
Shankar Ramaswamy

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10EERobert Will, Shankar Ramaswamy, Thomas Schaeck: WebSphere Portal: Unified user access to content, applications, and services. IBM Systems Journal 43(2): 420-429 (2004)
9 David Chamberlain, Angel Díaz, Dan Gisolfi, Ravi B. Konuru, John M. Lucassen, Julie MacNaught, Stéphane H. Maes, Roland Merrick, David Mundel, T. V. Raman, Shankar Ramaswamy, Thomas Schaeck, Richard Thompson, Charles Wiecha: WSXL: A Web Services Language for Integrating End-User Experience. CADUI 2002: 35-50
8EEShankar Ramaswamy, Sachin S. Sapatnekar, Prithviraj Banerjee: A Framework for Exploiting Task and Data Parallelism on Distributed Memory Multicomputers. IEEE Trans. Parallel Distrib. Syst. 8(11): 1098-1116 (1997)
7EEShankar Ramaswamy, Eugene W. Hodges IV, Prithviraj Banerjee: Compiling MATLAB Programs to ScaLAPACK: Exploiting Task and Data Parallelism. IPPS 1996: 613-619
6 Shankar Ramaswamy, Barbara Simons, Prithviraj Banerjee: Optimizations for Efficient Array Redistribution on Distributed Memory Multicomputers. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 38(2): 217-228 (1996)
5EEErnesto Su, Antonio Lain, Shankar Ramaswamy, Daniel J. Palermo, Eugene W. Hodges IV, Prithviraj Banerjee: Advanced Compilation Techniques in the PARADIGM Compiler for Distributed-memory Multicomputers. International Conference on Supercomputing 1995: 424-433
4 Prithviraj Banerjee, John A. Chandy, Manish Gupta, Eugene W. Hodges IV, John G. Holm, Antonio Lain, Daniel J. Palermo, Shankar Ramaswamy, Ernesto Su: The Paradigm Compiler for Distributed-Memory Multicomputers. IEEE Computer 28(10): 37-47 (1995)
3 Shankar Ramaswamy, Prithviraj Banerjee: Simultaneous Allocation and Scheduling Using Convex Programming Techniques. Parallel Processing Letters 5: 587-598 (1995)
2 Shankar Ramaswamy, Sachin S. Sapatnekar, Prithviraj Banerjee: A Convex Programming Approach for Exploiting Data and Functional Parallelism on Distributed Memory Multicomputers. ICPP 1994: 116-125
1 Shankar Ramaswamy, Prithviraj Banerjee: Processor Allocation and Scheduling of Macro Dataflow Graphs on Distributed Memory Multicomputers by the PARADIGM Compiler. ICPP 1993: 134-138

Coauthor Index

1Prithviraj Banerjee (Prith Banerjee) [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
2David Chamberlain [9]
3John A. Chandy [4]
4Angel Díaz [9]
5Dan Gisolfi [9]
6Manish Gupta [4]
7Eugene W. Hodges IV [4] [5] [7]
8John G. Holm [4]
9Ravi B. Konuru (Ravindranath Konuru) [9]
10Antonio Lain [4] [5]
11John M. Lucassen [9]
12Julie MacNaught [9]
13Stéphane H. Maes [9]
14Roland Merrick [9]
15David Mundel [9]
16Daniel J. Palermo [4] [5]
17T. V. Raman [9]
18Sachin S. Sapatnekar [2] [8]
19Thomas Schaeck [9] [10]
20Barbara B. Simons (Barbara Simons) [6]
21Ernesto Su [4] [5]
22Richard Thompson [9]
23Charles Wiecha [9]
24Robert Will [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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