
Jerry C. Yan

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14 Warren Smith, Abdul Waheed, David Meyers, Jerry C. Yan: An Evaluation of Alternative Designs for a Grid Information Service. Cluster Computing 4(1): 29-37 (2001)
13EEWarren Smith, Abdul Waheed, David Meyers, Jerry C. Yan: An Evaluation of Alternative Designs for a Grid Information Service. HPDC 2000: 185-192
12EEAbdul Waheed, Warren Smith, Jude George, Jerry C. Yan: An Infrastructure for Monitoring and Management in Computational Grids. LCR 2000: 235-245
11 Abdul Waheed, Jerry C. Yan: Parallelization of NAS Benchmarks for Shared Memory Multiprocessore. HPCN Europe 1998: 377-386
10EEAbdul Waheed, Jerry C. Yan: Performance Modeling and Measurement of Parallelized Code for Distributed Shared Memory Multiprocessors. MASCOTS 1998: 161-166
9 Jerry C. Yan: By Hand or Not By Hand - A Case Study of Alternative Approaches. PDPTA 1997: 364-372
8 Sekhar R. Sarukkai, Jerry C. Yan: Event-Based Study of the Effect of Execution Environments on Prallel Program Performance. MASCOTS 1996: 257-261
7 Jerry C. Yan, Sekhar R. Sarukkai: Analyzing Parallel Program Performance Using Normalized Performance Indices and Trace Transformation Techniques. Parallel Computing 22(9): 1215-1237 (1996)
6 Cherri M. Pancake, Margaret L. Simmons, Jerry C. Yan: Performance Evaluation Tools for Parallel and Distributed Systems - Guest Editors' Introduction. IEEE Computer 28(11): 16-19 (1995)
5 Jerry C. Yan: Performance Tuning with AIMS - An Automated Instrumentation and Monitoring System for Multicomputers. HICSS (2) 1994: 625-633
4 Arthur Ieumwananonthachai, Akiko N. Aizawa, Steven R. Schwartz, Benjamin W. Wah, Jerry C. Yan: Intelligent Process Mapping through Systematic Improvement of Heuristics. J. Parallel Distrib. Comput. 15(2): 118-142 (1992)
3 Jerry C. Yan: New "Post-game Analysis" Heuristics for Mapping Parallel Computations to Hypercubes. ICPP (2) 1991: 236-242
2EEArthur Ieumwananonthachai, Akiko N. Aizawa, Steven R. Schwartz, Benjamin W. Wah, Jerry C. Yan: Intelligent mapping of communicating processes in distributed computing systems. SC 1991: 512-521
1EEJerry C. Yan, Stefen F. Lundstrom: The Post-Game Analysis Framework - Developing Resource Management Strategies for Concurrent Systems. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 1(3): 293-309 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Akiko N. Aizawa [2] [4]
2Jude George [12]
3Arthur Ieumwananonthachai [2] [4]
4Stefen F. Lundstrom [1]
5David Meyers [13] [14]
6Cherri M. Pancake [6]
7Sekhar R. Sarukkai [7] [8]
8Steven R. Schwartz [2] [4]
9Margaret L. Simmons [6]
10Warren Smith [12] [13] [14]
11Benjamin W. Wah [2] [4]
12Abdul Waheed [10] [11] [12] [13] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)