Zuck: Bauhaus Linda. ECOOP Workshop 1994: 66-76 | |
36 | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter, Timothy G. Mattson, Andrew H. Sherman: The Linda® Alternative to Message-Passing Systems. Parallel Computing 20(4): 633-655 (1994) | |
1993 | ||
35 | Utpal Banerjee, David Gelernter, Alexandru Nicolau, David A. Padua: Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, 5th International Workshop, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, August 3-5, 1992, Proceedings Springer 1993 | |
34 | Nicholas Carriero, Eric Freeman, David Gelernter: Adaptive Parallelism on Multiprocessors: Preliminary Experience with Piranha on the CM-5. LCPC 1993: 139-151 | |
1992 | ||
33 | Utpal Banerjee, David Gelernter, Alexandru Nicolau, David A. Padua: Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing, Fourth International Workshop, Santa Clara, California, USA, August 7-9, 1991, Proceedings Springer 1992 | |
32 | Paolo Ciancarini, David Gelernter: A Distributed Programming Environment based on Logic Tuple Spaces. FGCS 1992: 926-933 | |
31 | EE | David Gelernter, David Kaminsky: Supercomputing out of recycled garbage: preliminary experience with Piranha. ICS 1992: 417-427 |
30 | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter: Data Parallelism and Linda. LCPC 1992: 145-159 | |
29 | David Gelernter, Nicholas Carriero: Coordination Languages and Their Significance. Commun. ACM 35(2): 96-107 (1992) | |
1991 | ||
28 | Scott Fertig, David Gelernter: FGP: A Virtual Machine for Acquiring Knowledge from Cases. IJCAI 1991: 796-802 | |
27 | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter: A Foundation for Advanced Compile-time Analysis of Linda Programs. LCPC 1991: 389-404 | |
26 | Susanne Hupfer, David Kaminsky, Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter: Coordination Applications of Linda. Research Directions in High-Level Parallel Programming Languages 1991: 187-194 | |
25 | David Gelernter: Current Research on Linda. Research Directions in High-Level Parallel Programming Languages 1991: 74-76 | |
24 | Michael Factor, David Gelernter, Craig E. Kolb, Perry L. Miller, Dean F. Sittig: Real-Time Data Fusion in the Intensive Care Unit. IEEE Computer 24(11): 45-54 (1991) | |
1990 | ||
23 | Scott Fertig, David Gelernter: Experiments with Parallel Software Architectures for Information Filtering: Trellis and FGP. Dagstuhl Seminar on Parallelization in Inference Systems 1990: 364 | |
1989 | ||
22 | David Gelernter: Multiple Tuple Spaces in Linda. PARLE (2) 1989: 20-27 | |
21 | David Gelernter: Beyond Parallelism to Coordination. PPSC 1989: 413-418 | |
20 | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter: How to Write Parallel Programs: A Guide to the Perplexed. ACM Comput. Surv. 21(3): 323-357 (1989) | |
19 | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter: Linda in Context. Commun. ACM 32(4): 444-458 (1989) | |
1988 | ||
18 | Scott Fertig, David Gelernter: Musing in an Expert Database. Expert Database Conf. 1988: 605-620 | |
17 | Venkatesh Krishnaswamy, Sudhir Ahuja, Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter: The Architecture of a Linda Coprocessor. ISCA 1988: 240-249 | |
16 | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter: Applications Experience with Linda. PPOPP/PPEALS 1988: 173-187 | |
15 | Sudhir Ahuja, Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter, Venkatesh Krishnaswamy: Matching Language and Hardware for Parallel Computation in the Linda Machine. IEEE Trans. Computers 37(8): 921-929 (1988) | |
1987 | ||
14 | EE | David Gelernter, Suresh Jagannathan, Thomas London: Parallelism, persistence and meta-cleanliness in the symmetric Lisp interpreter. PLDI 1987: 274-282 |
13 | David Gelernter, Suresh Jagannathan, Thomas London: Environments as First Class Objects. POPL 1987: 98-110 | |
1986 | ||
12 | EE | Robert Bjornson, Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter, Jerry Leichter: Linda in adolescence. ACM SIGOPS European Workshop 1986 |
11 | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter, Jerrold Leichter: Distributed Data Structures in Linda. POPL 1986: 236-242 | |
10 | EE | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter: The S/Net's Linda Kernel. ACM Trans. Comput. Syst. 4(2): 110-129 (1986) |
9 | Hussein G. Badr, David Gelernter, Sunil Podar: An Adaptive Communications Protocol for Network Computers. Perform. Eval. 6(1): 35-51 (1986) | |
1985 | ||
8 | David Gelernter, Nicholas Carriero, Sarat Chandran, Silva Chang: Parallel Programming in Linda. ICPP 1985: 255-263 | |
7 | Hussein G. Badr, David Gelernter, Sunil Podar: An Adaptive Communications Protocol for Network Computers. SIGMETRICS 1985: 4-5 | |
6 | Nicholas Carriero, David Gelernter: The S/Net's Linda Kernel (extended abstract). SOSP 1985: 160 | |
5 | EE | David Gelernter: Generative Communication in Linda. ACM Trans. Program. Lang. Syst. 7(1): 80-112 (1985) |
4 | Mauricio Arango, Hussein G. Badr, David Gelernter: Staged Circuit Switching. IEEE Trans. Computers 34(2): 174-180 (1985) | |
1984 | ||
3 | David Gelernter: A Note on Systems Programming in Concurrent Prolog. SLP 1984: 76-82 | |
1982 | ||
2 | David Gelernter, Arthur J. Bernstein: Distributed Communication via Global Buffer. PODC 1982: 10-18 | |
1981 | ||
1 | David Gelernter: A DAG-Based Algorithm for Prevention of Store-and-Forward Deadlock in Packet Networks. IEEE Trans. Computers 30(10): 709-715 (1981) |